
Outrageous! The wagon pulls the tree, and people sit on the tree......

author:Xiangyang traffic police

At present, it is the greening season, and the illegal carrying of people by freight vehicles occurs from time to time. On May 8, on the urban expressway in Zaoyang City, a light ordinary truck was not only loaded with green trees, but also three people were sitting on the trees......

Outrageous! The wagon pulls the tree, and people sit on the tree......

At about 10 o'clock on the same day, the police of the Zaoyang City Traffic Police Brigade patrolled on Xihuan 2nd Road and Development Avenue, and found a red light ordinary truck with a license plate number of E F655**, which was turning right from north to west and quickly passing through the intersection. To the surprise of the police, there were still three people sitting on the layers of branches, and it was very dangerous to sway.

Outrageous! The wagon pulls the tree, and people sit on the tree......

The patrolling police immediately stopped the car for inspection. There were a total of 6 people in Bai's party, and because the car was already full, the extra 3 villagers were allowed to sit on the branches of the rear compartment without any safety precautions. If the branches are loose, the people sitting in the car are likely to roll down, but fortunately they were stopped by the police in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. After investigation, the driver Bai was driving without a license, and the vehicle he was driving was a vehicle that had not been inspected within the time limit.

Outrageous! The wagon pulls the tree, and people sit on the tree......

The police severely criticized and educated the driver, Bai, and ordered him to immediately contact the vehicle to safely transfer the personnel. In accordance with the law, Bai was punished for driving without a license, driving a truck in violation of regulations, carrying passengers and failing to inspect the vehicle within the time limit, and required him to immediately conduct a safety inspection of the vehicle.

Outrageous! The wagon pulls the tree, and people sit on the tree......

Illegal manning, overcrowding and overloading

In the event of a traffic accident

The consequences will be dire


The danger of illegal carrying of people in trucks

1. When driving, turning or turning around on rural roads, mountain roads, highways, cliffs and waterfront steep slopes and other road conditions, it is easy to cause traffic accidents such as passengers falling, bumping, and throwing out of the car.

2. If the cargo box is loaded with personnel and goods at the same time, when the vehicle brakes or accelerates, it is easy to displace the goods, crush and crush the people in the car.

3. When an accident occurs between a truck carrying a person and other vehicles, due to the lack of protective measures on the vehicle, the consequences of the accident will be aggravated and a vicious traffic accident will occur.


The dangers of overcrowding

1. Overcrowding causes the vehicle to exceed its load capacity, which will increase the instability of the driver in the process of driving, so that the inertia of the vehicle increases, the braking distance is lengthened, and the danger is also increased accordingly.

2. Serious overcrowding, passenger cars are very easy to cause tire bursts, sudden deviations, brake failures, steering out of control, etc., due to excessive tire load and deformation, which can easily lead to mass deaths and injuries.

3. Overcrowded passengers are hardly protected by any safety facilities, and in the event of an emergency such as vehicle rollover, they will be the first casualties.

Shu Huang has something to say: for the safety of you and others, please consciously abide by the road traffic rules, and it is strictly forbidden for trucks to carry people illegally; Passengers are requested to put their personal safety first and refuse to ride in trucks, agricultural vehicles, electric tricycles, and low-speed electric four-wheelers.