
Six years ago, a colleague had cancer and asked me to borrow money, and I had just lent her 20,000 yuan before she died

author:Grace Excellence Universe C6A

It happened six years ago when a colleague of mine had cancer. When the news came, my heart twitched. Everyone works together in the company and knows each other well, and no one is comfortable hearing such a thing. She was in urgent need of treatment at that time and asked me to borrow money. As soon as I heard this, I didn't say a word, and immediately took out 20,000 yuan. That amount of money was not much, but at the time, it may have been a relief for her.

As a result, as soon as the money was lent out, I heard the news of her death. At that moment, to be honest, I had mixed feelings in my heart. Things are moving so fast that people don't have time to prepare. This sudden news made me start to re-examine the fragility of life and the value of money. Borrowing money is a small thing in itself, but once it is linked to life and death, it becomes especially heavy.

This experience makes people feel that there are so many variables in life, and health and life are very fragile. A seemingly ordinary day can suddenly be completely changed by a phone call. At that time, I was also thinking, how should we face the impermanence of life?

Six years ago, a colleague had cancer and asked me to borrow money, and I had just lent her 20,000 yuan before she died

After going through this, I began to have a new perspective on life. First of all, it made me realize that each of us should cherish what is in front of us. Health, friendships, and even money can change in the blink of an eye. We often think that there is plenty of time and that things can be postponed, but in reality, the length of life is unpredictable.

Secondly, it also made me realize the preciousness of human relationships. Helping and caring for each other is a rare emotional connection. Borrowing money seemed like the last thing I could do for her, but it meant much more than 20,000 dollars.

Later, I began to reflect on our attitude towards illness. For a serious disease like cancer, it is expensive to treat, but it is not just money that can really fight the disease. We need to be aware of the importance of lifestyle, eating habits and mindset for health. Maintaining a positive attitude towards life and paying attention to health are all keys to preventing and detecting diseases early.

Six years ago, a colleague had cancer and asked me to borrow money, and I had just lent her 20,000 yuan before she died

Looking ahead, I believe we need to further strengthen access to and access to medical resources so that more people can access timely and effective treatment. At the same time, society needs more support networks to help those who are sick, not only financially, but also morally. Let people who are sick know that they are not alone and that they have family, friends, and community behind them.

Recalling this incident, I also have a deeper understanding of the fragility of life. Each of us should cherish the present moment and seize every opportunity to help others. We may not be able to change the fate of life and death, but we can bring warmth and love to the people around us through our actions.

All in all, I learned a lot from this experience. It reminds me to always be mindful of my own health and the health of others, and to cherish every opportunity to spend time together. At the same time, we should also look to the future and make positive changes in our own lives and the lives of others. No matter what the future holds, we should cherish every moment of our lives with a grateful heart.

Six years ago, a colleague had cancer and asked me to borrow money, and I had just lent her 20,000 yuan before she died