
The girl solved the secret of drug production and almost died in the fire, come to see Youku's "Cherish the Flowers"

author:Rain Dzx

Why does Sima Yi stop cutting down Shu? That's why! 》

Recently, a topic about Sima Yi, a famous general in the history of the Three Kingdoms, has sparked widespread discussion. According to rumors, Sima Yi did not cut down Shu again after Zhuge Liang's death, which was quite surprising. So, what's going on here? Let's find out!

Background depiction:

During the Three Kingdoms period, Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang could be said to be a pair of old enemies. The two have clashed many times on the battlefield, winning and losing each other, and their wonderful performances have amazed countless people. However, when Zhuge Liang died, Sima Yi's behavior was unexpected.

The girl solved the secret of drug production and almost died in the fire, come to see Youku's "Cherish the Flowers"

Problem Analysis:

In order to explain why Sima Yi did not cut down Shu again in his life, we need to review the historical background. According to historical records, although Sima Yi was an excellent general, he was also well aware of the cruelty and cost of war. After Zhuge Liang's death, there was a series of upheavals in the Shu Han regime, and Sima Yi may have realized that another attack on Shu would lead to more casualties and social unrest, which would be detrimental to the stability and development of the country. Therefore, he chose to exercise restraint and refrain from military action, which was also his wise move as a politician and military strategist.

Important Answer:

To sum up, the reason why Sima Yi did not cut down Shu again in his life was because of his political wisdom and overall view for the sake of the country. He was well aware of the impact of the war on the country, so he chose restraint and stability when the Shu Han regime was in turmoil, a move that demonstrated his political wisdom and far-sighted leadership.

The girl solved the secret of drug production and almost died in the fire, come to see Youku's "Cherish the Flowers"


Sima Yi's decision not to stop cutting down Shu is not only a kind of respect for history, but also a kind of support for peaceful development. His actions demonstrated the responsibility and responsibility of a statesman, and also left valuable historical experience for future generations.

Overall, Sima Yi's decision not to cut down Shu was motivated by considerations for the country's stability and peaceful development, and this decision demonstrated his wisdom and foresight as a statesman. Let us look forward to further interpretation of history and explore more historical truths!

[End of article]

The girl solved the secret of drug production and almost died in the fire, come to see Youku's "Cherish the Flowers"