
The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

author:Xiao Zhu, who loves to talk

"Should the bride price be cancelled" has always been a hot topic in society. There are many families who spend all their belongings for marriage, and this behavior has also raised widespread questions in the society, whether the bride price system should be abolished. The reporter interviewed a young girl who believes that the bride price should not be canceled. The girl's point of view sparked a lot of discussion on the Internet.

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

The girl believes that although society has always advocated equality between men and women, in actual married life, the status and obligations of the woman are still greater than that of the man. She analyzed that in marriage, in addition to being responsible for giving birth to offspring, the woman also has to take on a lot of housework. Taking care of the children's food and daily life, and taking care of household chores are the main responsibilities of the woman.

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!
The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

For the man, the main task is only to earn money to support the family. In addition, the woman is often at a disadvantage in the event of divorce. In reality, the divorce rate is rising, and once the woman is divorced, she may have to take on the burden of raising the children at the same time. In many cases, women may have lower levels of education and skills, and there are many obstacles to re-employment, which is a big blow to women.

In contrast, divorce has less of an impact on the man. Based on these objective circumstances, she believes that the bride price is actually a kind of compensation for the woman's contribution in marriage and family. Since it is still difficult to achieve equality between men and women in the true sense of society, the bride price plays a certain role in "guaranteeing" and can provide a certain "parachute" for the woman in the event of divorce.

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

Of course, there are different ways to interpret this question. Some argue that the exorbitant bride price encourages arranged marriages and is not conducive to young people's right to make their own choices. But the abolition of the bride price is also unrealistic, because it reflects the traditional Chinese concept of "upbringing" to a certain extent.

It is suggested that the legal rights and interests of women in divorce should be protected by law, such as joint protection of property and custody rights. This can change the disadvantageous position of women in divorce. There is also an emphasis on the establishment of a rational gender ideology in family education. Cultivate the idea of equality between men and women in children from an early age, and eliminate traditional gender biases.

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

It was also suggested that extension education should help to improve women's employment opportunities. For example, women are encouraged to learn new modern skills, such as programming, design, and other professions, to increase employment options. Society also needs to change the traditional view of what constitutes a "successful marriage". It is not only about economic achievement, but also about getting along with husband and wife and growing up in personality.

The issue of bride price is not a simple cancellation or retention. It is important to apply systems thinking to find solutions that are reasonably balanced. Only by establishing a truly equal and just social environment can we lay a solid foundation for a happy marriage for everyone.

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

Netizens are hotly discussed

Facing the girl's opinion, some netizens said: If the child doesn't follow the mother's surname, the woman will give 388,000 dowry. A male netizen sarcastically said below: You have to have a house, a car and a deposit, and the house must be written with the man's name, so as to give him a sense of security. [covers face]

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

There is also a netizen who told the truth, saying: I am also a woman, women pay too much, it is the original woman!

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

Some netizens proposed: In the future, the bride price will not be given when you get married, but when you give birth to a child. If you don't give birth, you don't have to give it, but if you give birth to a few times, how about it? Solve the contradiction perfectly.

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

Some netizens said: The girl ignored a problem, the bride price was given to her mother's family, and then her husband and wife paid off the debt, didn't she pay more?

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

At last

The complexity of the bride price issue can be seen. It not only involves the conflict between traditional culture and modern values, but is also closely related to the development of all levels of society. No single "cancel" or "retain" view can be the best answer to this problem.

Genuine equity can only be achieved if the existing mechanisms are improved on many fronts. For example, improving legal safeguards, promoting the idea of equality, promoting equality in education, and reshaping the definition of success are all effective ways to systematically address this problem. Rather than continuing to argue about the "bride price" itself, it is more important to work together to build a social environment in which everyone can be respected and happy in marriage.

The girl was ridiculed by netizens when she talked about the bride price: Women pay too much, it's the original women!

The reason why the girl supports the retention of the bride price does not mean that she agrees with the drawbacks, but is based on the fact that men and women are not equal in reality. She points out the essence of the problem and aims to provoke us to think deeply about the root causes. Only by carefully examining the shortcomings of the existing model and seeking comprehensive and long-term improvements can we protect everyone's rights and interests to the greatest extent.