
Find the right target audience, these 8 questions will help you avoid detours!

author:Everybody is a product manager
We all know that when writing copy, you first know your target users and what their pain points are. But how to find this target user and how to make the copy more targeted? In this article, the author gives us the answer.
Find the right target audience, these 8 questions will help you avoid detours!

Hey! Guys! I'm going to talk to you about copywriting today, because for us content creators, the importance of copywriting is self-evident.

In our daily operations, whether it is a WeChat public account or a platform such as Zhihu, many people often encounter some problems when writing copywriting, and they need to face such a problem: for example, they don't know who their target audience is, they don't know how to accurately locate the crowd, and they don't know how to make their copywriting more targeted?

These questions are very common, but don't worry, today I will give you some tips and share with you how to use 8 questions to find your target audience and make your short video copywriting more targeted!


First of all, we need to be clear that precise positioning is very important for copywriting. Because our copywriters must be able to accurately attract our target audience in order to achieve conversion and marketing purposes.

So, how can you accurately locate it? It's actually very simple, we only need to ask ourselves 8 questions.

First question: Who is my target audience?

Find the right target audience, these 8 questions will help you avoid detours!

The key to this question is to know who our audience is, what their age, gender, occupation, hobbies, and so on are like.

Second question: What are their pain points?

Find the right target audience, these 8 questions will help you avoid detours!

We need to know that the audience is never concerned about how good our products are, but what problems our products can solve for them. Therefore, pain point analysis is very important, we need to know what the audience's pain points are, and then write copy for these pain points.

The third question: What value can my product or service bring to them?

Find the right target audience, these 8 questions will help you avoid detours!

Our product or service is just one of many solutions in the minds of our audience. Therefore, we need to tell them why our product or service is the best choice and why it is worth their purchase.

Fourth question: What is their motivation for purchasing?

We need to know that our audience often buys our products or services not out of rational thinking, but out of emotional motivation. Therefore, we need to understand what the emotional motivations of the audience are, and then write copy for those emotional motivations.

Question 5: What is my unique selling point?

In a competitive market, we need to tell our audience what differentiates our product or service from other competitors and what our unique selling point is. Otherwise, the audience often won't choose us.

Question 6: What is our brand image?

Brand image is one of the most important ways for our audience to know us. We need to think about what our brand identity is and what kind of impression we can leave in the minds of our audience.

Question 7: What are our marketing channels?

Find the right target audience, these 8 questions will help you avoid detours!

Different marketing channels can also affect our copywriting style and content. We need to adjust our copywriting strategy according to different marketing channels, so that our copywriting is more suitable for the characteristics of the channel.

Question 8: What is our sales conversion path?

This is a question that is often overlooked by many people, but it is very important. We need to know where our audience can buy our products or services, and where they can convert sales.


Take a WeChat public account for newcomers in the workplace as an example, their target audience is usually college students or young people who have just entered the workplace, what are the characteristics of this group of people?

First, they have a certain amount of knowledge and learning ability, but relatively little experience; Second, they are more concerned about career planning and development, but may lack a clear understanding and direction.

For this group of people, we can use the following methods to write targeted copy:

The first way is to adopt a "dry share" style of writing. This style of writing can provide readers with some practical skills and methods to help them better adapt to the workplace environment.

For example, we can write an article on how to write a resume and interview skills, so that readers can quickly improve their job search skills after reading the article.

The second way is to write in an "emotionally resonant" way. This style of writing can resonate with the reader and give them a sense of empathy and identification with the article.

For example, you can write an article about the various pressures and difficulties faced by newcomers in the workplace, so that readers can feel that they are not fighting alone after reading the article, so as to enhance their sense of belonging and self-confidence.

The third way is to adopt a "guided" style of writing. This style of writing can lead readers to think about problems and propose solutions, helping them better plan their careers.

For example, we can write an article on how to carry out career planning and development, so that readers can have a clear understanding and direction of their future career development after reading the article.


All of the above methods can help us write targeted copy for different target audiences. Of course, we also need to pay attention to some details and skills in practice.

For example, we need to understand the language habits and cultural background of the target audience, so that we can adopt appropriate language styles and expressions; We need to choose the right topics and content according to the interests and needs of the target audience; We need to add some personalized or vivid cases or storylines to the copy, so as to enhance the readability and attractiveness of the article.

The above is the topic we want to share today, I hope you can seriously think about these 8 questions and apply them to your own copywriting. Only in this way can we stand out in the fierce market competition and achieve the purpose of conversion and marketing.

In closing, I would like to say that marketing is not a 100-meter sprint, but a marathon.

We need to have patience and perseverance, and keep trying and exploring different strategies and means to be able to go further and further on the road of marketing.

Well, that's all for today.

This article is written by Everyone is a Product Manager Author [Liu Erha], WeChat public account: [Xiao has gone first], original / authorized Published in Everyone is a product manager, without permission, it is forbidden to reprint.

Image from Unsplash, based on the CC0 license.