
It's a big deal! Three years ago, there were various restrictions on not getting vaccinated, and now there is a problem with the vaccine, who is responsible?

author:Moon white 🤏🏻

Under this stormy sky, the controversy over the new crown vaccine was already a dark cloud, and the recent series of negative news has ignited the tension. As if to say, "Behold, our hero, the 'father of the new crown vaccine', has fallen into the dust, and even the world's leading British giant has admitted the risk of concealment." "After the detonation of this series of bombs, the public questioned the safety of the new crown vaccine.

It's a big deal! Three years ago, there were various restrictions on not getting vaccinated, and now there is a problem with the vaccine, who is responsible?

I still remember that at the beginning of 2020, the new crown virus landed in the world like an invisible monster, and people had to close their doors in order to avoid it, the streets were empty, and the rhythm of life seemed to be pressed the pause button. Seeing this tragedy, people are pinning their hopes on a miracle potion that can relieve panic - the new crown vaccine. And when this wish came true, people cheered, however, who could have predicted the situation today?

It's a big deal! Three years ago, there were various restrictions on not getting vaccinated, and now there is a problem with the vaccine, who is responsible?

We've seen people share their post-vaccination exhaustion and pain on social media, with some families crying out as complications blow their heads. These stories refresh people's perception of risk again and again, and people can't help but ask themselves, "Are we too anxious?" ”

Yes, AstraZeneca's product has been removed from the shelves, but it is also like opening a Pandora's box, unleashing more mistrust and panic. On forums and Weibo, people expressed mixed emotions about this once life-saving straw, with regret, worry, and anger intertwined, making the already fragile chain of trust falter.

It's a big deal! Three years ago, there were various restrictions on not getting vaccinated, and now there is a problem with the vaccine, who is responsible?

Indeed, it is common sense of science that both vaccines and medicines come with risks. Weighing the risks and benefits, the answer to this question is clear: the benefits of a vaccine far outweigh the risks. But now, it is as if this answer has been put back into the furnace of scrutiny, and needs more testing.

It's a big deal! Three years ago, there were various restrictions on not getting vaccinated, and now there is a problem with the vaccine, who is responsible?

At this crossroads, governments and regulators are on the watchman, and their responsibilities are greater than ever, and they must respond to every question about vaccine safety at a faster pace and with greater efficiency. For those who have been victimized, there should be a fair compensation system so that they can feel the warmth of this society.

It's a big deal! Three years ago, there were various restrictions on not getting vaccinated, and now there is a problem with the vaccine, who is responsible?

The iron determination to promote the legal handicraft is also more urgent than ever, and for those lawbreakers who wantonly ignore the lives of the people, only the severe punishment of the law can safeguard justice.

In the aftermath of a storm, the government should be like a fresh breeze under a clear sky, delivering timely, accurate, and transparent information. In calming people's turbulent uneasiness, we must use scientific reason and warm care to let people understand the truth of risks and benefits.

The long march of COVID vaccines will not be completed overnight. It must be admitted that even today, when the dawn of victory has appeared, the journey is still full of twisted lessons and rough roads. Remember, only by comprehensively answering people's questions and repairing the trust that has been blown away by the wind can the vaccine truly win the public's embrace and demonstrate its noble mission to save lives.

It's a big deal! Three years ago, there were various restrictions on not getting vaccinated, and now there is a problem with the vaccine, who is responsible?