
Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

author:The junior year said entertainment

1. The door of memory hidden deep in the heart slowly opens: the eventful years of the Chinese music scene

Back in the day, when the Chinese music scene was full of stars, true musicians were filled with great reverence and dedicated themselves to creating excellent works with profound connotations with a humble attitude.

During that time, whether it was before and after the stage or on and off the screen, there was a sincere and deep love and pursuit of music.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou, Asian king Jacky Cheung and Singaporean singer Jony Lin have been in the music scene for decades with their outstanding talents and many popular classics.

However, in the face of praise from fans, they have always remained humble and low-key, always responding with an elegant and decent gentlemanly demeanor, showing a high level of upbringing.

At that time, the atmosphere of the live concert was warm and solemn. On the stage, the singers are fully engaged and do their best to perform with their hearts; Off the stage, the audience listened in awe and immersed themselves in the beautiful melody of the music.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

Everything is so pure and so moving.

In the past, the Chinese music scene was full of the pursuit and persistence of the essence of music. The original intention of music creation is nothing more than to express the perception of life, vent the ups and downs of inner emotions, and give music eternal power and meaning.

It was a pure and noble time, when music was revered as a noble art, and musicians were endowed with a sacred aura and widely revered.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

However, it was not long before this innocuous musical idealism was gradually eroded and distorted by greedy commercial capitalism.

Second, the intervention of capital: flow first, covering up real talent and learning

With the frantic expansion of commercial capital, the Chinese music scene has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Record labels have turned to chasing traffic stars, sincere music creation has become irrelevant, and whether they can create a topic to attract public attention has become the only criterion for them to measure their value.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

Talent shows have been completely subverted and become an important tool for creating traffic stars. Although there are always a large number of players with profound strength in the audition of each season, after many selections, only a few lucky ones often stand out in the end, and most of them are the products of careful planning and packaging by agents.

Even those players with superior strength are often manipulated in the dark during the competition and are forced to give way to the new generation of idols who master the "traffic password".

Hua Chenyu is the leader who has attracted much attention in this craze! He was a little unique when he first appeared on the draft stage, but his overall performance was still low-key and introverted. However, after that, the entertainment giant he signed with immediately designed and packaged him in an all-round way.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

first hyped the fact that Hua Chenyu suffered from depression, and called on fans to give sympathy and love; Immediately afterwards, he made every effort to create his noble status and image as the "new overlord of the Chinese music scene", so that he unabashedly declared to the camera that he was the "god of the music world" at the beginning of his debut.

At the same time, with the rapid rise of traffic dividends, there are also many artists such as Wang Yuan and Feng Timo. Although their expertise and experience are still young, thanks to their ubiquitous marketing strategies and packaging, they have quickly risen to the rank of A-list stars and music instructors.

From their success stories, it is not difficult to find that in today's capital-dominated era, the importance of musical talent and artistic pursuit has been seriously marginalized, and traffic popularity and commercial value have become the only criteria for major companies.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

3. The transformation of art: high and low, fans blindly follow the trend

With these "traffic singers" on the stage, the core concept and artistic value of music creation have gradually been distorted. Their understanding of the art of music has completely deviated from or even misunderstood the original true connotation of this art.

Take Hua Chenyu as an example, this traffic student who is known as a "healing singer", claims to be a "music master" who came to save patients with depression. However, in fact, his works full of strange voices not only did not bring any healing effect to the patients, but made the listeners feel more restless.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

What Hua Chenyu is best at is making a series of exaggerated movements: he will first tremble all over his body, then his face will be hideous, his hands will tremble, and finally his throat will be lengthened, and a series of piercing screams like "ghost crying wolf".

The whole scene was silent, only he shook his head and behaved crookedly on the stage alone, which was particularly funny.

That pretentious singing voice to the extreme is simply a blatant insult to the art of music! Truly exceptional musicians, pouring blood and emotion into each movement; However, Hua Chenyu completely materialized the singing process into a deliberate "performance", which is undoubtedly a blasphemy against music!

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

What's even more jaw-dropping is that in an interview with the media, Hua Chenyu unabashedly proclaimed himself "the eternal god of the Chinese music scene". A "traffic niche" who does not have any representative works and only relies on exaggerated packaging dares to be so arrogant now, which is really laughable!

However, the most distressing thing is that there are indeed a large number of traffic fans who blindly follow in today's society. No matter how outrageous and inferior the words and deeds of idols are, they will go all out to "whitewash" them and turn a blind eye.

Even when Hua Chenyu was embarrassed and made frequent mistakes on CCTV, there were still stubborn fans who defended him vigorously, believing that it was a "high-level" and "connotation" interpretation.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

Obviously, in the eyes of these people, the absurdity and rudeness of idols can be glorified as "art". The same phenomenon also happened to Feng Timo, who was born as a small Internet celebrity. Under the careful packaging of the agency, she also calls herself a "college music teacher".

Although her voice and singing level are still in the stage of being an amateur, she has the courage to sing side by side with her powerful seniors at a large-scale gala, and she can feel good about herself and think "my performance is excellent".

In the face of such a phenomenon, we are speechless. Because in this era of "traffic first", even the lowest and vulgar performances can always find a group of blindly pursued fans to cheer wildly.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

Part 4: Relying on the old and selling the old? Seniors were questioned

At a time when those vain "traffic niches" are proud and show off their might, the really powerful and experienced seniors have been repeatedly questioned and challenged. They have gone through decades of hard work to achieve today's brilliant achievements, but now they have to avoid their edge in front of the next generation of newcomers, which is really a sighing thing.

Taking Hua Chenyu's performance as a judge in many talent shows as an example, his attitude towards his peers can be described as hopelessly proud. In front of the works of the well-known and popular songwriter Mao Buyi, he directly denied it and belittled its "lack of depth and connotation in his lyrics".

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

However, in stark contrast, he praised Yang Chaoyue, a contestant with mediocre acting skills and a bland voice, saying that he "has a strong artistic temperament". Obviously, Hua Chenyu's evaluation method is undoubtedly based on personal preferences, full of private interests and injustice.

What's even more unbelievable is that some "traffic students" with no experience and qualifications dare to point fingers and comment on those senior musicians who have debuted for decades. For example, Wang Yuan frankly said in the program that "my experience is still shallow, and I have never heard of" any representative works of the award-winning veteran singer Wang Meiqi.

As a budding "traffic niche", why dare to be so rude compared to his predecessors who are several times more qualified? What's more, if a person in the music industry has not heard any of the classics of his peers, this in itself is enough to prove that he lacks the most basic respect and respect for the profession.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

Even Chen Chusheng, a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, had to listen to Wang Yuan's "criticism and guidance" in the show. This previously revered senior musician has gone through hardships to achieve today's brilliant achievements.

Now he has to bow his head in front of the fledgling juniors, and the other party comes up with a chaotic punch, which is really regrettable and painful.

As we all know, our predecessors have created countless masterpieces, all of which stem from their decades of hard work, and they have created the prosperity of the entire music scene with their sweat.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

5. Skills inspection: CCTV on-site examination

CCTV stage has always been regarded as an authoritative place to test the performance level of artists, and this time it has finally unveiled the true skills of those "traffic singers", allowing the audience to gain insight into how their strength is stretched.

The audience seems to have long been aware that Hua Chenyu's singing strength is quite worrisome, but the reason why he can perform remarkably on other platforms is completely dependent on the superb "PS" skills of the sound repairers.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

When Hua Chenyu stepped on CCTV, a stage with rigorous audio-visual and striving for authenticity, its shortcomings and shortcomings in music performance were instantly revealed.

At the memorial concert of the world-renowned Hong Kong pop superstar Wong Ka Kui, his song "Earth" became the focus of everyone's expectations. However, when his singing voice first began, the singer who was out of tune and appeared pale and weak, and that unbearable sharp voice, made people sigh "Ears suffer"!

What's worse is that Hua Chenyu suddenly raised his volume from time to time during the singing process, letting out bursts of piercing roars, which made the originally beautiful and beautiful classic songs destroyed beyond recognition.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

The most fatal mistake is that Hua Chenyu frequently made intonation errors during live singing, and he couldn't even master the most basic voice control ability. It's no longer just a matter of technique or style, it's about whether the fundamentals of musical literacy are solid.

The unadorned advantage of the live broadcast allowed the audience to directly witness his true strength.

In contrast, the older generation of artists who performed on the same stage won warm applause from the audience with their excellent professionalism. Their vocalization, breathing, articulation and other aspects are all performed just right, naturally and fluently.

Die to shame! There is no masterpiece and is praised as the top of the music world, these clowns are not ashamed

Their singing voices are powerful and emotional, full of emotion without losing restraint, without any sense of pretentiousness. Their typhoon is steady and generous, and after years of baptism, every appearance can trigger crazy cheers from the audience.

It is with the help of the strict inspection of CCTV that the true level and behavior of those so-called "traffic singers" can be thoroughly examined and revealed.