
In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

author:Gu Ling

(The content of this article is based on the collation of data, and there are cited sources at the end of the article.) )

In 1994, 97-year-old Soong Meiling arrived at Taiwan Airport from the United States, causing quite a stir in China. As Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Meiling rarely returned to Taiwan after the death of Chiang Kai-shek and her son Chiang Ching-kuo, and it can be said that she has almost no relatives in China.

But Song Meiling flew back to China from the distant United States despite her old age, why is this?

According to the media, Song Meiling's sudden return to China this time is most likely related to her favorite niece, Kong Lingwei.

In 1994, Kong Lingwei was diagnosed with rectal cancer and sent his thoughts to Song Meiling on his deathbed.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Kong Lingwei's pampered life

Kong Lingwei was born in 1919, formerly known as Kong Lingjun, commonly known as the second Miss Kong of the Kong family, because of her outstanding personality, she is the most famous of the children of the Kong family.

Kong Lingwei is the second daughter of Song Qingling's sister Song Ailing, and she has been petite since she was a child.

In the early 20th century, girls in most Chinese families were cultivated as ladies, and virtuous and introverted were still the main fashion of society at that time for women. In particular, some famous people are very serious about cultivating their daughters' temperament and taste, and compare with each other.

However, Kong Lingwei is a different existence, not only does she not have the restrained and quiet of everyone's ladies, she does not conform to the image of a lady at all, but also is very arrogant, and she is a tomboy.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

But in the context of the times at that time, in the face of Kong Lingwei, a famous family who was born with the back of the Kong family, the Jiang family, and the Song family, no one dared to have any opinion on her, so Kong Lingwei's life can be said to be smooth sailing, with countless honors.

If you want to say that Kong Lingwei's personality was a little willful when she was a child, then when she grows up, she will be arrogant and domineering. Murder and arson, fights, smuggling arms, there are almost no things she would not dare to do.

Kong Lingwei's family is in the arms business, so when Kong Lingwei was young, her childhood was different from that of ordinary girls. Other people's girls play with Barbie dolls and wear beautiful dresses and princess shoes, but she dances with knives and guns, and wears men's clothes.

If Kong Lingwei is just a game, then she has a natural talent in military affairs.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Perhaps influenced by her parents' genetics, she showed an unusual interest in arms and was a very good learner. It is rumored that Kong Lingwei was very good at shooting skills when he was 10 years old, and it can be said that he is a very superb skill in the Kong family.

At the age of 14, he had already begun to learn to ride and drive a horse, and at that time his peers were still playing with mud, playing house, and fiddling with pebbles.

Kong Lingwei's aunt is Chiang Kai-shek's wife Song Meiling, and among Kong Lingwei's many relatives, in addition to her parents, Song Meiling is the elder who loves her the most.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Not only did she show great support for her hobby ideas when she was young, but she also gave her boys' clothes. It is rumored that Kong Lingwei once had scabies on his head when he was young, and Kong Lingwei's mother had a headache and didn't know what to do.

At this time, it was her aunt Song Meiling who took the lead in proposing to cut Kong Lingwei's hair into a boy's short haircut, and Song Meiling also said that Kong Lingwei has always liked boys' dresses, and we should also respect her.

Because of this, the relationship between Kong Lingwei and Song Meiling has always been very close, and Song Meiling also likes Kong Lingwei very much, and the two regard them as confidants.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Two. From Song Meiling's preference

In fact, there is another rumor why Song Meiling prefers Kong Lingwei.

Someone once saw that Song Meiling loved Kong Lingwei very much, and there were even reports that Kong Lingwei was actually Song Meiling's illegitimate son, but in the end, this statement was not confirmed, and it was over.

One more popular version is that Kong Lingwei once saved Song Meiling's life, and she is very smart and clever, and Song Meiling thinks she is a seedling who can take on a big job.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

It is rumored that at the time of the Battle of Songhu, Song Meiling followed Chiang Kai-shek to the battlefield to comfort the soldiers, and a total of five vehicles escorted them forward. Song Meiling brought her favorite little niece Kong Lingwei.

In Song Meiling's consistent travel habits, she likes to sit in the second car. But that day, Kong Lingwei got the grapevine in advance that there might be an ambush by Japanese troops on the road that day, so she forcibly pulled her aunt to the fifth car.

Sure enough, on the way to the Battle of Songhu, the Japanese army assembled in an ambush nearby, bombed the entire convoy with bombs, especially the second car was almost destroyed and killed, and no one survived.

At that time, Song Meiling was sitting in the fifth car and was terrified, holding Kong Lingwei's hand tightly. Since then, the two have become even closer.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Although Kong Lingwei and Song Meiling have such a good relationship, in fact, her reputation is very complicated in history, and even most of the reviews are negative.

In fact, this has a lot to do with Kong Lingwei's character, she despises the police, the law, and the public system, is pampered and arrogant, and is too willful.

This is not unfounded, it is rumored that Kong Lingwei once drove her car in Nanjing for speeding, and the police on duty at that time routinely stopped her for criticism and education.

But Kong Lingwei not only did not admit his mistake, but also became angry, and in a fit of anger, he directly took out a gun and shot the policeman.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

There is more than one such thing, and it is not a coincidence.

Kong Lingwei was also driving her car on the road, because she violated the traffic regulations at the time, the soldiers intercepted her car and wanted to conduct a routine inspection, but she was unwilling to stop, and directly accelerated and hit the soldiers.

In fact, it was not only the police and soldiers who were brutally murdered by her, but also her classmates who avoided her.

Even the principal didn't dare to be too harsh on her, because of her family's huge power, Kong Lingwei could almost do anything wrong, but he didn't have to pay any price.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Not only that, but she also has several German wolf dogs, and takes them out every day, never leaving her gun, and loves to dress up as a man.

Whenever she led her wolfdog out into the street, passers-by were afraid to avoid it, for fear of being harmed. There are even rumors among the people that when people don't get too proud, they will say: "Don't be complacent, be careful to turn around and go out and meet Kong Lingwei." ”

Kong Lingwei usually wears men's clothes when he goes out.

Once with friends in Chongqing's Central Park, she changed into a lilac dress. Due to her long-term exercise, her body was well-proportioned and her skin was also very healthy, so she quickly attracted the attention of the son at that time.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Faced with the teasing of Long Cheng and his friend, Kong Lingwei, who has always been pampered, couldn't bear it anymore and directly took out her pistol.

But Kong Lingwei didn't shoot at Long Rope Obviously, she also saw from Long Rope's words and deeds that her identity was not ordinary. The two were unwilling to let anyone on the Chongqing Park, Kong Lingwei shot and injured many passers-by, but not a single shot hit Long Rope's body.

This incident has caused a great sensation, and Kong Lingwei has been reprimanded and educated in China, insulting him for bullying the weak and fearing the hard, and having no education at all.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Undoubtedly, although Kong Lingwei's background is very superior, her parents' education of her is undoubtedly a failure.

When I was studying, I teased my classmates and didn't follow discipline When I grew up, I danced with a gun and a stick, and the gun never left my body. Even when Kong Lingwei was in love, she behaved very domineeringly.

It is rumored that Kong Lingwei once liked a man. Under her fierce pursuit, the boy reluctantly agreed to accompany her to dinner, but at the dinner, the boy did not speak all night.

Everyone is rumored that the boy neither dares to refuse her, nor is he willing to contact her, and is obviously very disgusted with her.

Kong Lingwei's self-esteem was hit by the first blow in his life, and he never wanted to contact him again.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Three. Diagnosed with rectal cancer

In an accident, Kong Lingwei met her first husband in her life, Fan Shaozeng.

As the saying goes, "the wicked have their own wicked demons", and Kong Lingwei confirmed this sentence.

After marrying Fan Shaozeng, I found out that Fan Shaozeng is a famous playboy, and there are many wives and concubines behind him.

Kong Lingwei, who has always been pampered, could not accept serving a husband with others, and Song Meiling, who had a cordial relationship with Kong Lingwei, married Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek also left all his wives and concubines, leaving Song Meiling alone to express his affection.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Therefore, Kong Lingwei also asked Fan Shaozeng to cut off relations with all his wives and concubines.

But Fan Shaozeng, unlike many of the submissive people she had come into contact with in the past, immediately rejected Kong Lingwei's request and said that he was not afraid of Kong Lingwei's power, and reprimanded Kong Lingwei for being selfish and hypocritical.

At that time, Kong Lingwei had just entered marriage and was still in a very simple girlhood.

The disgust of her lover took a great toll on her. Since then, Kong Lingwei's mood has changed greatly, and she has begun to regard herself more and more as a man, not only to wear men's clothes, but also to accept many wives and concubines like men, and even snatched Fan Shaozeng's seventh aunt over.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

In August 1992, Kong Lingwei was diagnosed with rectal cancer in the United States and chose to return to China for treatment. Here she has returned to her previous arrogance and arrogance, and she is arrogant to the nurses. But who would get used to her as a declining aristocracy, so many nurses resigned.

After helping her remove the cancer cells, the doctor also recommended that she go for chemotherapy, but she was rejected by the stubborn Kong Lingwei, but everyone knows her character, and no one dares to say anything about it.

Soon after the operation, he returned to the United States to celebrate Song Meiling's birthday, but her condition deteriorated, causing the cancer cells to spread to both lungs.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

Eventually, the cancer cells in her body began to spread wildly, from the kidneys to the urinary system and then to the lymph glands, and doctors were powerless.

On November 10, 1994, Kong Lingwei died in Taiwan. When she was dying, 97-year-old Song Meiling also flew back from the United States to visit Kong Lingwei.

On November 16, Kong Lingwei's funeral was held in the United States. As the pastor read the prayer in a deep voice, Song Meiling still didn't control her emotions, hiding her face and crying, her thin shoulders couldn't help but tremble.

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

In fact, Kong Lingwei's old age is still very comfortable. Before her death, she also secretly transferred five assets, according to the data that can be queried by the official, a total of 120 million Taiwan dollars.

Not only that, but not counting other properties and properties in her name. It is understood that the inheritance tax paid by Kong Lingwei Guang is known to the world is full of 170 million Taiwan dollars.

Song Meiling handed over almost all the property management rights of the Jiang family to Kong Lingwei, so she had a lot of income, coupled with her habit of extravagance and high-profile, her life was unimaginably expensive.

After Kong Lingwei's death, her huge inheritance was picked up, which attracted tens of thousands of people's revival. I don't know how much of this came from ordinary people, and it is unknown how many assets she secretly transferred overseas.


1, "Du Yuesheng and Jiang Kong's Friendship - Du Weishan's Oral History No. 6" Du Weishan; Dong Cunfa 2017-11-10

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

2, "The Witch of the Mixed World "Miss Kong Er"" Wang Zhongtian 2010-03-01

In 94, Kong Lingwei died of cancer, and stole 120 million assets before his death, and Song Meiling hid her face and cried bitterly at the funeral

3. Lu Jing, "I Will Rise Again: The Second Half of Song Meiling's Life", Oriental Publishing House, 2018.10, p. 323