
This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

author:Gardenia Entertainment
This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

From little white stockings to "Sun Goddess" - Xie Na's transformation road

At the beginning of the new century, Xie Na, a little girl from rural Sichuan, started her dream of acting. With her outstanding talent and hard work, she gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, and eventually became the host of Hunan Satellite TV's "Happy Camp", affectionately known as the "Sun Goddess" by fans.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

However, with the changes of the times, her hosting style has gradually been questioned and criticized, and she has once become the object of "ten thousand hates". After introspection and remodeling, Xie Na finally found her own path to the "sun" and grew into a host who was both talented and loved by the audience.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

In 1996, 17-year-old Xie Na started her acting career with great ambition. Born in a remote mountain village in Sichuan, she has dreamed of becoming a great actress one day since she was a child.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

Xie Na has shown amazing acting talent since she was a child, and she always stands out in various cultural performances at the school, and is widely appreciated by teachers and classmates. These experiences undoubtedly strengthened her yearning and determination for an acting career.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

With the support and encouragement of her family, Xie Na resolutely embarked on the road of acting. With her natural talent and excellent acting ability, she has gradually gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. In the early days, she was mainly engaged in some small role performances, although she was not well-known, but with her solid basic skills and excellent performance, she gradually attracted the attention of industry insiders.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

In 2001, Xie Na fell in love with Liu Ye, who was also an actor at the time, and this vigorous "love affair in the entertainment industry" further increased her popularity. Although they eventually broke up after two years, this relationship undoubtedly laid an important foundation for Xie Na's future development.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

In 2004, Xie Na officially joined the host team of Hunan Satellite TV's "Happy Camp". In this popular variety show at the time, she quickly became popular with her unique hosting style. Xie Na's humorous hosting style not only won the love of the audience, but also made her affectionately called the "Sun Goddess" by fans.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

During this period, her career took off and her popularity skyrocketed. She became a popular variety show host and gained the support and admiration of a large number of fans. Xie Na is like a dazzling "sun", shining on the entire entertainment industry.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

The hosting style has been questioned and criticized

However, as the times have changed, so have the aesthetic tastes of the audience. Xie Na's hosting style has gradually been questioned and criticized. She often shows a lack of professionalism and bottom line in the show, such as telling pornographic jokes and being disrespectful to guests, which has been strongly opposed by netizens.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

People began to question whether she really had the basic qualities of hosting, and some even thought that she was just relying on her "beautiful face" to attract attention. In 2023, Xie Na will participate in the much-watched variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2".

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

In this show, she once again sparked widespread controversy. Some people accused her of taking advantage of her "backstage" advantage and popularity advantage in Hunan Satellite TV, and finally won the championship. "Cyber attacks" and "malicious slander" against Xie Na immediately set off on the Internet. Some have even begun to question whether her match is fair and reasonable, arguing that she won the victory through "trickery" and "scheming".

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

From "Sun Goddess" to "Ten Thousand People Hated", Xie Na's image took a sharp turn and became an "outcast" in the entertainment industry for a while. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to her, who has always been sought after. Xie Na once had huge popularity and influence, but now she has become the target of public criticism. Netizens have commented negatively on her, and some even directly called her "pretending to be crazy and stupid" and "scheming".

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

In the face of such huge pressure from public opinion, Xie Na chose to temporarily put down her work and return home for in-depth reflection. She began to seriously think about whether she really has what it takes to be a good host, and whether she should continue to stick to her acting career.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

After a period of rest and recuperation, Xie Na gradually realized that some of her words and deeds in the past were indeed unprofessional and lacked bottom line. She is determined to re-establish her good image and start again in a more mature and stable state.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

In 2024, Xie Na will reappear as a new big sister style. She showed a more calm and professional side, and this change instantly touched the audience and rebuilt her good reputation. Xie Na is no longer the "vase-style" host of the past, but a new host star who attaches equal importance to inner cultivation and expressiveness.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

The controversial "sun goddess" has finally found her own "sun" path, and I believe that she will continue to shine in the hosting world in the future. Xie Na's transformation was not all smooth sailing. From small white stockings to the "sun goddess" and then to the "ten thousand hats", she has experienced many ups and downs. But it was these experiences that made her more aware of how to treat her career with a professional attitude.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

Now Xie Na has gotten rid of the "vase" label in the past and has grown into a host who is both talented and loved by the audience. We should look at her with a more inclusive and rational attitude, and pay attention to whether she can continue to bring quality works to the audience, rather than focusing too much on her private life.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

Everyone should be given the opportunity to reinvent themselves and focus on the quality of their work, rather than simply chasing popularity and criticism. Xie Na's former "sun" road was not achieved overnight, and she also experienced a lot of confusion and doubts. However, she eventually found her own path and shined brightly again.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

Xie Na's reinvention has not been easy.

In the process of reinventing her image, she encountered doubts and pressure from all sides. Some people believe that Xie Na is just "pretending" and wants to whitewash what she did in the past. They pointed out that her past hosting style and behavior were deeply ingrained and difficult to change anytime soon. Some viewers even thought that she was just catering to the current aesthetic trends, rather than really trying to correct herself.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

However, Xie Na was not hit by these negative voices. On the contrary, she strengthened her resolve. She seriously reflected on her past actions and was determined to change herself completely.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

Xie Na first adjusted her mentality. She understands that to truly reinvent her image, she needs to start from within. She began to pay attention to self-cultivation and strive to improve her professionalism and sense of responsibility. In her work, she also pays more attention to detail and professional performance, and strives to be flawless.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

At the same time, Xie Na is also trying to create a new public image. She deliberately chose a steady and atmospheric style of dress, showing a more mature and stable side. During the recording of the program, she also tries to avoid any embarrassing or controversial situations and maintains a professional state at all times.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

Gradually, Xie Na's efforts paid off. The audience began to notice the change in her and gave positive comments. Many people said that Xie Na is no longer the "vase-style" host she was at the beginning, but a new star who is a real professional host.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

In 2025, Xie Na will once again be highly recognized by the industry for her outstanding performance. A new program hosted by her was quickly sought after by the audience and became a popular variety show on Hunan Satellite TV. This is undoubtedly a testament to the success of her reinvention path.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

The current Xie Na can be said to have changed from a "hated by all people" to a host who is "admired by all people". She not only gained the love of the audience, but also reshaped her good image in the entertainment industry. Behind this transformation is Xie Na's unremitting efforts and changes.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!


Xie Na's story tells us that even if a person has made mistakes, as long as they have the courage to face their problems and resolutely change, they will definitely be able to find their own path. It is important to be open and inclusive about the growth and change of others, and to give them the opportunities they deserve.

This time, Xie Na, who "pretended to be crazy and stupid", finally impressed the world!

Today, Xie Na has become a truly outstanding host, and she will continue to give full play to her professional advantages and dedicate more wonderful works to the audience. We sincerely wish her a bright future and a bright future!

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