
In all fairness, does Embiid deserve to be an MVP for this performance? There's really nothing to brag about

author:Beautiful full moon Y

When you see Embiid's wild move of rushing into the opponent's defense on the court, will you also murmur to yourself: "This buddy, MVP flavor is not enough?" "No, it's time for us to take his performance out in the sun. Don't worry, we have to analyze it one by one.

First of all, we have to talk about Embiid's "magical" performance in the fourth quarter. You know, a lot of times the game of basketball doesn't really start until the fourth quarter, when the stars usually show their "Mr. Key" qualities. But what about Embiid? Sometimes you will see him like a lost driver, who can hit the railroad but has to walk on a dirt road. Passing the ball, often at the right time, or simply passing it to the fans in the audience, good mentality!

In all fairness, does Embiid deserve to be an MVP for this performance? There's really nothing to brag about

Let's talk about his lower limb strength. Hey, this can really be said to be a "high-level" problem. The ideal is plump, the reality is skinny, and Embiid is often not so powerful in the low post. originally expected him to be able to strategize like a commander in a high position, but the result was that he occasionally pointed to the east and west, which made people scratch their heads.

In all fairness, does Embiid deserve to be an MVP for this performance? There's really nothing to brag about

Then there's the rebounding. When it comes to rebounding, to put it bluntly, it depends on who has long hands and fast hands, and who has fast eyes. But at critical moments, Embiid sometimes seems to have participated in a "challenge the impossible" show, and he just can't catch the ball when he sees it. No, let the opponent snatch the ball again, it's distressing!

In all fairness, does Embiid deserve to be an MVP for this performance? There's really nothing to brag about

And then there's the problem of his mentality. As we all know, on the basketball court, in addition to skill, mentality is also extremely important. Embiid can be a little impatient at times, especially when the score is down, and sometimes he relies too much on free throws, which is not a long-term solution.

Then again, the overall performance of the Philadelphia team is also a big problem. In the past few years of drafts and trades, are we a bit of a "gambler mentality"? Always trying to gamble to see if you can win big, the result is often the opposite. The management and strategy of the team is also a big head. Look at the reasonable tactical use of other teams, and then look at us, sometimes it's really foggy.

Embiid's interactions with other players are also a matter of course. After all, basketball is a team sport, and no matter how good a person's performance is, he or she must need the support and cooperation of his teammates. In this regard, are we also a little lacking?

Let's talk about how it compares to other MVP candidates. Look at the candidates, all of them are big generals who can carry the team forward at critical moments. Although Embiid's statistics are beautiful, his performance at key moments sometimes does make people sweat.

Finally, we have to make a summary. Embiid, that's right, the strength is there, and it does bring us a lot of surprises and joy. However, when it comes to MVP, it's not just a matter of looking at whether the data drifts beautifully. The performance of key moments, the overall cooperation of the team, and the adjustment of individual mentality are extremely crucial. From these perspectives, although Embiid is a good player, it may be a question mark to say whether he deserves to be MVP. After all, MVP is not only a data machine on the field, but also a leader who can stabilize the morale of the military and lead the team to victory at critical moments.

Therefore, if Embiid wants to really sit on the MVP throne, he still needs more training, not only his personal technical improvement, but more importantly, his leadership and mental quality on the court. Only in this way can we truly prove that we are not only a data generator, but also an undisputed leader on the big stage of the NBA.

For the Philadelphia team, there should also be more emphasis on team integrity and tactical diversity, rather than relying solely on Embiid's performance alone. After all, basketball can win the game, not the flash of one person, but the cooperation and tacit understanding of the whole team.

Overall, Embiid does have good quality and performance, but by the standards of an MVP, he still has a long way to go. Hopefully, in the future, we can see a more mature, more comprehensive, and more commendable Embiid, not only in terms of statistics, but also in the team's leadership and handling of key moments, showing a true MVP demeanor.