
200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

author:Grace excellence flower cat Rzv

The revolution of 1917, a turning point in Russian history, changed the lives of countless people, including Belarusians at the top. When Lenin and his Bolshevik party members succeeded in seizing power in Petrograd with the October Revolution, and the Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed shortly thereafter, the internal contradictions in Russia quickly intensified. This change overthrew the Tsar's rule, but it also quickly turned into a nationwide civil war. The civil war lasted for four years and brought great destruction and loss of human life to Russia.

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

Faced with the victory of the Soviet Red Army, the once powerful White Russian aristocracy found themselves in a dangerous situation. Originally, their preferred place of escape was Europe, because they were closer to Europeans in terms of culture and skin color. However, Europe was not the safe haven they imagined, and they soon realized that they could barely establish themselves in Europe, that there was little left of their family's wealth, and that the locals were apathetic to them, far from being treated with the respect and kindness they expected.

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

At this time, more and more Belarusians turned their eyes to the far east - China. China shares a border with Russia, and its geographical location makes it easier and faster for these Belarusians to travel to China than to any European country. In addition, although China was also politically unstable at that time, it was safer and more reliable than war-torn Europe. Beginning in 1920, waves of White Russian refugees began to pour into China, hoping to find a new life here. In the face of a dramatic change in identity and life, can these former White Russian aristocrats imagine what their future in China will be?

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

In Shanghai, the lives of these Belarusian refugees are far from what they imagined. Most of them were initially denied landing, and were confined to cramped cabins, struggling to survive each day. As time went on, Belarusians began to smuggle into Shanghai in various ways, especially in areas where Russian expatriates lived. By 1937, the Belarusian population in Shanghai had grown to more than 30,000. Although they lived the life of ordinary civilians in the French Concession and other places, these uprooted White Russian nobles did not settle down because of this.

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

The hardships of life have not defeated them, but have allowed some Belarusians to show their resilience and resilience. Many of them took an active part in China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and repaid the land that had given them shelter with practical actions. These Belarusians showed a heroic and fearless fighting spirit in the battle, and gradually won the respect and trust of the Chinese people. However, not all Belarusians have chosen to stand on the same side as the Chinese. Some Belarusians in the northeast, after the Japanese army occupied the three eastern provinces, chose to become part of the puppet Manchukuo, and some even participated in the attack on China's anti-Japanese forces.

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

This complex stance and behavior has led to a clear split in the originally united White Russian group. Some of them became hostile forces that were completely wiped out by the Soviet Red Army in 1945, while others managed to integrate into and support China's war of resistance. In such an environment full of contradictions and challenges, how do Belarusians who choose to live in harmony with China psychologically adjust themselves to this complex social and political situation?

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

Over time, those Belarusians who chose to remain in China gradually transformed from displaced refugee status to part of Chinese society. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they felt a deep friendship and identity from this land, and many of them were officially included in the new ethnic classification of ethnic Russians, which not only represented an affirmation of their contributions to the War of Resistance Against Japan, but also marked their new identity and new beginning.

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

These Belarusians not only contributed to China militarily, but also culturally blended with Chinese civilization. In China, they have gradually formed their own unique cultural customs, and at the same time, they have deeply absorbed the essence of Chinese culture. As generations go on, many ethnic Russians choose to remain in China, and their descendants naturally see themselves as Chinese. The presence of this ethnic group in China has not only enriched China's multicultural landscape, but also become an indispensable part of the Chinese national family.

200,000 White Russian refugees have taken refuge in China, and their descendants proudly call themselves Chinese!

During festivals and cultural events, ethnic Russians proudly display their traditions and customs, while also emphasizing their identity as Chinese. This cross-cultural identity and integration has made them deeply recognized and respected in China. Today, they not only have a unique place in historical memory, but also play an active role in modern Chinese society. After all, isn't it every drifter's dream to be able to find a sense of belonging in a foreign land and to be fully accepted as a part of yourself?

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