
The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame


Have you ever heard of this wedding incident in Shangqiu? Let me tell you about it. Here's the thing, when a bride was getting married, when she was about to get off the car, her best friend suddenly asked the groom's family to give a "get off gift" of 28,800 yuan, but the groom's family did not agree, and the two sides quarreled, which finally led to the divorce of the newlyweds. This is really a farce, and netizens are talking about it.

The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame

In fact, there are many details behind this incident, and we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Maybe the girlfriend is just the scapegoat of the bride's family. Normally, a disembarkation ceremony like this is negotiated in advance, but this time it seems that it was not discussed in advance, and the best friend's request seemed a little sudden.

The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame

On the wedding day, the attitude of the bride's family is even more confusing. The bride got out of the car and clashed with the man, and this reaction was a bit unexpected, as if she didn't care about the wedding. The groom's family tries to mediate, but the bride's family stands aside indifferently, which is also puzzling.

The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame

Perhaps, there is more to this incident than we can know about it partially from the news reports. However, the occurrence of this incident has undoubtedly brought great distress and harm to the newcomers and their families. It also reminds us that when it comes to marriage, rational communication and prior consultation are crucial, otherwise it may lead to unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings.

The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame

I hope that everyone can treat problems rationally, resolve conflicts in a timely manner, and welcome a better life together. After all, marriage is the union of two families and requires the understanding and support of both parties, not a confrontation of farce and misunderstanding.

The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame
The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame
The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame
The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame
The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame
The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame
The bride asked for 28,800 follow-up to the off-the-busting ceremony: netizens picked up more details, and the girlfriend just took the blame

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