
Mouth Guan Gong Xiaolinzi is to come out for the New Year to enliven and enliven the atmosphere, and it is a bit too much to make a career!

author:Extreme speed stream h

, Xiao Linzi was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his arms, and there were words in his mouth, and his eyes flashed with a determined light, as if he could penetrate the dust of history and reach the soul of Guan Gong, who was brave and good at fighting. He is determined to promote the culture of Zuiguangong to the world, so that more people can appreciate this unique charm.

However, his footsteps stopped at Tianshui. Two attempts, two frustrations, made him begin to doubt his original intentions. It turned out that Lanzhou Cultural Tourism didn't buy it, they felt that the image of the drunken Guan Gong was too evil and incompatible with the values of contemporary society. Therefore, they refused to issue a performance permit, leaving Kobayashi's dream to run aground for the time being.

Mouth Guan Gong Xiaolinzi is to come out for the New Year to enliven and enliven the atmosphere, and it is a bit too much to make a career!

I stood aside, looking at Xiao Linzi's lost back, and I couldn't help but feel a complicated emotion in my heart. I respect folk culture and local beliefs, but I also understand that any culture needs to evolve with the times and integrate with contemporary society. Although Zuiguangong culture has its unique charm, if it only blindly pursues mystery and weirdness, and ignores the connection with modern society, then it will eventually be eliminated by the times.

I remembered the scenes in those performances, where Xiao Linzi wore a red battle robe and held the Blue Dragon Glaive Knife, swinging freely on the stage. His performance did attract a lot of attention, but there were also some doubts and criticisms. Some people say that he is promoting feudal superstition, and some people say that he is tarnishing the image of Guan Gong. These voices made Xiao Linzi feel pressured, and also made him start to think about whether there was a problem with the way he acted.

However, Kobayashi did not give up. He firmly believes that his performances are motivated by love and respect for Guan Gong culture, and not to cater to certain people's tastes or pursue commercial interests. He began to try to change his performance method and add more modern elements to make the Zui Guan Gong culture closer to contemporary society.

Mouth Guan Gong Xiaolinzi is to come out for the New Year to enliven and enliven the atmosphere, and it is a bit too much to make a career!

However, even so, Lanzhou Cultural Tourism still has not changed their attitude. They insisted that ghostly, feudal and superstitious behavior was undesirable, and they were unwilling to allow such performances to appear on stage. This made me think, what is true cultural heritage?

Perhaps, true cultural inheritance is not just about simply copying and imitating, but more importantly, it is about injecting new vitality and elements on the basis of respecting tradition, so that culture can keep pace with the times and integrate with contemporary society. Only in this way can culture radiate new vitality and vitality, and be accepted and loved by more people.

Looking at Xiao Linzi's sweaty figure on the stage, I deeply felt his persistence and persistence. He is not only performing a role, but also inheriting a culture and a spirit. Although his performance was questioned and criticized by some people, he did not give up and worked harder to pursue his dream.

I think that's the real cultural heritage. It requires us to feel, experience, and innovate with our hearts. Only in this way can we truly understand and inherit those excellent traditional cultures, so that they can shine with new brilliance in the new era.

Mouth Guan Gong Xiaolinzi is to come out for the New Year to enliven and enliven the atmosphere, and it is a bit too much to make a career!

As for the so-called "ghosts" and "feudal superstitions", I want to say that they are just some people's misunderstandings and prejudices about traditional culture. We should face traditional culture with a more open and inclusive mind, explore its essence and value, and make it a part of our lives.

Of course, we cannot blindly pursue the inheritance and development of traditional culture. On the basis of respecting tradition, we need to pay attention to the docking and integration with modern society. Only in this way can we truly realize the inheritance and development of culture, so that they can radiate new vitality and vitality in the new era.

What I want to say is that although Kobayashi's dream has been put on hold for the time being, his persistence and efforts are worthy of our admiration and learning. Let's cheer him on together, and look forward to him finding a path that is more suitable for the inheritance and development of Zuiguangong culture in the coming days.