
My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

author:Free cookies g5

Zhang Jinggang gently put the child in the cradle, turned around and washed his face, trying to drive away the tiredness of the day. The room was quiet, except for the shadows of the trees swaying in the breeze outside the window. She looked out the window at the night sky, and her thoughts drifted away with the night breeze. During this time, life has been running at a high speed, working overtime, shopping for groceries, and taking care of the baby, everything is coming to her. Fortunately, the little baby can always give her full strength with a sweet smile when she is most tired.

I was just about to sit down and catch my breath when the doorbell rang suddenly. Zhang Jing walked over and opened the door to see that it was Aunt Li. She smiled and said, "Auntie, it's so late, is there anything important?" ”

Aunt Li looked serious, as if she had something to say, but hesitated: "Jingjing, Auntie knows that you are busy, and it is indeed something to come to you so late today." ”

Zhang Jing led Aunt Li into the house and made some hot tea: "Auntie, please take a seat." You say, what's so in a hurry? ”

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

Aunt Li sighed, pondered for a moment and then spoke: "It's a beautiful thing, you also know that I sold the house, hoping to make her live abroad stable." However, the cost of living abroad is much higher than we expected......"

Zhang Jing was taken aback, vaguely feeling that Aunt Li's visit this time might have something to do with her, but she still urged: "Auntie, do you want me to help?" But I've been ...... lately."

Aunt Li interrupted her: "Jingjing, I know that you are not in a good situation, but think about it, we are all a family, and if we are in trouble, we can help if we can." ”

The cry of the second child suddenly sounded, cutting off the conversation, Zhang Jing hurried to hug the child, but she couldn't help but rush in her heart. She returned to Aunt Li with the baby in her arms and persuaded softly: "Auntie, I will think about things, you can go back and rest tonight." ”

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

The tactful refusal in the conversation was the only thing Zhang Jing could do at the moment. She didn't have time to think too much at this time, she just wanted the baby to sleep peacefully and give herself a chance to calm down and organize her thoughts.

Aunt Li stood up and glanced at Zhang Jing deeply: "Okay, Jingjing, Auntie is waiting for your good news." With that, Aunt Li went out lightly, leaving Zhang Jing alone in deep thought.

After Aunt Li left, Zhang Jing felt unprecedented pressure. The child was asleep in her arms, while her brain was running at high speed, thinking about Aunt Li's words. She put the child back in the bassinet, and the white curtains swayed gently with the night breeze, as if even the night was covered with a layer of worry.

The next day, Zhang Jing picked up the phone during work breaks, and was ready to dial Aunt Li. After the phone was connected, Zhang Jing tried to open in a steady voice: "Auntie, I have thought about what you said last night. ”

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

On the other end of the phone, Aunt Li's voice was eager: "Then you ......"

"Auntie, Meili is my cousin, and I hope she is doing well. However, as you can see in my situation, I have just added a new member, and the family expenses are large, which is really ......"

Aunt Li interrupted her: "Jingjing, I know it's not easy for you, but if something big happens at home, everyone has to carry it together." We are all a family, can't we save us when we die? ”

Zhang Jing bit her lip tightly and tried to suppress her emotions: "Auntie, I didn't mean that. But now I'm also the breadwinner of the family, and the budget is already tight, if I ...... it again"

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and after a while, Aunt Li's voice came again, "Okay, I understand you." After all, every family has its own difficulties, and there is no other way. ”

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Jing was gloomy. She knew that refusing to help her cousin seemed ruthless, but she had no better choice. The pressure of work, the burden of the family, she is at the end of her strength.

Night fell again, Zhang Jing sat on the sofa, the baby was lying in her arms, and the young face was full of innocence, which made her mood a little lighter. Aunt Li's phone rang again, breaking the silence of the home: "Quiet, it's like this, I'm thinking about selling the house......"

Zhang Jing interrupted Aunt Li: "Auntie, I can understand the sale of the house, and you have worked hard for the sake of beauty." But you know, I don't really have any extra funds right now......"

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

Aunt Li on the other end of the phone took a deep breath, as if looking for words: "I know, I don't mean to ask you to give money." Yes, there will be a sum of money after the house is sold, and I wonder if I can use that money to help Meimei stabilize her life abroad......"

Zhang Jing's exhaustion gradually turned into understanding in Aunt Li's words, and although she felt helpless, she couldn't help but consider the emotional bond between her family.

As time passed, the conversation between the two became more and more frequent, discussing how they could better help Wang Meimei. But no matter how many reasons Aunt Li said, Zhang Jing always said in a gentle tone at the end: "Auntie, I will do my best, but I also have my difficulties, please understand." ”

After the conversation, Zhang Jing always sat on the sofa for a long time, looking out the window, repeatedly thinking about the family's problem and how to find a solution that best both worlds.

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

After a few days of spring rains, the sun is finally warm again. Aunt Li's visit broke the peace of Zhang Jing's house. As soon as Aunt Li entered the door, the atmosphere began to become tense. Zhang Jing tried her best to make her voice sound gentle: "Auntie, I already understand your intentions, but I also have my difficulties. ”

"Jingjing, you don't understand!" Aunt Li was a little emotional, "The family is to take care of each other, and it is not easy to be beautiful in a foreign country." It's just a temporary difficulty, and when she stabilizes, she will definitely pay you back. ”

Zhang Jing's face showed a hint of resoluteness: "Auntie, I know the importance of mutual assistance in the family, but the responsibility must first be implemented on everyone's body. We should all take responsibility for the consequences of our choices and cannot always rely on others. ”

The two were opposed, and Aunt Li's offensive in emotion and obligation became more and more fierce, wanting to shake Zhang Jing's determination. Zhang Jing is as stubborn as a rock, unwilling to give up her family's stability for short-term emotional satisfaction.

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

Aunt Li tried to persuade Zhang Jing in the name of the family: "Think about it, if you are abroad and beautiful in China, she will try her best to help you." ”

Zhang Jing was silent for a moment and replied, "Auntie, if I am abroad, I will try my best to solve the problem by myself and will not cause trouble to Meimei." We're all adults and we have to learn to be independent. ”

The air in the room was almost frozen, and both of them were arguing and desperately looking for a way out. Zhang Jing looked at the expectation and disappointment in Aunt Li's eyes, and her heart was full of guilt, but she knew that she had to stand firm.

Aunt Li felt the bottom line crossed by Zhang Jing's words, and hung her head helplessly: "Jingjing, I understand what you said everyone is responsible for their own lives......" Her voice began to tremble, and her eyes were wet.

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

Finally, Zhang Jing made a decision, she stood up with a firm gaze: "Auntie, I will try my best to help Meimei in other aspects, but I really can't help the problem of cash." This is my final reply. ”

Aunt Li sighed, as if relieved of all the burdens, "Since this is the case, there is no way." I just hope that Beauty will live well. ”

The door closed behind Aunt Li, and although it was sunny outside, the atmosphere inside the room was gloomy. Zhang Jing stood for a long time, until the baby's cry pulled her back to real life.

When Aunt Li's figure disappeared outside the door, Zhang Jing leaned against the door and took a deep breath. This sudden family turmoil consumed a lot of her mental energy. She walked back to the living room and looked out the window at the street scene and pondered for a long time. This moment of tranquility cleared her mind and the line between family and the individual.

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said

As time passed, Zhang Jing continued to reflect on herself, thinking about how to protect her boundaries while taking care of her family. She has always believed that mutual aid in the family is a matter of will, not obligation. She has come to understand better that love and support should not be an excuse to take and sacrifice oneself. During that solitary contemplative night, Zhang Jing made a decision that she would try to help Auntie Li find other solutions, such as finding a more financially reasonable lifestyle, or asking Wang Meili to participate in some community mutual aid programs abroad.

After a period of time, Zhang Jing's life is back on track, and the balance between work and family is once again firmly in her hands. She has learned to change the way she cares and helps her family into a more practical and efficient way of doing so, rather than just through monetary assistance.

The baby's smiling face and Zhang Jing's new consciousness have brought more happiness and harmony to this little family. Through this experience, Zhang Jing realized the meaning of growing up, and she learned to find a balance between family affection and personal values. The children's laughter has become a warm background music in the home, and Zhang Jing's inner conflicts and contradictions have gradually subsided with the passage of time.

On the road ahead, she knows more about how to love, how to give, and more importantly, how to love without violating her own principles. With this experience, Zhang Jing is more confident and calm, whether it is for her family or life.

My aunt sold the house and let my cousin settle abroad, and after I gave birth to my second child, I refused what my aunt said