
"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

author:Love the family and talk about literature

1. Preface: Revealing the other side of marriage - reflection

One day in November 2020, the well-known Chinese singer Lin Qingxia suddenly posted six messages about her life and the release of her new book on Weibo, which immediately attracted the attention of the majority of netizens! broke the long-standing peace, and this seems to be the first time that Lin Qingxia bravely gave her own answer to all kinds of speculation about her marital status in the outside world after overcoming her inner struggle with difficulty.

Since many years ago, the married life of Lin Qingxia and her husband Xing Liyuan has always been shrouded in a haze called "marriage change". Since 2006, an insider has revealed that Xing Liyuan has been raising a lover named "Third Sister" outside for many years, and even has an illegitimate child with this lover.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

The shocking news spread quickly in the online world, sparking a heated public debate about the couple's marital status. Some people speculate that Lin Qingxia's fertility was limited when she was young, and Xing Liyuan was deeply influenced by traditional concepts, so she chose to look for an "heir" outside; There is also speculation that the two may have reached an agreement to secretly resolve the problems in their marriage by paying huge alimony.

After all, from the moment Lin Qingxia and Xing Liyuan entered the marriage hall, the sweet image of love between them has been deeply imprinted in people's hearts, making it impossible to doubt easily.

Looking back on the love story of Lin Qingxia and Xing Liyuan, their encounter originated from an unexpected episode. 40-year-old Lin Qingxia has just come out of two failed relationship experiences, and her heart is full of loneliness and confusion.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

At this time, Xing Liyuan's appearance was like a warm sunshine, illuminating her heart "At that time, I felt like an island, exhausted, eager to find a harbor to dock at, just at this time, he appeared" Lin Qingxia affectionately sighed at this wonderful fate, and also began to look forward to a better life in the future.

Second, the trouble of having an affair

The days after marriage were full of warmth and happiness at first, Lin Qingxia gave birth to two lovely baby daughters for Xing Liyuan, and the family of four lived a happy life. However, behind this idyllic picture, a black cloud is quietly condensing.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

In 2006, some mysterious insiders began to reveal shocking inside information on the Internet, claiming that Xing Liyuan maintained an improper relationship with an employee "Third Sister" while working at Esprit's RedEarth company, and even gave birth to an illegitimate child with this "Third Sister".

This explosive news spread quickly on the Internet like a bombshell, and in an instant, the marriage of Lin Qingxia and Xing Liyuan fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

In the face of such a serious and unbearable accusation, Lin Qingxia herself remained surprisingly silent, adopting a strategy of avoiding the incident, neither responding to nor refuting the rumors.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

Such an anomaly has sparked heated discussions and speculation in the online world, and the marital status of the couple, who are known as the "fairy couple", has received widespread attention.

Some people pointed out that as a professional model ranked among the others, the "third sister" undoubtedly meets the aesthetic standards of Xing Liyuan, a male with a strong conservative concept, to some extent. Therefore, it is not entirely impossible for them to have a personal affair with each other.

However, some people are skeptical, thinking that Lin Qingxia and Xing Liyuan have a deep relationship and great love, and Xing Liyuan is so devoted to his career that he can't imagine that he will do such an absurd and erosive act.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

Some people even began to speculate that perhaps Lin Qingxia had already gained insight into her husband's affair, but in order to maintain family harmony, she chose to tolerate each other and solve this marital crisis privately by paying huge alimony.

After all, the luxurious lifestyle of the two of them has always been the focus of public opinion, and Xing Liyuan's gift of Lin Qingxia's top jewelry, luxury cars and diamond kennel all show his extravagance.

However, in the face of these increasingly fierce gossip, Lin Qingxia has always remained silent. No matter what the truth is, this pair of golden boys and girls who once made countless people envious, their married life is no longer as dazzling as it used to be.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

3. Review of married life

Despite the endless rumors from the outside world, Lin Qingxia has always maintained a calm posture that is detached from the world, living a life that belongs to herself and her husband Xing Liyuan. In fact, long before entering the marriage hall, she had already appreciated this man's gentleness, thoughtfulness and affection.

Xing Liyuan cared for and cared for Lin Qingxia, and interpreted his deep attachment to her with practical actions. He carefully selected the finest Cartier jewelry for Lin Qingxia, set with the most precious diamonds; She also bought a luxury car worth tens of millions of yuan, and even turned the trunk of the car into a "diamond kennel".

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

Every year on her birthday, he would prepare carefully and present her with a valuable gift.

Although Lin Qingxia is now over half a hundred years old, Xing Liyuan still loves her infatuatedly. In every interview, he always did not hesitate to praise his wife's talent with exaggerated words like "Nobel Prize for Literature".

This sweet "rainbow fart" is enough to make Lin Qingxia, who is over half a hundred years old, smile and show a girlish and shy look.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

In addition to his deep doting on his wife, Mr. Xing Liyuan, a famous entrepreneur, also devoted endless energy and money to social welfare undertakings. In Chinese mainland alone, he has generously invested in the construction of more than 200 schools with different characteristics, each of which cost tens of millions of yuan.

Ms. Lin Qingxia is named after her beloved daughter "Yan Ai", and independently funded the establishment of a charitable foundation to contribute her own strength to the society.

In the face of this wealthy couple with amazing wealth, the outside world has different opinions. Some people are envious and jealous of their lavish lifestyle, while others think that it is nothing more than a fig leaf for them to hide their ugly faces; Of course, there are also those who sincerely praise them for their noble qualities of being generous, rich and generous.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

However, when the rumors of Lin Qingxia and Xing Liyuan's affair have not yet been confirmed, they are undoubtedly a model couple who are in love and grow old together.

Fourth, controversy continues

Just as Lin Qingxia gradually calmed down all kinds of speculation about her marital status, she will once again become the focus of heated discussions on the Internet in 2023. This time, the core of the controversy is that the University of Hong Kong awarded her an honorary doctorate of social sciences.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

As soon as this news was revealed, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

In the face of such a strong wave of doubts, Lin Qingxia remained silent, as if these criticisms did not bring her any trouble. In fact, since the end of her short acting career, she has always been firmly on the path of literary creation, tirelessly pursuing excellence.

She humbly consulted with cultural masters such as Dong Luo and devoted herself to writing day and night, and finally won the highest honor of the Hong Kong Chinese Literature Biennial Award for Prose in 2021 for her four published essay collections.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

Undoubtedly, the University of Hong Kong's award of her Honorary Doctorate of Social Sciences is the highest recognition of her years of hard work and unremitting pursuit in the field of literature.

In the face of doubts, Lin Qingxia did not make any response, but continued to write her own brilliant chapter with her own practical actions. This determined pursuit may stem from her deep desire to make up for her academic regrets.

She has not achieved good grades since she was a child, although she was resolutely opposed by her family, but in the end, she stepped into the entertainment industry because of the insight of the talent scout.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

Fifth, stick to the chapter

Looking back on Lin Qingxia's life process, it is not difficult to find that since the moment she entered the entertainment industry, this talented woman has always been on the road of continuous exploration and improvement of self-worth.

I remember when she was young, she was just a girl from an ordinary family with a pure and lovely appearance. By chance, I was recognized by a talent scout, and I was able to break into the glamorous world of acting by mistake.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

At that time, she didn't know anything about performing arts, and she could only rely on her outstanding appearance to shape her image in one youth idol drama after another.

However, who would have thought that it was the advice of her family to step into the entertainment industry that became an important turning point in her life. As soon as he debuted, he attracted much attention and was known as the most dazzling new star in the "Little Tigers", and since then he has officially stepped onto the stage of his dreams.

With the passage of time, Lin Qingxia gradually transformed from a youth idol to a powerful actor. She devoted herself to the shaping of each role, and her delicate and nuanced acting skills all made the audience fall in love with it and applaud.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

However, just as her career was booming, she resolutely decided to quit the film and television industry and chose to return to an ordinary life.

The love for literature in her heart has always called her forward. So, she went back to school, humbly consulted the masters of literature, and tirelessly absorbed the nectar of knowledge as if she were back in school.

Whenever I finish reading a masterpiece, I will always be deeply touched by the profound artistic conception contained in the words, and I can't let go of my feelings for a long time, and tears can't help but burst out of my eyes.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

In this way, she focused on writing day after day, year after year, and finally succeeded in transitioning into a writer in 2004 with her first collection of essays, How Are You Doing in Heaven.

Since then, Lin Qingxia's life has undergone earth-shaking changes, she is not only the former film and television superstar, but also adds a new look of a literary worker.

In 2021, Lin Qingxia won the prestigious "Hong Kong Chinese Literature Biennial Award" in the prose category with her four published essay collections, which is undoubtedly the greatest recognition of her unremitting efforts and perseverance!

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

It is worth mentioning that shortly thereafter, the University of Hong Kong conferred on her an honorary doctorate of social sciences, which reaffirmed her outstanding achievements in the field of literature.

As a cross-border leader who has successfully transformed from the film industry to the literary field, Lin Qingxia perfectly interprets the profound connotation of "those who can work hard" with her own practical actions. Her passion for literature may stem from her insatiable thirst for knowledge, and she is constantly trying to fill the regrets of her studies.

However, no matter what kind of industry you are in, honor is only an evaluation criterion from the outside world, and only the parties themselves can truly understand the true pursuit of the heart. Just like the calmness shown by Lin Qingxia in the face of various doubts and speculations, she did not choose to fight back against gossip, but concentrated on the creation of words, and interpreted her firm belief in literature with practical actions.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but I'm sorry, Lin Qingxia can't save Xing Liyuan this time

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", although Lin Qingxia could not recover her husband Xing Liyuan, who was rumored to be cheating, she always adhered to herself and lived a unique and wonderful life. A young woman who was once questioned as a "rough-mouthed flower" has now grown into a veritable literary master, and this persistent perseverance is really admirable.

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