
was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

author:Tech Fox

The "old driver" coconut tree in the beverage industry was fined another 400,000.

Unexpectedly, the brand stood up and said stiffly: I am not convinced.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

This time, he was fined for violating the advertising law, using state agency personnel for marketing, and there were vulgar advertising slogans such as "coconut milk" and "South Pacific beauties rarely have airports".

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

However, the Coconut Tree Group responded that this is obviously popular science education, not a commercial advertisement. And emphasized that it is reprinted on its own official website, where is it illegal?

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

In fact, this is not the first time that Coconut Tree has been fined.

In 1999, Coconut Tree went to CCTV to advertise, and became famous with a coolly dressed beauty, coupled with the straightforward advertising slogan of "one cup a day, white and tender".

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Since then, the coconut tree seems to have opened the door to a new world, and it has gone further and further on the road of "local customs".

Every once in a while, he was fined for his advertising slogan being too explicit, and the familiar phrase "I drank from childhood to adulthood" was fined 200,000 yuan.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

These are still relatively conservative, and the coconut tree advertising slogan can always rub new heights.

I still remember that in 2009, there were a lot of words on the bus in Haikou that made people blush.

What "I'm afraid of it, drink coconut tree brand pomegranate juice", "My wife likes her husband to drink coconut tree brand pomegranate juice", "Papaya is full and I am plump" and so on.

The relevant industrial and commercial departments were quick to act and decisively fined 1,000 coconut trees.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

However, Coconut Tree did not give up, and later launched the "breast mold bottle" packaging that shocked the industry, which once caused huge controversy and was withdrawn shortly after its listing.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Even the recruitment advertisement is not shocking, and it is directly written that "when you go to school, you will have a car, a house, a high salary, and a beautiful woman and a handsome guy to chase", and in the end, it was impossible to escape the end of being fined 400,000 yuan.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Although he has been punished again and again, the Coconut Tree Group has repeatedly taught and has an inexplicable obsession with "local aesthetics".

The packaging has not changed for decades, and it is said that it was still designed by the boss himself, which is known as the "mudslide" in the design world.

At first glance, I thought it was a bad little advertisement, but it was a unique style, and more and more people imitated it.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

In the previous 2G era, they only wiped the edges of words and edged pictures.

After the advent of the 5G era, the stage of coconut trees has become bigger, and they have begun to engage in live broadcasting.

The live broadcast room focuses on a man and woman "equality", no difference and vulgarity. The female anchors are all convex and backward, and the male anchors generously show off the muscle lines of their arms, and the femininity and masculinity come to their faces.

In short, both men and women who appear in the live broadcast room must wear tights and shorts, which are as "authentic" as coconut trees.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Moreover, the division of labor between men and women in the live broadcast room is clear, the blue avatar on the white background is rubbing the girl is rubbing, and the yellow avatar on the blue background below is the boy rubbing.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Other live broadcast rooms are often very obscure, but the coconut tree live broadcast room often makes people red-faced, and the ban is commonplace.

I don't know how much money to give, so the models are willing to work so hard!

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Although the controversy is big, it is inevitable that it will be sprayed with the "old fritters" in the advertising industry, but the style of the coconut tree has always remained the same.

Fortunately, it stepped on the wind of public opinion and actually exploded on Douyin in 2022.

Over the years, people have been suffering from "white, young and thin" for a long time. And the anchors of the coconut tree are all sunny and cheerful, there is no particularly thin, the figure is just right, and there is a very healthy beauty.

Therefore, it is deeply loved by young people, attracting 350,000 fans in 10 days at its peak, and often appearing on Weibo hot searches.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

What's even more surprising is that the live broadcast room is very popular, but the focus is not on bringing goods.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers and less than 1,000 yuan in sales. The live broadcast room did not put the main product coconut palm coconut water, nor did it sell it like other anchors, shouting "Count down to 123, link up".

was ridiculed by netizens, simply to promote the outfits of the 80s, and appreciate the elegance and vulgarity.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

The role of the coconut tree live broadcast room is more to promote products, attract the attention of young people, and then go to offline dealers to buy.

For more than 30 years, coconut trees have been able to get to where they are today, thanks to dealers all over the country. If the layout of live broadcast with goods, it will undoubtedly squeeze the living space of dealers. And if you want to sell well online, you have to carry out profit promotions, plus transportation costs, it is better to continue to follow the old path.

Online publicity, offline dealers to cooperate, a win-win situation, everyone is happy.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Facts have proved that this move of Coconut Tree is right, and the sales volume will not deceive.

In 2023, the Coconut Palm Group sold 700,000 tons, with sales reaching more than 5 billion, a year-on-year increase of three percentage points.

In the past ten years, the annual sales of coconut palm have been stuck at around 4 billion, which is a milestone breakthrough, and the tax payment alone is 680 million.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Therefore, now the 400,000 yuan fined should be used as advertising, and I believe that Coconut Tree will not give up "local customs" marketing.

As soon as the front foot was punished, the back foot immediately invited a hotter young lady to continue to rub hard in the live broadcast room.

And users are also quite tolerant of coconut trees, and there are not many people who are disgusted, but there are more and more people who love to see them. Many people think that coconut tree only spent 400,000 yuan to make an advertisement for "network-wide notification", which is much more cost-effective than buying hot searches.

was fined 400,000 yuan for rubbing the edge, and the coconut tree expressed dissatisfaction!

Sure enough, corporate culture is like rubbing the edges, it may be just a momentary impulse at the beginning, but it has become a style to stick to it for a long time.

To be honest, according to the coconut tree rubbing method, if it didn't taste good, it would have gone out of business eight hundred times.

Therefore, Fox Sister does not recommend that other brands blindly learn, it is easy to overturn.

Relying on "rubbing edges" can indeed attract attention in a short time, but if you want to go long-term, you have to have excellent products.


Zinc Finance, Phoenix Finance, Xinxiang, Internet Brand Officer

Editor: Cha Cha