
This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

author:Xiaomi porridge $

This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

With the end of the "618" mid-year shopping carnival, major e-commerce platforms have posted report cards. However, behind this seemingly prosperous consumption feast, the consumption attitude of modern young people has quietly changed. Will they still be able to spend as much at shopping festivals like 618 as they did in the past? This article will delve into this topic and explore the consumption concepts, shopping habits and future development trends of modern young people.

This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

First, the consumption concept of modern young people

Unlike the older generation, modern young people pay more attention to quality, personality and actual needs when consuming. They no longer blindly pursue brand, quantity and price, but pay more attention to the cost-effectiveness, design sense and fit of the product with their own lifestyle. This change in consumption concept makes them more rational and prudent in the face of shopping festivals like "618".

This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

Second, the shopping habits of modern young people

With the popularization of the Internet and the development of mobile payment, the shopping habits of modern young people have also changed dramatically. They are more inclined to shop through online platforms for a more convenient and personalized shopping experience. At the same time, they also pay more attention to shopping around, by comparing different platforms, different products price, quality and service, to choose the most suitable products for themselves. This change in shopping habits makes them pay more attention to the substance of discounts and the cost performance of goods in shopping festivals such as "618".

This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

3. The attitude of modern young people towards "618".

For shopping festivals like "618", the attitudes of modern young people are also quietly changing. They are no longer blindly following the trend and hoarding like in the past, but are paying more attention to their actual needs and shopping experience. They make their shopping list before the festival and choose what they really need to buy. At the same time, they will also pay more attention to the quality and service of goods, and avoid buying inferior goods because of the pursuit of low prices.

This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

Fourth, the future development trend

Judging from the consumption concepts and shopping habits of modern young people, the future consumption trend will pay more attention to quality, personality and actual needs. At the same time, with the continuous progress of science and technology and the development of the Internet, the future shopping method will be more convenient and personalized. For example, AI technology can be used to provide consumers with more accurate recommendations, and virtual reality technology can be used to provide consumers with a more realistic shopping experience. These changes will make future consumption more in line with the needs of modern young people.

This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

V. Conclusion

To sum up, modern young people are no longer blindly following the trend when facing shopping festivals like "618". They pay more attention to quality, personality and practical needs, and choose the most suitable goods for themselves through rational consumption and prudent shopping habits. This change not only reflects the changes in the consumption concepts and shopping habits of modern young people, but also indicates the development direction of future consumption trends. At the same time, it also reminds major e-commerce platforms and merchants that while pursuing sales, they must pay more attention to the real needs and shopping experience of consumers in order to win the long-term recognition of the market.

This wave of "618", can modern young people still buy it?

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