
Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

author:Dry-fried small flower fish said entertainment

1. Review of the current situation: The "young model Shuangshu" in the past is very different today

Time flies, time flies, Wen Yongshan and Yang Ying, who were once known as "tender model shuangshu", their current fate is so different! With her superb acting skills and unremitting efforts, Wen Yongshan has reached the peak of her acting career step by step, becoming a well-known and highly praised powerful actress, and her career is thriving.

Each of her works has sparked heated discussions and received countless praises.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

However, on the other hand, Yang Ying's situation seems quite lonely. After divorcing Huang Xiaoming, she fell into trouble again, still relying on her beautiful appearance to gain attention in the entertainment industry.

Yang Ying seems to have forgotten her former dream - with her strength to gain a firm foothold in the film and television industry, now she seems to have returned to the old path of 20 years ago, and the future development prospects are really worrying.

The fate of the two former "young models" is now in stark contrast, vividly revealing the decisive role of hard work in a person's career success.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

Faced with the same starting point, they made completely different choices and went their separate ways.

2. Reminiscences of the past: acquaintances and "alliances" in youth

Let's go back to Hong Kong in the late 90s, when a new group of models known as "young models" was emerging in the entertainment industry. 13-year-old Wen Yongshan and 14-year-old Yang Ying are the leaders of a group of "young models" who were excavated and cultivated during this period.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

By chance, they met and got acquainted at a brokerage company called "Tanxingdo". At that time, the brokerage company's requirements for "young models" were extremely simple, they only needed to be young and sweet, with a lovely temperament and outstanding appearance, completely ignoring other qualities.

Wen Yongshan and Yang Ying happened to meet these conditions, so the agency began to carefully build and promote them. In order to increase the popularity of the two, the agents will arrange for them to take fashion photos and hold book signings in bookstores so that they can interact with fans intimately.

Due to their similar age and appearance, the two are often arranged to work together, and quickly emerged in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, winning the reputation of "tender model Shuangshu". They are all "scumbags" and have been criticized by the media together, accusing them of lacking cultural literacy.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

During that time, the two girls were inseparable and spent a good time of youth hand in hand.

It is shocking that their fate will go in a completely different direction in the future! Those close friends who were close when they were young turned out to be drifting apart in the journey of life.

3. Parting ways: The Edison Chen incident caused the tender mold industry to enter a cold winter period

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

In 2008, Edison Chen's nude photos scandal shook the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry and set off an unprecedented storm. As outstanding representatives of "tender models", Wen Yongshan and Yang Ying are also not immune.

After this turmoil, in order to avoid further expansion of the situation, the Hong Kong entertainment industry completely banned "young models" from participating in the signing activities that they relied on to survive in the past under the pretext of "worrying about affecting the growth of teenagers".

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the entire "tender model" industry, which quickly triggered the cold winter period of the industry.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

Faced with livelihood difficulties, many "young models" have to seek a path of transformation in order to find a new foothold in the entertainment industry. As early as the age of 18, Yang Ying, who had gone to Japan to shoot magazines, did not hesitate to leave Hong Kong to devote herself to the Japanese entertainment industry with her enthusiasm for modeling.

At the same time, Wen Yongshan signed a contract to join the film and television company founded by Li Ming the following year, and chose to transform into an actor. In this way, the former "tender model Shuangshu" was forced to embark on their own life paths.

This decision indicates that their future fates will make a huge difference. In the face of transformation, the two beauties made very different choices. Yang Ying is obsessed with the pursuit of beautiful things, leaving Hong Kong and running to Japan, which she yearns for; Wen Yongshan is keenly aware of the infinite business opportunities contained in the path of actors, and firmly stepped into a new field.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

Fate led them to meet and form a deep friendship, but the fork of fate separated them inexorably. As responsibility and reality come one after another, the fragrance of youth will eventually fade away.

Fourth, Yang Ying moved to the mainland: relying on her boyfriend Huang Xiaoming to open the market

After many years in the Japanese entertainment industry, Yang Ying has already emerged, but she knows that the mainland market contains huge business potential, so she decided to use her boyfriend Huang Xiaoming's strong influence in the mainland to open up a new world for her career.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

In 2011, when the relationship between Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying was announced in the entertainment industry, it instantly detonated the attention of the entire society! The love affair between this golden boy and girl undoubtedly brought great exposure to Yang Ying, and with the help of Huang Xiaoming's superstar status in China, her popularity in the mainland has risen rapidly.

In 2014, Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming's grand "wedding of the century" shocked the audience and became one of the most eye-catching events in the entertainment industry. However, in the guest list of this lavish wedding, we discovered a surprising fact - our former friend Wen Yongshan was not invited to attend.

This phenomenon undoubtedly reveals that the friendship between the two is no longer as close as it once was. And all this may stem from the disagreement between them on the choice of career path many years ago and the resulting contradictions.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

Soon after her marriage, Yang Ying successfully entered the mainland market with a series of high-profile film and television dramas. However, the good times did not last long, because her acting skills were too blunt and artificial, and there were frequent embarrassing scenes of staring and facial features flying on the screen, which made her quickly fall into the whirlpool of public opinion with poor acting skills and couldn't extricate herself.

Some directors mercilessly pointed out that Yang Ying often needs to rely on "cutout" technology during filming, and has become an actress who "no one dares to use" in the mainland film and television industry.

It is really embarrassing that once had a beautiful vision of entering the mainland market, but now it has fallen into such a situation.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

Just when the outside world was worried about her future prospects, Yang Ying became popular again with the variety show "Run, Brother". With her outstanding performance in the show and the continuous exposure of the program team, she quickly won the love of many fans, among which "face fans" are the mainstay.

In this way, Yang Ying gradually gained a firm foothold in the mainland market and became a popular "variety show flower". However, this identity seems to be far removed from her original goal of making an inroads into the mainland, raising doubts about her potential for development.

In contrast, Wen Yongshan has achieved today's achievements step by step through her own hard work. Despite the lack of resources and anxiety in the early stages of the transition, she was determined to pursue her dreams and never gave up.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

Since changing her career path and devoting herself to the field of film and television, Wen Yongshan has always kept in mind and practiced the famous saying - "A good drama needs a good actor". For every new role interpretation challenge, she devotes 100% enthusiasm and energy, and strives to present the charm of the role to the fullest in front of the audience.

has been studying on the set for a long time, which has won her high praise from many directors and is known as "a model worker in the entertainment industry".

Back in 2014, Wen Yongshan resolutely left Liming's company, and then signed a contract with Hong Kong gold agent Huang Baigao. It was through her participation in the movie "Equator" that she once again returned to the public eye with a new attitude, and the image of the former "tender model" was gone, replaced by the unique elegance of a mature actor.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

With her wonderful performance in "Equator", Man was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards, which is undoubtedly an important affirmation of her career as an actress, marking a solid and beautiful step on this path.

In the following years, she gradually made a name for herself in the Hong Kong film industry with her superb acting skills and unremitting efforts. In 2016, the well-known director Yu Rongguang tailored the role of Wang Yuyan in the TV series "Dragon Babu"; In 2017, she played Pan Xi in the popular IP drama "Kyushu: The Legend of Sea Shepherds", and appeared in the center of the promotional poster as the protagonist.

In 2018, she successfully portrayed the role of the head of the intelligence section in the movie "The Wind"; In 2019, she played the role of "female boss" in the costume drama "Sword in the Snow". All of this is her practical actions to show the world her strong strength.

Same face and different fate? Can Wen Yongshan, who has been "jealous" of Yang Ying for many years, turn over with "Disappearing Her".

In the same year, the movie "Manslaughter 2" starring Wen Yongshan was released in the mainland, and it achieved a box office success of 430 million yuan in only five days.

Hong Kong media have praised her fluent Mandarin that "does not speak hot", which enabled her to perfectly integrate into the mainland film and television industry.

Today, Wen Yongshan has become a well-known and powerful actor, and each of her works has sparked heated discussions and received rave reviews. However, just as her career was booming, her old friend Yang Ying fell into a career trough.

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