
Liu Zhi, a subordinate of General Chiang Kai-shek, is actually a big corrupt official, but he likes to pretend to be stupid


China's military history is marked by many controversial generals, including Liu Zhi. He was once an important general in the Kuomintang army and one of the important figures during the Anti-Japanese War. However, due to various reasons, Liu Zhi's life was full of twists and turns, and finally ended with his death. Recently, some "unknown" stories about Liu Zhi have been quietly revealed, which has aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens. It is reported that Liu Zhi has had many "peculiar" moves in his military career, and behind these actions may be his unique "scheming", let's find out today.

Liu Zhi, a subordinate of General Chiang Kai-shek, is actually a big corrupt official, but he likes to pretend to be stupid

First, "pretending to be stupid" has become the key to its success

Liu Zhi, a subordinate of General Chiang Kai-shek, is actually a big corrupt official, but he likes to pretend to be stupid

When talking about Liu Zhi's military career, one naturally thinks of his relationship with Chiang Kai-shek. In fact, during the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Zhi had frequent contacts with Chiang Kai-shek, and he was able to always be trusted by Chiang Kai-shek and have a close cooperative relationship with him, which was inseparable from his strategy of "pretending to be stupid and stunned". It is understood that Liu Zhi has shown extraordinary wisdom and wit since he was a child, and is especially good at observing and analyzing the mental activities of others, so he soon realized that in order to stand out in the army, he must learn to hide his edge and skillfully interact with others.

Liu Zhi, a subordinate of General Chiang Kai-shek, is actually a big corrupt official, but he likes to pretend to be stupid

Therefore, Liu Zhi began to try various methods, and finally discovered the ability to "pretend to be stupid". He understands that in the big dye vat of the army, sometimes it is not that the smarter the person, the easier it is to be recognized by others, but may attract the jealousy and exclusion of others, so he chooses to deliberately hide his extraordinary wisdom and show a "stupid" appearance, so that others will naturally no longer be too wary of him, but will feel that he is easy to get along with, so that it is easier to establish a good relationship with him.

Later, when Liu Zhi and Chiang Kai-shek intersected, he even exerted his ability to "pretend to be stupid and stunned", and often behaved without assertiveness in front of Chiang Kai-shek, at the mercy of Chiang Kai-shek, thus winning Chiang Kai-shek's trust. It can be said that it is precisely because of his move that he has been promoted and reused by Chiang Kai-shek and has become an important general in the Kuomintang army.

Liu Zhi, a subordinate of General Chiang Kai-shek, is actually a big corrupt official, but he likes to pretend to be stupid

2. Corruption reflects the internal problems of the Kuomintang

Of course, Liu Zhi is not without any shortcomings, on the contrary, he has had some "disgraceful" actions in his military career, and the most criticized is his corruption. It is understood that during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liu Zhi once held some important military positions, however, when he was in charge of the air defense project, he caused an uproar in public opinion because of suspected corruption, and many people accused him of seriously affecting the progress of the War of Resistance against Japan, and even directly led to the ineffectiveness of the air defense project, which brought huge losses to the Kuomintang army.

It can be said that it is precisely because of Liu Zhi's corruption that some of his military measures have been questioned and his military career has been overshadowed. At the same time, however, Liu Zhi's actions also reflected the serious corruption problems within the Kuomintang at the time, as well as the malmanagement of the army. It is precisely because of the existence of these problems that generals like Liu Zhi can engage in corruption with impunity, and it has also led to the failure of some important military projects to proceed smoothly, which has brought a great adverse impact on the situation during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Therefore, if we look at it from another angle, Liu Zhi's actions may be regarded as a kind of "warning", and the problems caused by his corruption are actually the problems that need to be solved urgently within the Kuomintang army at that time, and also remind people that the victory during the Anti-Japanese War does not only depend on the strength of military power, but also needs a clear political environment and a clean army as a solid backing.

Liu Zhi, a subordinate of General Chiang Kai-shek, is actually a big corrupt official, but he likes to pretend to be stupid

3. "Scraping the beard" shows the pursuit of power

Of course, in addition to the above aspects, there are many things worth pondering in Liu Zhi's life, for example, after he was removed from his post for the last time, he once put forward the initiative of "shaving the beard and the clear will" and expressed his willingness to die for Chiang Kai-shek. Such a move seems to be a bit unexpected, and it also makes people wonder what kind of mentality Liu Zhi had at that time to make such a move.

If we analyze it carefully, we will find that Liu Zhi's proposal to "shave his beard" was not out of impulse, but his deep pursuit of power and desire for status. It is conceivable that in his military career, he has always been able to be promoted and reused by Chiang Kai-shek, and has a close cooperative relationship with him, which is undoubtedly a great spiritual inspiration for him, and also makes him have a great yearning for power.

Therefore, when his position was threatened, and even faced the possibility of being dismissed, he chose to put forward the "shaving beard", hoping to regain Chiang Kai-shek's trust, continue to stay in the army, and continue to enjoy the taste of power. It can be said that his behavior is a manifestation of his true inner thoughts, and also shows his pursuit of power and desire for status, such a mentality may have played an important role in his entire military career.

Liu Zhi, a subordinate of General Chiang Kai-shek, is actually a big corrupt official, but he likes to pretend to be stupid

Through the understanding of Liu Zhi's life, we can't help but sigh that a person's life can be so colorful and there can be so many untold stories. His life may not be perfect, and there are even many despicable points, but these experiences and stories are an important window for us to understand history and human nature.

Perhaps, in our current view, Liu Zhi is not a model of "success", but if we can look at it from another angle, we may find that the "wisdom" and "courage" shown in his life are actually places we can learn from and learn, and also make us more deeply aware that a person's success is not only external honor and status, but also internal cultivation and personality charm are equally important, which is the real "success".