
Yangpu teenagers experience childlike engraving and printing and feel the charm of intangible cultural heritage

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

Engraving printing is an important invention of the ancient Chinese, how to let children better understand this intangible cultural heritage? Recently, a unique intangible cultural heritage experience activity of "Children's Fun Engraving Inheritance of the Future" was held at the Party and Mass Service Station of Yangshupu Station. It is hoped that by experiencing the ancient skill of engraving printing, young people can feel the charm of traditional culture and cultivate their love and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.

Engraving printing is a classification of China's four major inventions, "printing", which refers to the use of knives to engrave graphics and texts on wooden boards, and then use silk, paper and other printing and binding into a book, which has a history of about 1,300 years. It carries tens of thousands of historical and cultural information, and has played an important role in disseminating traditional culture and building a bridge of communication between the world.

At the event, professional teachers from the China Modern Press and Publication Museum gave a popular science lecture. Through simple explanations and vivid cases, the professional teachers let everyone understand the historical background and technical characteristics of engraving printing, and know the important position of engraving printing in the dissemination of ancient Chinese culture, as well as the importance of intangible cultural heritage and the urgency of protection and inheritance.

Yangpu teenagers experience childlike engraving and printing and feel the charm of intangible cultural heritage

In the process of displaying the printed rubbings of ancient books, professional teachers joined the interactive link of modern printing knowledge, which aroused everyone's strong interest. The children listened carefully, observed carefully, and asked questions to the teacher from time to time.

Yangpu teenagers experience childlike engraving and printing and feel the charm of intangible cultural heritage

The subsequent engraving printing experience session pushed the whole event to a climax. Under the guidance of the teacher, the teenagers began to carve their own engravings and completed the entire process from ink painting, paper laying to rubbing. During the experience, we not only felt the exquisite skills of engraving printing, but also deeply realized the profound and unique charm of traditional culture.

One child happily said that he had only seen engraving printing in books and on TV before, but had never tried it. "It was even more fun than I thought! In the future, I will participate in more such activities to learn more about our intangible cultural heritage. ”

Yangpu teenagers experience childlike engraving and printing and feel the charm of intangible cultural heritage

It is reported that the event was jointly organized by the Yangshupu Post Station Party and Mass Service Station, the Fourth Good Neighbor Point of Dinghai Road Street, and the China Modern Press and Publication Museum, attracting 15 groups of parent-child families in Dinghai District to sign up for participation, which not only made everyone feel the breadth and profundity of traditional culture, but also stimulated their love and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. The person in charge of the event said that similar activities will continue to be held in the future to let more young people understand intangible cultural heritage and feel the charm of traditional culture, and guide young people to pay more attention to the protection and inheritance of traditional culture.

Text: Dou Yuqi

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu