
"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

author:Reminder special seal

As soon as I got off work, I received a message from a colleague that Xiao Zhang from the company's purchasing department had left. The 95-year-old sunshine boy is gone.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

To be honest, I still can't believe it's true. Xiao Zhang, always with a handsome smile, is enthusiastic about his work, and is also enthusiastic about his colleagues. Some time ago, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and we went to the hospital to see him. At that time, he was still talking and laughing, and he couldn't tell that he was a sick person at all. But how can this illness come and take him away at once?

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

When I think of Xiao Zhang, I feel heartache. He's really the treasure of our company. At work, he is always so conscientious and responsible, and he is also enthusiastic about his colleagues. I remember one time, I had a tough problem, and he helped me find a solution. He also told me before that he wanted to be the head of the purchasing department in the next few years. But now, all of this has come to naught.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

Xiao Zhang's death is undoubtedly a heavy blow to his family and friends. I heard that his mother was crying heartbreakingly, unable to accept this cruel truth. And his friends also posted condolences on social media, reminiscing about the happy times spent with him. It's really unacceptable that such a young life is gone.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

This incident also made me deeply aware of the impermanence of life. I began to reflect on my life, should I also cherish the present more and take care of my body? After all, we only live once, and we can't predict the future, but we can cherish the present.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

To be honest, I've always felt that my body is fine, but Xiao Zhang's incident is a wake-up call for me. I started to pay attention to my physical condition, pay attention to my diet and exercise. After all, I don't want myself and my family to go through that kind of pain.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

Netizens also had a heated discussion about Xiao Zhang's death, which made me see everyone's awe of life and the importance of health. Many people are lamenting the fragility of life and calling on everyone to cherish the present moment and care for their bodies. These discussions also strengthened my resolve to focus on health.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

In fact, I have always felt that health is very important, but I have always neglected my body because of my busy work and tight schedule. Now that I think about it, it was really wrong. No matter how busy you are at work, you can't neglect your health.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

So, from now on, I'm going to pay more attention to health and wellness. I will arrange my work and rest reasonably, maintain a good attitude, and pay attention to healthy diet. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution, and only when the body is good can we better face the challenges and pressures of life.

"A colleague in '95 died of lung cancer, and the cancer became younger?" On the hot search, netizens: It is important to save your life

Moreover, I feel that health is not only for myself, but also for my family and friends. I don't want them to worry about my health. So, I'm going to be stronger and healthier and make them feel at ease and at ease.

To be honest, wellness is not an easy thing to do, and it requires perseverance and patience. But I believe that as long as I persevere, I will be able to reap the benefits of health and happiness.

Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh at the impermanence and preciousness of life. We really don't know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident, so we must cherish every moment and take care of our body and mind. Only in this way can we better enjoy the beauty and happiness of life.

By the way, I don't think the matter of health can be achieved overnight, and it needs to be adjusted and changed slowly. For example, I now insist on going to bed early and waking up early, and maintain a good routine. In terms of diet, I have also started to pay attention to nutritional balance and food variety. These small changes have made me feel healthier and mentally better.

In addition, I will also pass on the concept of wellness to my family and friends, so that they can also take care of their physical health. After all, health is the most important asset!

Looking back on Xiao Zhang's passing, I still feel heartache and regret. But I also understood a truth: life is so short and impermanent, we should cherish every moment and take care of our body and mind. Only in this way can we live a more fulfilling and meaningful life!