
"New Life": A substitute exam, rewriting the fate of the mistakes, and finally realized that it was so

author:Harry said something

As a crime suspense drama, the TV series "New Life" attracted the attention of a large number of viewers as soon as it was launched. Compared with other types of film and television works, crime suspense dramas are more likely to arouse everyone's thinking and speculation, and therefore, works with this kind of theme can always cause heated discussions in a short period of time and become one of the topics after dinner.

"New Life": A substitute exam, rewriting the fate of the mistakes, and finally realized that it was so

And the hit of "New Life" undoubtedly left a deep impression on everyone, not only the plot is exciting, but the actors' wonderful acting skills have also won unanimous praise from the audience. Especially the character creation in the play, each character has distinct personality characteristics, seemingly ordinary life, but hidden stories one by one, so that the audience can appreciate the plot while also having a deeper thinking about human nature and fate.

The plot is reversed and ill-fated

Whether in TV dramas or in real life, fate is unpredictable, and sometimes, a seemingly insignificant decision can change the trajectory of an entire life. Take the characters in the play as an example, each character has their own fate, some people have gone through hardships and finally achieved happiness, and some people have been tricked by fate and can't get out of the predicament.

"New Life": A substitute exam, rewriting the fate of the mistakes, and finally realized that it was so

He Shan and Fei Ke are two of the representatives, originally, their life trajectories will not have much intersection, but after an unexpected encounter, the fate of the two people has undergone earth-shaking changes. Especially after Fei Ke was misunderstood, his life changed completely, from an ordinary child to a well-known party to the substitute examination incident.

Such a reversal allows the audience to see the ill-fated side, and also deeply reflects some problems in real society. Sometimes, the truth of the matter is not important, what matters is what others think, and you may be swayed by other people's eyes in your life and cannot be treated fairly.

"New Life": A substitute exam, rewriting the fate of the mistakes, and finally realized that it was so

Human nature is distorted and difficult to speak

In the play, both He Shan and Fei Ke are under tremendous pressure, especially after the substitute examination incident was exposed, their lives are like a blank sheet of paper smeared by others at will, unable to be free and happy. And behind all this, it is because of the distortion of human nature of some people, who use their own interests to harm others, and can even use unscrupulous means to make others bear the wrongs.

"New Life": A substitute exam, rewriting the fate of the mistakes, and finally realized that it was so

In the real society, there are indeed all kinds of human nature distortions, some people choose to break the law and commit crimes because of greed, and some people choose to slander and frame because of jealousy, all kinds of reasons make people always feel very helpless in the face of such people. Just like the characters in the play, everything they do, others may have seen it for a long time, but they can't talk about it, because of the distortion of human nature, sometimes they don't need any reason at all to do things that are difficult to say.

The pain of growth, the courage to move forward

Although the characters in the play have experienced various hardships and setbacks, it has also made them more courageous and determined on the road to growth. Whether it is He Shan or Fei Ke, they have not been knocked down by fate, on the contrary, they have proved the tenacity and courage of life with their actions, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, they can move forward bravely and find their own sunshine and hope.

"New Life": A substitute exam, rewriting the fate of the mistakes, and finally realized that it was so

Speaking of this, Xiaobian thinks that such growing pains have also given the audience a lot of inspiration, perhaps, in real life, everyone will have the so-called growing pains, there are some things and setbacks that will make us feel very painful and helpless, but it is these pains that make us more mature and strong, so that we understand that the meaning of life is not to avoid pain, but to how to move forward in pain, how to find hope in setbacks.