
Prices rose moderately in April, and household consumption was stable and orderly

author:Eager to learn Qingquan y
Prices rose moderately in April, and household consumption was stable and orderly

In April 2024, the mainland's consumer price (CPI) rose by 0.3% year-on-year, continuing the recent moderate increase. The release of this data once again proves that the overall price level on the mainland has remained basically stable and that the consumer market is operating in a stable and orderly manner. ⁢

Judging from the specific data, the CPI rose by 0.3 percent year-on-year in April, a relatively small increase, reflecting that the current price level is generally controllable. This achievement is inseparable from the precise exertion of the state's macroeconomic regulation and control policies and the continuous optimization of market supply and demand. At the same time, it also reflects the gradual increase in consumers' sensitivity to price changes and the more rational consumption structure.

Among all kinds of consumer goods, the impact of changes in food prices on CPI is more significant. However, in April, food prices did not rise significantly, thanks to the steady development of agricultural production and the abundance of market supplies. In addition, non-food prices also remained stable, especially the increase in service prices was small, showing a steady trend in the development of the mainland's service industry. ⁡

Prices rose moderately in April, and household consumption was stable and orderly

It is worth noting that although the year-on-year increase in CPI was smaller, the month-on-month increase expanded. This may be related to seasonal factors, holiday effects, and changes in the supply and demand relationship of some commodities. On the whole, however, these short-term fluctuations have not had a significant impact on the overall price level, and the consumer market has remained stable

Prices rose moderately in April, and household consumption was stable and orderly

With regard to the prediction of future price trends, experts generally believe that with the continuous improvement of the state's macroeconomic regulation and control policies and the increasing maturity of the market mechanism, the overall price level on the mainland will continue to remain basically stable. At the same time, with the deepening of consumption upgrading and supply-side structural reform, consumers will enjoy more high-quality and high-value-added products and services, and further promote the prosperous development of the consumer market. ⁢

However, we should also be soberly aware that the current economic situation at home and abroad is still complex and changeable, and price stability is facing many challengesTherefore, we need to continue to strengthen macroeconomic regulation and control, optimize the relationship between supply and demand in the market, and promote the steady and healthy development of the consumer market.

First of all, it is necessary to deepen the supply-side structural reform and promote industrial upgrading and innovative development. By increasing investment in scientific and technological innovation, we will improve the quality level of products and services to meet the increasingly diverse needs of consumers. At the same time, it is necessary to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, and inject new impetus into economic development. _‍

Second, it is necessary to strengthen market supervision and price monitoring and early warningEstablish and improve the market supervision system, intensify the crackdown on violations of laws and regulations, and maintain market order and fair competition. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen price monitoring and early warning work, and promptly discover and respond to possible risks of price fluctuations. 

Finally, it is necessary to guide consumers to establish a rational concept of consumption. Strengthen consumer education through various channels to improve consumers' price awareness and risk awarenessConsumers are encouraged to make reasonable consumption according to their own needs and economic strength, and avoid blindly following trends and excessive consumption. ⁢

Prices rose moderately in April, and household consumption was stable and orderly

In short, in April 2024, the consumer price of mainland China rose by 0. The 3 percent data shows that the overall price level on the mainland remains basically stable, and the consumer market is operating in a stable and orderly mannerIn the future, we need to continue to promote the prosperity and development of the consumer market on the basis of maintaining price stability, so as to provide strong support for the high-quality development of the mainland economy.