
How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

author:Jumping Fish Technology

How do I delete pages from a PDF? In our daily work, PDF files are a common document format, but sometimes we may encounter the situation that there are redundant pages in the PDF, these extra pages may bring a series of problems, so it is necessary to delete them in time, first of all, the redundant pages will disrupt the reading experience, whether you read them yourself or share them with others, it will reduce the readability and attractiveness of the PDF, in addition, if these pages contain sensitive information, if they are not deleted, it may bring potential risks and losses to the company or individual.

Therefore, when we find that there are extra pages in the PDF, it is highly recommended to delete them, which can not only improve the cleanliness and readability of the document, but also avoid unnecessary information leakage and misleading, in addition, deleting the extra pages can also effectively reduce the size of the PDF file, making it easier to store and transfer, which is especially important for the environment with slow network transmission speed or limited storage space, in summary, deleting the redundant pages in the PDF in time is an important step to maintain the quality of the document and protect the security of the information. At the same time, it is also an improvement in reading experience and work efficiency. So how exactly do you delete pages in a PDF? The following four methods can definitely help you, come and take a look!

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Method 1: Use "Yousu PDF Factory" to delete the pages in the PDF


Step 1: In this method, we will definitely use the "Yousu PDF Factory" software, if you want to use this method, please download the software first, open the software after the download is completed, and then select the [PDF File Operation] option on the main interface of the software.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 2: After clicking on the option, we will come to another interface, click on the [PDF Delete Page] function on the left side of this interface.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 3: After that, click the [Add File] button in the middle of the interface or in the upper left corner, so that you can come to the file selection interface, where you can select the PDF file and import it into the software.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 4: After the PDF file is imported, click the [Delete Page Number] button, and then select the page you want to delete in the interface that opens.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 5: After selecting the page you want to delete, click the [Start Conversion] button in the upper right corner of the software, so that you can start the page removal process of the software.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 6: When the software completes the page deletion operation, it will directly open its output directory, and you can find the PDF file after the deleted page in the open directory, here Xiaobian will open the file to check it, so that you can clearly see that the unwanted pages have been successfully deleted.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Method 2: Use the PDF Finder processor to delete the pages in the PDF

Step 1: The operation of this method is similar to the first method, so please download the PDF processor first, open the processor after the download is completed, and then select the PDF delete page function on the left side of the processor interface.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 2: Then click on the Add File button in the upper left corner of the processor, so that you can import the PDF file of the page you want to delete into the software.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 3: After the PDF file is successfully imported, please place your mouse on the page you want to delete, then you can see the delete button, click this button to delete the unwanted page.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 4: After deleting all the unwanted pages, click the Start Delete button in the lower right corner, so that the processor will start exporting the PDF file after the deleted page, so that the method is all done, and the PDF file after the deleted page will be directly saved on our computer desktop.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Method 3: Use YIXF online PDF processing tool to delete pages in the PDF

Step 1: If you have never used this online tool, please search for the name of the tool to find the website of the tool, and then click on the website to come to the main interface of the tool, where you can find and click on the delete PDF page function.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 2: After clicking on the function, the tool will jump to the page, and there will be a select file button in the middle of the new page, click this button to select and upload the PDF file to the tool.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 3: After the PDF file is uploaded successfully, you can see that there is a trash can button at the top of each page, click this button to delete the unwanted pages.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 4: Once all the pages are deleted, click the Done button on the top right corner of the tool, and the tool will start exporting the PDF file after the deleted pages.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

Step 5: After the tool successfully exports the PDF file, it will show that it is completed on the right side of the page, and there will be a download button below it, click this button to download the PDF file after the deleted page to your device.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

方法四:使用Master PDF Editor软件删减PDF里面的页

Step 1: Open the PDF file: First, open the Master PDF Editor software and select "File" > "Open" in the menu to load the PDF file you want to edit.

Step 2: Select the page you want to delete: Once you have opened the PDF file, navigate to the page you want to delete. You can use page thumbnails or scroll your browser to locate the page.

Step 3: Select Delete Action: In the toolbar of Master PDF Editor, find and click on the "Delete Page" tool. Usually the tool icon will have a trash can or delete symbol on it.

Step 4: Confirm Delete: When you click on the delete tool, the program will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the page. Make sure that the page you want to delete is correct, and click OK or OK.

Step 5: Save Modifications: Once you have deleted the page, you need to save the modifications. Select File > Save or File >Save As from the menu to save your edits.

Step 6: Close the Software: When you are done editing and saving the modifications, you can close the Master PDF Editor software.

How do I delete pages from a PDF? Here are four ways to delete PDF pages!

When deleting pages from a PDF file, you need to be aware of some potential risks, firstly, deleting pages may lead to data loss, whether it is due to careless operation or accidents that occur during the conversion process, therefore, before deleting the operation, it is important to make sure that the original PDF file is saved in advance to avoid unnecessary losses, secondly, when deleting pages, you need to consider the coherence of the page context, if deleting the page at will may cause the context to break, the reader may feel confused or lose understanding of the content, in addition, If the page number is set in advance, the page number needs to be adjusted accordingly after deleting the page to maintain the overall structure and reading experience of the document, in summary, deleting PDF pages can not only bring benefits, but also bring some bad points, you must pay attention to the above matters before operating, to prevent problems with deleting pages, here is today's article "How to delete pages in PDF?" That's it, thank you for your support and reading!