
It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

author:Ink Entertainment

Recently, a thrilling match was set off at the Saudi Grand Slam, which attracted the attention of table tennis fans around the world.

Tomokazu Haramoto, the leader of the Japanese men's table tennis team, took center stage in his showdown with France's Felix Lebrun, however, the result was unexpected, with Tomokazu Haramoto losing 0-3.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

Such an ending is shocking, especially considering the consistently high level of performance of Tomokazu Zhangmoto.

However, what is even more surprising is that Tomokazu Zhang did not put on an attitude of admitting defeat like ordinary athletes.

Instead, he chose to complain in Chinese about his poor state in the game, and even mocked China's 100-year-old mountain mineral water, saying that it is not as natural as Japan's Mount Fuji water.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

Such remarks have drawn the ire of Chinese fans, who have lashed out at Mr. Zhang.

However, leaving aside Tomokazu Haramoto's remarks, we have to admit that the Japanese player's excuses in the face of defeat are indeed varied.

Some people say that "failure is the mother of success", but Tomokazu Zhang seems to prefer to choose to complain about the external environment and all kinds of injustices.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

As a good athlete, you should have the courage to face failure, look for problems and keep improving, instead of using various excuses to cover up your shortcomings.

The competition on the sports field is not only a contest of skills, but also a duel of mentality.

Although his remarks have sparked controversy, they are also a reminder that athletes need to be more resilient and pragmatic in the face of defeat.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

Success is not all smooth sailing, setbacks and failures are part of the road to growth, only the courage to face up, and learn from the lessons, in order to continue to improve, become a better version of yourself.

Provoking the Chinese team: forgetting the roots or losing their minds?

The words and deeds of Zhang Benzhi and his family are not only shocking, but also arouse strong public indignation.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

Although they have lived in Japan for many years, they have frequently shown cynicism towards China, and even openly stated that they want to defeat the Chinese table tennis team, which is unacceptable.

It makes one wonder if they have forgotten their roots, or if something is wrong with their brains.

The Chinese table tennis team represents the honor and strength of Chinese sports, and they have achieved today's achievements after long-term hard training and tenacious struggle.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

However, Zhang Ben's family chose to confront the Chinese team, and with an insulting attitude.

Such provocative behavior not only violates the spirit of sportsmanship, but also hurts the feelings of the Chinese people.

The achievements of the Chinese table tennis team are not only the personal brilliance of the athletes, but also an important part of China's sports industry.

Their victory is not only an affirmation of technology and ability, but also the inheritance and development of Chinese culture.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

However, the words and deeds of the Zhang family saw all this as a challenge, trying to treat the Chinese team with an arrogant and disrespectful attitude.

Faced with such a situation, Chinese fans are naturally indignant.

They are not only fighting for the glory of the Chinese table tennis team, but also for the dignity of China.

The words and deeds of Zhang Ben's family are not only a provocation to the Chinese team, but also an insult to the Chinese people.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

Their behavior is not just a form of ignorance and arrogance, but a trampling on sportsmanship and international friendship.

In the field of sport, respect and friendship are the most basic principles.

Respect for opponents and other countries should be maintained, both on the playing field and in speech.

Only in this way can we truly realize the significance of sports and promote international exchanges and cooperation.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

I hope that Zhang Ben's family can recognize their mistakes, correct their attitude, and re-examine the true meaning of sportsmanship.

National table tennis wins the victory: strength crushes everything

At the Saudi Grand Slam, the feat of the Chinese table tennis team was remarkable.

With their outstanding performance and tenacious fighting spirit, they demonstrated the strength and team cohesion of the Chinese table tennis team.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

From women's doubles to men's singles, whether it is a team event or an individual event, the Chinese players have shown unparalleled strength and technical level to win the competition.

In particular, the main players of the Chinese team, Chen Meng, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha and others, their performance in the game was particularly eye-catching.

With his steady play and excellent technique, Chen Meng defeated his opponents in a row and showed a first-class level of competition.

Wang Chuqin, with his flexible playing style and excellent psychological quality, has become a scoring weapon for the Chinese team.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

Sun Yingsha showed the vitality and vigor of the young players, fighting bravely in the competition and winning valuable points for the Chinese team.

The victory of the Chinese table tennis team is not only a victory of technology, but also a victory of the team.

In the competition, they cooperate with each other, work closely together, and fight together for the honor of the team.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

They have shown a team spirit of solidarity and support, both in competition and in training, which is the key to their success.

The success of the Chinese table tennis team is not only a recognition of technology and strength, but also an affirmation of China's table tennis career.

Their victory is not only a victory in the competition, but also a new starting point for China's table tennis career.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

It is hoped that the Chinese table tennis team can continue to maintain a good state, make greater contributions to the development of China's table tennis industry, and fight for the glory of the country.

Conclusion: Reject excuses and pursue excellence

In general, the culture of excuses and provocative behavior on the playing field is not only not conducive to the growth of individual athletes, but also a betrayal of sportsmanship.

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

We emphasise that athletes should face challenges and actively seek improvement, rather than evading responsibilities or provoking their opponents.

Finally, let us applaud the brilliant achievements of the Chinese table tennis team! Their success is not only an individual effort, but also a model of teamwork and solidarity.

At the same time, we also look forward to all athletes on the road of pursuing excellence, continue to move forward, and create more brilliant results for themselves and the country!

It's a big deal! Tomokazu Zhangmoto: 100-year-old mountain, not natural, not lacking! Far worse than Mt. Fuji!

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