
All walks of life are saturated, what can ordinary people do to make money?

author:The old horse has something to say

I feel that all walks of life are in a state of saturation, what can ordinary people do to make money? I've tried running takeaways, and it's too dangerous. I did it for 3 months, but I didn't dare to send it. I tried to set up a stall, at first it was a wild stall, I was driven everywhere, and then I paid the stall fee, and found that it was not so simple, if you want to set up, pay attention to the flow of people, location, signboards, lights. A lesson of blood and tears. Didi, the cost of opening an online store is too great to try. I don't want to enter the factory. I'm learning new skills now, but I'm a little older and slow to learn. What should I do?

All walks of life are saturated, what can ordinary people do to make money?

In the current society, it is true that many industries are facing fierce competition, but this does not mean that ordinary people do not have the opportunity to make money. Here are some suggestions that we hope you will find helpful:

1. Skill-Oriented Jobs:

- Digital Marketing: With the popularity of the internet, digital marketing has become a hot field. You can learn how to promote your products and services through social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing.

- Data analytics: Data is at the heart of modern business. Learning how to collect, process, and analyze data can help businesses make more informed decisions.

All walks of life are saturated, what can ordinary people do to make money?

2. Service Industry:

- Home services: As the standard of living increases, people are increasingly willing to pay for home services such as housekeeping, gardening, pet care, etc.

- Health & Fitness Coaching: Rising health awareness has made fitness and nutrition coaching increasingly popular.

3. Part-time or side hustle:

- Online education: If you're good at a certain field, consider becoming an online tutor and earn money by teaching courses in languages, music, programming, and more.

- Freelancing: such as writing, translation, graphic design, etc., these jobs usually have a high degree of flexibility and are suitable for people who want to freelance.

All walks of life are saturated, what can ordinary people do to make money?

4. Investment and Wealth Management:

- Stocks and funds: If you're interested in the financial markets, you can learn the basics, but be cautious and avoid blindly following the herd.

- Real Estate: While the real estate market is highly competitive, there are still opportunities to reap the benefits with in-depth research and prudent investment.

5. Entrepreneurial Opportunities:

- Micro-entrepreneurship: Look for low-cost, high-return entrepreneurial opportunities, such as opening a small restaurant, café, or craft shop.

- Technology-driven entrepreneurship: If you have an innovative idea, consider developing an app or website, but this requires a certain technical background.

6. Continuous Learning:

- Online courses: Take advantage of online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and more to learn new skills.

- Practical experience: Combining theory and practice, gaining experience through internships or part-time work.

Keep in mind that everyone's situation is unique, so the best way to make money will also vary from person to person. The key is to find a path that works for you and put in the effort for it. At the same time, maintain a curiosity for new things and a passion for learning, and constantly improve your abilities.