
5 kinds of flowers are "afraid of strong light", and they will grow better when placed in semi-shade

author:The phoenix leaps up


Recently, with the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people like to raise some green plants at home, which can not only play a role in decorating the environment, but also purify the air and bring some happiness to people. Among the many green plants, flowers are loved by everyone, and all kinds of flowers can not only add a touch of color to people's lives, but also exude bursts of fragrance, bringing some beautiful emotional experience to people's lives.

However, with the gradual increase in temperature, the summer sun also becomes extraordinarily fierce, which is a great test for the growth of some flowers, and some flowers will even appear sunburned because the sunlight is too strong, which has a certain impact on the growth and ornamentation of flowers. Therefore, in the maintenance work in summer, reasonable shading measures are particularly important, only when the shading is done at the same time, can effectively protect the flowers, so that they can thrive.

5 kinds of flowers are "afraid of strong light", and they will grow better when placed in semi-shade

So, in the summer maintenance work, how should we scientifically do a good job of shading the flowers? Next, let's take a look.

5 kinds of flowers are "afraid of strong light", and they will grow better when placed in semi-shade

1. Which flowers need to be shaded

In the maintenance work in summer, in fact, not all flowers need to be shaded, only those who like semi-shaded environment, afraid of strong light exposure to the flowers need us to do a good job of shading, so as to better meet their growth needs, to avoid sunburn.

# 1. Fortune is at the head

Hongyun Dangtou, also known as bamboo, is a very common foliage plant, its foliage effect is very good, the dark green leaves are also covered with a layer of silver-white lines, giving people a very fresh and refined feeling. Moreover, the maintenance difficulty of Hongyun is not very large, suitable for indoor maintenance, but it is afraid of strong light, once exposed to strong light for a long time, there will be a phenomenon of yellowing of leaves, and in serious cases, there will be dry and falling of leaves, so in the maintenance work in summer, we must do a good job of shading for Hongyun, and place it in a well-ventilated, soft place, and occasionally an appropriate amount of sunlight.

# 2. Anthurium

Anthurium, also known as golden flower, is a very beautiful foliage plant, its leaves are a deep green, and also covered with a layer of golden yellow markings, very showy. Moreover, the ornamental value of anthurium is very high, which can effectively enhance the style of the entire home environment. However, anthurium belongs to the plant that likes a semi-shady environment, afraid of strong direct light, once exposed to the sun for a long time, there will be sunburn of the leaves, so in the maintenance work in summer, we must pay attention to the work of shading the anthurium, place it in a well-ventilated, soft light place, you can properly use the transparent shade net to shade the sun, and maintain proper humidity.

# 3. fuchsia

The upside-down Admiralty, also known as the spider plant, is a very common foliage plant, and its overhanging growth habit is very suitable for home decoration, which can effectively save space and give people a very unique beauty. Moreover, the maintenance difficulty of the upside-down Admiralty is not very great, but it is very afraid of high temperature and strong light irradiation, once exposed to strong light for a long time, there will be sunburn and curling of the leaves, so in the maintenance work in summer, we must do a good job of shading the upside-down Admiralty, place it in a semi-shaded environment, and can properly use the transparent sunshade net to shade and keep the ventilation good.

# 4. azalea

Rhododendron is a very beautiful ornamental flower, its flowers show a variety of colors, very showy, and are loved by people. Moreover, the maintenance difficulty of rhododendron is not very large, but it is very afraid of strong light exposure, like to grow in a semi-shady environment, once exposed to the sun for a long time, there will be a phenomenon of flower withering, so in the maintenance work in summer, we must do a good job of shading the azalea, place it in a place with soft light and good ventilation, and avoid direct sunlight.

# 5. Lige Begonia

Lige Begonia is a very beautiful foliage plant, its leaves are light green, and there is a layer of silver-white lines, very fresh and beautiful, can effectively enhance the freshness of the entire home environment. Moreover, the maintenance difficulty of Lige Begonia is not very large, but it does not like sufficient light, once exposed to the sun for a long time, there will be sunburn and curling of leaves, so in the maintenance work in summer, we must do a good job of shading for Lige Begonia, place it in a semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight, and when the temperature is too high, it also needs proper shading and cooling.

Through the above introduction, I believe that we have a certain understanding of which flowers need to do a good job of shading, and next, let's take a look at how to do a good job of shading flowers in the specific maintenance process?

5 kinds of flowers are "afraid of strong light", and they will grow better when placed in semi-shade

Second, how to scientifically do a good job of shading flowers

In the maintenance work in summer, reasonable shading measures can effectively protect flowers and avoid sunburn due to excessive heat, but when doing a good job of shading flowers for flowers, we also need to pay attention to some details.

# 1. Choose the right shade method

In the daily maintenance work, to do a good job of shading flowers, you can take a variety of different ways, such as you can move the position of the flower pot appropriately, place it in a place with soft light, you can use transparent sunshade nets to shade, you can also hang some shade nets around the flower pots, for the flowers to carry out effective shading. However, when choosing a shading method, it must be carried out according to the specific situation, and the shading cannot be carried out blindly, otherwise it will affect the normal growth of flowers.

# 2. Arrange the time of watering and fertilization reasonably

In the summer maintenance work, many people are prone to make the mistake of watering and fertilizing too often, in fact, this is not conducive to the growth of flowers, especially those who like semi-shaded environment flowers, such as azaleas, at this time, if we are too diligent to water and fertilize flowers, it will lead to the roots of flowers in a damp state for a long time, easy to cause pests and diseases, affect the growth of flowers, so while doing a good job of shading flowers to flowers, we should also reasonably arrange the time of watering and fertilization, and avoid watering when high temperature and dryness. You can do the right amount of watering in the early morning or late afternoon, and the frequency of fertilization should be appropriately reduced.

# 3. Pay attention to proper ventilation and cooling

In addition to doing a good job of shading, proper ventilation is also very important, which can effectively help flowers dissipate heat, reduce indoor temperature, in the summer high temperature, you can replace the indoor air in time, but pay attention to avoid direct light at noon and afternoon, you can move the flowers to a well-ventilated and soft place at this time, and you can also properly spray water to cool down the flowers, but avoid direct sunlight, so as not to cause the leaves to be sunburned.

# 4. Adjust according to lighting conditions

In the daily maintenance work, but also according to the light of the flower to make reasonable adjustments, such as some flowers can be properly exposed to the sun, such as some succulents, can be placed in a well-lit place, conducive to its normal growth, and some shade-loving flowers, we need to strengthen the work of shading, it will be placed in a relatively dark place, such as fortune and anthurium, only to do scientific shading at the same time, in order to better meet the growth needs of flowers, to avoid sunburn.

Through the above introduction, I believe that we have a certain understanding of how to scientifically do a good job of shading flowers, in the daily maintenance work, only to do scientific shading at the same time, but also pay attention to other details, in order to better protect the flowers, so that they can thrive.

5 kinds of flowers are "afraid of strong light", and they will grow better when placed in semi-shade


Summer is the vigorous period of flower growth, and it is also the time when various pests and diseases are raging, and some flowers are prone to sunburn at this time, which brings certain troubles to everyone's maintenance work, so at this time, it is particularly important to do a good job of shading. I hope that through today's sharing, we can help everyone, so that we can better shade the flowers in the summer maintenance work, so that they can thrive and add a touch of beautiful scenery to our lives.

If you have more experience in flower care, please leave a message below to discuss with you.