
"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

author:Zhang's mother talks about life

Our ancestors have a good saying: "Qingming gnaws green, and you are handsome when you are old."

The "green" in this sentence refers to the wormwood that every family knows.

Wormwood, what a treasure, is not only a food material that can be eaten, but also a good medicinal material for curing diseases, to put it bluntly, "you can also be a medicine at the dinner table".

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

Taking advantage of the Qingming Festival, let's not forget to eat more snacks made of wormwood.

Soaking my feet in wormwood, I not only enjoyed the blessings of the mouth, but also took care of the body, and easily did the health preservation.

Maybe I can really answer the old saying, when I am eighty years old, I am still in spirit, just like when I was young!

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

Wormwood, the name sounds unremarkable, but in every corner of the land of China, it has an extraordinary status.

In those long times, wormwood was the "green rescue" of the poor years, and the table guest in times of famine.

It grows freely in the fields, swaying in the wind, as if it is a messenger sent by nature, silently guarding the water and soil and people's lives.

With the change of the times, the role of wormwood has quietly changed, it is no longer just a food for the stomach, but has become a highly sought-after health product, and has been given a new life and mission.

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

In spring, the young leaves of wormwood begin to grow, green and dripping, like a baby's face, full of life.

At this time, the clever housewives will pick it and make it into a variety of delicacies.

Wormwood Qingtuan is one of the best, a bite down, soft and glutinous with the unique fragrance of wormwood, as if the whole spring has been wrapped in it, eat into the stomach, the mood is also bright.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, wormwood is an indispensable protagonist, and the wormwood bundles hanging in front of every house.

Not only to drive away evil spirits and avoid evil, the faint fragrance is more reassuring, as if with it, a year's bad luck can be blocked out.

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

The allure of wormwood goes far beyond that. Its whole body is full of treasures, rhizomes, leaves, flowers, each with its own wonderful use.

In Guangdong, mugwort root chicken soup is a compulsory course in autumn and winter.

In the golden soup, there is not only the deliciousness of chicken, but also the mellowness of wormwood.

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

The medicinal value of wormwood has been passed down from generation to generation, from the ancient book "Compendium of Materia Medica" to folk home remedies, wormwood is an indispensable taste.

Regulating menstruation and stopping bleeding, driving away cold and relieving pain, for women, wormwood is like a caring girlfriend, silently guarding their physical and mental health.

Even those seemingly unrelated headaches, brain fever, and itchy skin, wormwood always has a way to resolve them one by one, and it is really worthy of being the "king of herbs".

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

There are many types of wormwood, sweet wormwood, wormwood, fine-leaved wormwood, broad-leaved wormwood......

They have their own characteristics, but if you want to say that the highest medicinal value has to be the broad-leaved mugwort, also known as "white mugwort".

It has wide leaves, a thin layer of white velvet on the back, and a white back with green leaves, as if wearing a natural dress.

This white wormwood is vigorous, once planted, it grows on its own every year, without too much care, it can grow endlessly, as if it is a gift from the earth, never exhausted.

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

In the fast-paced world of modern society, wormwood seems to be a gentle comfort, reminding us to slow down and return to nature.

Whether it's brewing a cup of mugwort tea or taking a mugwort bath at night, the faint herbal aroma can always make people forget their troubles for a while and relax their body and mind.

For women, wormwood is more like a guardian of time.

In its own way, it quietly lays a soft cushion for them in the long river of years, so that age becomes a string of numbers, not a burden.

"A woman eats a grass, and she doesn't look old at eighty", what is the magic grass? Don't miss out on now!

This grass that "a woman eats a grass, and she does not look old at eighty" is the wormwood around us.

It is not publicized, but it nourishes the water and soil in silence and protects the health of generations of people.

The next time you come across this humble green grass in the field, bend down and savor the story and wisdom behind it.

After all, every detail of nature is a treasure worth cherishing and exploring.