
Attaboy! The post-95 guy caught the jumping woman with his bare hands and sacrificed himself to save others! Fryer in the comment area!

author:Witty Dream U

‬看到有人跳楼,你会怎么做呢? On May 6, a video of a post-95 guy catching the aunt who jumped off the building with his bare hands spread on the Internet, attracting the attention of netizens.

On the same day, the young man Cao Zhiyang was walking on the road, an aunt lost control of her emotions due to mental problems, and jumped down from the fourth floor. I can't help but say: Good job!




Attaboy! The post-95 guy caught the jumping woman with his bare hands and sacrificed himself to save others! Fryer in the comment area!

This netizen has a little knowledge on him, and he must use the right method to save people, don't forget to ensure his own safety, and your family is also waiting for you to go home at home.

Attaboy! The post-95 guy caught the jumping woman with his bare hands and sacrificed himself to save others! Fryer in the comment area!

Righteousness and courage, sacrificing oneself to save others, the young man is really good, we praise you, a good man has a safe life!

Attaboy! The post-95 guy caught the jumping woman with his bare hands and sacrificed himself to save others! Fryer in the comment area!

This kind of good people and good deeds should be publicized and rewarded, there are still many good people in the world, full of positive energy, I hope that the young man's future will be smooth sailing and the God of Wealth.

Attaboy! The post-95 guy caught the jumping woman with his bare hands and sacrificed himself to save others! Fryer in the comment area!

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