
There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

author:Strawberry Talk Literature

1. Let's go back to Jacky Cheung's ups and downs and fascinating music career!

With a god-given passion for music and outstanding talent, he can show a calm and rational attitude in handling daily affairs; In life, Jacky Cheung has always been positive and optimistic.

In this way, at the age of 23, he won the championship in a huge Hong Kong Amateur Singer Competition, which attracted the attention of the music world.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

In 1985, he released his debut album, and with his unique voice and handsome appearance, this debut film sold 200,000 copies, which is amazing. At that time, the newcomers in the music scene were in full swing, and people predicted that he would ride on the road of music and climb to the top.

However, fate played a joke on him at this critical moment, and he had to temporarily put aside his music career and devote himself to the film and television industry. This decision was undoubtedly a huge challenge for the young man, and his initial attempts were full of obstacles.

For example, in the movie "Thunderbolt Trumpet" co-starring with Wang Zuxian, a seemingly simple fight scene turned out to be NG more than 60 times, and the scene was chaotic and ridiculous.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

However, Jacky Cheung did not back down because of this, but became more and more frustrated. With his perseverance and unremitting efforts, he finally achieved good results in the entertainment industry, and his self-confidence also doubled.

It was at this important turning point in his life that he met another important person in his life, Luo Meiwei, and during the filming of the film, the two developed a deep love for each other, and Luo Meiwei became the biggest motivation for Jacky Cheung to regain his motivation and regain his music dream.

2. Reveal the story behind Luo Meiwei's cleanliness

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

At first, Luo Meiwei was able to tolerate and understand some small flaws in Jacky Cheung's life. Even if Jacky Cheung makes a mess of the room, she will not mind helping him tidy up and do her best to maintain this relationship.

However, when their relationship is in crisis and a breakup seems inevitable, Luo Meiwei is determined to change her "clean-up fetish" and hope to become a more elegant and generous woman.

She conveyed an affectionate sentence to Jacky Cheung: "If you are willing to change, we are still possible" This sentence is like a beacon, illuminating the way for the king to start again.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

Unexpectedly, in Luo Meiwei's married life, the symptoms of cleanliness not only did not improve effectively, but became more and more serious. At Anita Mui's farewell ceremony, when a guest accidentally sneezed, Luo Meiwei showed an expression of extreme disgust, waving her hands vigorously to disperse the surrounding air, as if to drive away all those bacteria that could not be detected by the naked eye.

This move undoubtedly seemed extremely impolite in public, and everyone present cast strange glances, and Jacky Cheung also felt very embarrassed and troubled by his wife's behavior.

Luo Meiwei's excessive cleanliness has seriously affected the quality of life of a family of four. According to rumors, she has replaced more than 20 housekeeping staff in just three years, and every time she travels, she is sure to disinfect her hotel rooms before moving in.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

There are few photos of the couple going out with their children, perhaps because Luo Meiwei firmly believes that the outside environment is not clean enough.

3. The family crisis caused by Luo Meiwei's investment mistakes

Investment and financial management has always been Luo Meiwei's passion, and she has always been generous in investment, often with large-scale operations of up to hundreds of millions. However, the good times did not last long, and in 2008, due to the downturn in the market, Luo Meiwei suffered a heavy blow at one time, with a loss of more than 4,000 yuan.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

This huge loss undoubtedly brought a heavy financial burden to Jacky Cheung's family. In order to fill this loophole, Jacky Cheung had to go all out to launch a series of more than 100 concert tours.

During that time, he was so busy with rehearsals and performances that he had little time to take care of his wife and children, and he could only go home late at night to rest, and the next morning he had to rush to the next stop of the performance.

Although Luo Meiwei knew that this was a family crisis caused by herself, she was still full of deep guilt when she saw her husband working so hard. What's more coincidental is that Jacky Cheung's tour coincided with the 30th anniversary of his debut, and he was supposed to enjoy a relaxing vacation, but he was forced by his agent Chen Shufen to complete the task.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

Faced with the pressure of his best friend for many years, Jacky Cheung had no choice but to terminate the contract and pay high liquidated damages, falling into a once decadent predicament.

Just as public opinion is speculating whether the couple has gone through the ups and downs and got out of the predicament, the shocking fact is that in 2021, Jacky Cheung decided to sell the luxury villa worth 430 million Hong Kong dollars, which seems to imply that Luo Meiwei has once again planted a big heel in this field!

As a sixty-two-year-old man, Jacky Cheung did his best to cope with the possible debt pressure, and even stumbled at the concert, once falling to the ground in embarrassment, but he did not hesitate to get up quickly and continue to sing for the fans present, this scene can't help but make people feel emotional.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

Fourth, Jacky Cheung's magnanimity and deep understanding of his wife

In the face of his wife Luo Meiwei's repeated setbacks in the investment field, which brought a huge impact on the family, Jacky Cheung never said a word to her, nor did he question her ability. In fact, soon after his marriage, he transferred all the property in his name to his wife's name, which undoubtedly put all the assets and wealth of the whole family in her hands.

As for why Jacky Cheung showed such a "fear of guilt", he gave an explanation: "This is not fear, but respect." Luo Meiwei paid a great sacrifice for him back then, how could he not take care of him? When Luo Meiwei suffered a major investment failure, Jacky Cheung did not blame and complain, but put himself in the shoes of how to recover the loss and dispel the dark clouds hanging over his home.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

Although Luo Meiwei's cleanliness habit seriously affected the quality of life of the whole family, Jacky Cheung never expressed any dissatisfaction with her. Whether out of guilt or other intentions, he always obeyed his wife and obeyed in every way.

The outside world generally believes that this may stem from his deep gratitude to his wife, and it is precisely because of her firm support and magnanimity that he has become today's Jacky Cheung.

Even though his years have passed, Jacky Cheung still decided to embark on a months-long global tour in order to repay the debts caused by his wife's investment mistakes. This decision will undoubtedly bring a heavy burden to his body, which is already entering his old age, but at the critical moment, he chose to be tolerant and tolerant of his wife, rather than blaming and abandoning, which is enough to prove that he cherishes and reveres this relationship.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

5. Jacky Cheung's firm pursuit of career

When he was young, Jacky Cheung encountered many difficulties and challenges in life. However, he was able to persevere, reborn from the ashes, and eventually brought the entertainment industry to its peak. All of this stems from his unwavering pursuit of his dreams and his unrivalled devotion to his career.

In order to restore the glory of his music career, he was only 27 years old and resolutely made up his mind to never touch alcohol until he was 40 years old. In the years that followed, he devoted himself to writing songs, recording records, and making films, and finally made his mark in the music industry again.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

Later, in order to repay the huge debt owed due to his wife's failed investment, Jacky Cheung held frequent concert tours. Although he has entered the age of sixtieth, he still devotes himself to every performance, and there is no sloppiness in the slightest.

Once, he accidentally fell to the ground during singing, but he immediately got up and continued to sing, showing his high respect for his profession with practical actions.

These deeds fully demonstrate Jacky Cheung's deep feelings for fans. Even in his old age, he still travels unrelentingly, just to live up to the high expectations of his fans.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

It is precisely because of this persistent pursuit of dreams and awe of his career that Jacky Cheung has been able to stand tall in the entertainment industry for decades and become a real king-level singer.

It is worth mentioning that Jacky Cheung also has an unwavering belief in his wife. Although Luo Meiwei's repeated setbacks in investment have dealt a heavy blow to the family, he has never questioned his wife's ability in the slightest, and has transferred all his property to his name.

This unswerving loyalty to love is also reflected in his unswerving commitment to his career.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

6. Record the arduous journey that the couple has gone through

From the first meeting, knowing and falling in love, to going through separation and reunion, many hardships, and finally entering the palace of marriage hand in hand, the arduous journey experienced by the "tsundere" couple of Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

At first, they developed a deep love for each other in the process of participating in the film together. At that time, Jacky Cheung was still a dissolute young man, addicted to alcohol, which made Luo Meiwei unbearable and chose to leave.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

Faced with the crisis of breaking up, Jacky Cheung finally made up his mind to change his past wrongs, vowed not to drink again before the age of 40, and regained Luo Meiwei's heart through unremitting efforts. After nearly 10 years of long relationship, the two finally became married.

In their married life, Lomévi's extreme cleanliness and extreme enthusiasm for investment undoubtedly added a lot of trouble to this sweet couple. She caused an uproar at Anita Mui's memorial service for her excessive cleanliness behavior, and her stubbornness in the pursuit of monetary interests even brought the whole family to the brink of collapse at one point!

In order to repay the huge debt accumulated by his wife's failed investment, our beloved Jacky Cheung can only do his best, frequently touring around the world, and struggling endlessly for many years.

There are thousands of green teas in the world, and I am most afraid of Luo Meiwei! After 27 years of marriage, Jacky Cheung lost a lot

However, despite all the hardships and difficulties, this couple did not give up on each other and supported each other through that difficult time. Jacky Cheung's love for his wife can be described as meticulous, obedient to his words, and handed over all his property to her without reservation; Lomé also gave her husband's full support when his career was in a downturn, which became a powerful source of motivation for him to rekindle his music dream.

It is precisely because of this deep emotional bond that they have spent countless stormy days together, and finally ushered in a happy life today.

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