
She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

author:Zhishi said entertainment

1. The passage of time: the road to the top of an unknown but talented female actor

In this complex and ever-changing entertainment industry, such a low-key and elegant excellent actress has emerged - Gao Lu. Now that she has entered the threshold of 41 years old, the flame of life is burning more and more enthusiastically, which makes us can't help but recall her poetic and legendary rise to the ground.

Gao Lu, a talented woman born in 1979, has had a deep love and pursuit of art since she was a child. She firmly chose to apply for the Central Academy of Fine Arts, hoping to use the brush in her hand to depict and show the unique world in her heart on the canvas.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

The young Gao Lu, with endless expectations and longing for the future in her eyes, is determined to move forward bravely on the road of art and never give up.

However, a twist of fate often comes quietly and inadvertently. In 1997, a chance chance completely changed the trajectory of Gao Lu's life.

When Gao Lu first came into contact with this new field, her heart was shocked like never before. Faced with this strange and novel experience, she was full of curiosity to explore the unknown, but also accompanied by a little hesitation and uneasiness.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

However, in the end, she bravely accepted the director's invitation and began her first acting career.

It turns out that Gao Lu's talent and love in front of the camera cannot be concealed. During the rehearsals, she threw herself into it, and as the storyline progressed, her face naturally revealed a rich variety of emotions and nuanced expressions.

All this made the directors full of praise for her.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Although Gao Lu only played an inconspicuous small role in the first TV series "Ming Dynasty 1566", her fresh and refined temperament and natural and smooth acting skills left an indelible impression on the audience.

This also made her more interested and yearning for the profession of actor.

As a result, Gao Lu did not hesitate to give up his dream of painting and devote himself to the theater career. She said firmly to herself: "I must bloom my own bright light in this vast land!" With this incomparably fiery loyalty and love for his career, Gao Lu has since embarked on the Avenue of Stars to success.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

2. Bumpy Drama: Say goodbye to painting and love drama

Life is always full of coincidences and accidents. In 1997, a discerning director stumbled upon Gao Lu on the campus of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, who was concentrating on sketching.

This sentence was like a lightning bolt, instantly illuminating Gao Lu's heart. She was curious about this new field, and there was an urge to try it out in the depths of her heart.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

After a short period of hesitation, she finally mustered up the courage and gladly accepted the director's invitation.

At that unique moment, before Gao Lu stepped on the camera for the first time, although she seemed a little cramped at first, but with her talent and tenacity, she quickly found the confidence in front of the camera, and devoted herself to every role, with the ups and downs of the plot, her acting skills became more and more proficient, and her every expression was full of rich emotions, so that the directors were full of praise for her performance!

Who would have thought that this decision would completely change the trajectory of Gao Lu's life? From her initial attempts to her later love for acting, Gao Lu knew that her talent and enthusiasm for acting was far greater than the satisfaction that painting could bring her.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Although she was only an insignificant small role in her first TV series "Ming Dynasty 1566", Gao Lu deeply touched the hearts of the audience with her natural and real performance, as well as her fresh and refined temperament, and left an indelible impression on them.

Since then, Gao Lu has a new understanding and orientation of herself, and she resolutely gave up her dream of painting and devoted herself to the theater career. She said firmly to herself: "I have found a new direction in life, and I must bloom my own brilliance on this hot land!" With this passion for his career, Gao Lu has since embarked on the road to success.

3. Fruitful: from a small role to a first-line superstar

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Although the road at the beginning of his debut was not all smooth sailing, Gao Lu was not discouraged by this, but accumulated valuable acting experience step by step with a more determined pace.

She has participated in many popular costume dramas, such as "Daming Dynasty 1566", "The Son of Heaven", "Daming Palace Ci" and so on.

Although she still only plays some insignificant small roles in these dramas, Gao Lu has always gone all out to shape each role with her heart. On the shooting set, she is always meticulous, rigorous and serious, and has won high praise from the directors.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

With his fresh and refined temperament and natural and smooth performance, Gao Lu has successfully established a professional and serious actor image in the minds of the audience.

Finally, in 2000, Gao Lu got his wish and was admitted to the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama and began to receive more rigorous professional training. During her time at the school, she learned a wealth of acting skills from senior teachers and gained a deeper understanding of the performing arts.

However, despite the many challenges, Gao Lu did not give up her determination to pursue practical opportunities, on the contrary, she has always devoted herself to the filming of TV dramas with great enthusiasm and diligence, and accumulated rich acting experience with practical actions.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Whether it is in the busy schoolwork or the days when she stays up all night on the shooting set, she always rushes between the campus and the set, wholeheartedly treats every course and every performance in the silent moments of the night, you will see her sitting alone in the dim light, repeatedly studying the script, focusing on exploring the inner emotional world of each character, she has built her acting path step by step with firm steps, and gradually entered the peak of her career.

In 2006, Gao Lu ushered in a major turning point in her life - she successfully starred in the well-known TV series "The Savage Princess". In this work, she perfectly interprets the gentle and virtuous lady Wenqiang with her superb acting skills.

Although this is her first foray into the realm of romance dramas, her performance is like a fish in water, nuanced, real and natural, and breathtaking.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

The cooperation with many well-known actors Su Youpeng, Zhang Nara and others has raised the quality of the whole drama to a new height. Su Youpeng unabashedly praised Gao Lu's "brilliant acting skills", and Zhang Nara was also full of praise for his "extraordinary strength".

This is undoubtedly the highest evaluation of Gao Lu's acting strength.

"The Savage Princess" achieved amazing ratings as soon as it was broadcast, shocking the entire Chinese entertainment industry. With the outstanding performance of the play, Gao Lu finally became a first-line actress and opened a new chapter in her career.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Years of perseverance and dedication have finally been duly rewarded, this honor is not achieved overnight, but relying on a solid foundation and perseverance, bit by bit hard work, she used her own personal experience to vividly interpret the true meaning of "dream is power".

Fourth, suddenly looking back: low-key hidden marriage, private family enjoyment

After the initial success of her career, Gao Lu made a decision that made everyone jaw-dropping - she chose to get married in a low-key manner in 2007! Gao Lu's husband is not a person in the entertainment industry, and the whole process of their acquaintance and love has always maintained a sense of mystery to the outside world.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Even the details of the wedding are rarely revealed, demonstrating Collo's respect and protection of personal privacy.

Soon after marriage, Gao Lu was even more happy and gave birth to a pair of lovely baby sons. As a new mother, she is conscientious, takes care of her, and surrounds every moment of her children's growth with endless maternal love.

In order to protect the safety of her family, Gao Lu has never publicly displayed photos of her husband and children, and only shared some heartwarming clips of daily life on Weibo.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

, a first-line actress with a peerless charm, resolutely chose to quit the film and television industry at the peak of her career and devoted all her energy to a warm family life! Gao Lu's major decision undoubtedly shocked many fans and media.

In fact, Gao Lu is just trying to create a haven of peace and happiness for himself and his family. In this noisy and busy world, what she cherishes most is the beautiful atmosphere of family affection and family harmony.

While it is admirable to be an actor who is focused on his career, it is the more important duty to be a dutiful wife and mother.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Part 5: Rekindling Passion: Career and Family at the Same Time

Gao Lu perfectly interprets the life creed of "attaching equal importance to family and career" with his own practical actions. After entering the palace of marriage and giving birth to children, she did not completely leave the entertainment industry, but returned to the screen at the right time.

On the one hand, Gao Lu has always been full of enthusiasm for his career. Although she has temporarily retired from the background and enjoyed her family life wholeheartedly, her deep pursuit of performing arts has never stopped.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

She always pays attention to the latest developments in the industry and looks forward to returning to the stage as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Gao Lu, as a wife and mother, also wants to achieve the perfect balance between family and career. She knows that her career is full of ups and downs, and only by building her family stronger can she face the challenges of life calmly.

So, as the children grew up, Gao Lu began to gradually return to the workplace. She has participated in well-received works such as "The Vertical and Horizontal of the Great Qin Empire" and "Song in the Clouds of Han Love", and has won the long-term love of the audience with her excellent acting skills and superb expressiveness.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

What's even more amazing is that as a wife and mother, she is comfortable between career and family, and has achieved a true sense of two-handed, two-handed.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 2019 has come, and Gao Lu is 41 years old at this time and is in the prime stage of his career. She participated in two popular TV series "It's All Good" and "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", and her roles as "The Old Lady of the Sugar Family" and "Man Niang" have been widely praised.

She devoted herself to every role, showing her unique temperament and superb acting skills.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Colus's extraordinary performance strength has been sincerely recognized by industry insiders. She has won many heavyweight awards for her superb acting skills, such as the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress, the Huading Award for Best Actress, and the Feitian Award for Best Supporting Actress.

From the first time she entered the entertainment industry, the little girl who was not yet known has grown into a well-known actor who has won various supreme honors one after another, Gao Lu personally interpreted the supreme value of "perseverance and courage".

6. Firm exploration: unique temperament, looking forward to the future

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Gao Lu, the actor who has debuted for 24 years and has never had any scandals, has completed his marriage and has children in a low-key manner. Now that she is 41 years old, the baptism of the years has made her more charming, and her acting career has become broader and broader.

First of all, Gao Lu has always adhered to a low-key and humble way of life. In this hustle and bustle social environment, she chooses to calm down and precipitate herself, devote herself to work and family, and live the most plain but real life.

She is never pretentious, nor does she deliberately show off, she is indifferent to fame and fortune, and she keeps her duty, and this unique personality charm is amazing.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

From the initial shyness and shyness, to the later calm atmosphere, although he has become a well-known first-line star, Gao Lu still maintains that humble and polite, unpretentious original intention.

Fans have praised her as "low-key and modest, humble gentleman".

Secondly, Gao Lu has always had firm ideals and beliefs. Whether it was her dream of painting when she was young, or her later career in acting, she bravely pursued her inner voice and never had the idea of giving up halfway.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

From the first time he set foot in the showbiz, trying to play various roles, to later devoting himself to his acting career; From the initial small role, he gradually emerged and became a first-line superstar; From the initial results of his career, to the initiative to choose to return to his family and enjoy the joy of family; and then start again, all the way forward...... At every turning point in his life, Gao Lu moved forward bravely with the persistent pursuit of his dreams, and followed the guidance of his heart.

It is precisely because of this enthusiasm and firm belief in his career that Gao Lu has been able to achieve today's brilliant achievements on the road of acting. She used practical actions to interpret the profound connotation of the phrase "dream is power".

In the end, Gao Lu showed the temperament and wisdom unique to mature women. She wears many hats, being both an excellent actress and a virtuous wife and loving mother.

She debuted 24 years without scandals, gave birth to a son and a daughter in a hidden marriage, and now she is 41 years old and more attractive

Between the two important areas of career and family, Gao Lu has achieved a perfect harmony and two-pronged presentation with her outstanding ability, which can be described as her outstanding point! No matter what kind of role he is engaged in, or the careful care of his family's life, Gao Lu has always shown the wisdom of life with full dedication and professionalism, "hardship first, pleasure last".

It is this deep and introverted and discerning temperament that makes Gao Lu more and more charming in the baptism of the years.

Looking to the future, we eagerly hope that this low-key but radiant actress will be able to create more brilliant achievements on the road of her career and present more breathtaking artistic masterpieces to the audience. At the same time, I also sincerely wish her a happy family life, sharing family happiness and spending quality time with her loved ones.