
What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

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Teach you how to read transaminase data in a minute

"Doctor, how can my aminotransferases be so high? Do you have hepatitis?" Mr. Zhang, 42, walked into my office with the medical examination report in his hand and his face full of anxiety.

As a hepatologist, I've seen countless patients like him who are upset by elevated aminotransferases. However, what exactly does elevated aminotransferase mean? How high is hepatitis? What kind of health secrets are hidden behind this?

I carefully reviewed Mr. Zhang's medical examination report and found that his alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were as high as 120 U/L and 135 U/L respectively, far exceeding the upper limit of normal.

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

Such a value is indeed worrying. But I told Mr. Zhang that elevated aminotransferases are not the same as hepatitis and that we need further tests and analysis.

Mr. Zhang asked nervously, "Doctor, what exactly is the aminotransferase?" Why am I elevated?"

I patiently explained that aminotransferase is an enzyme that is mainly found in liver cells, and when liver cells are damaged, aminotransferases are released into the bloodstream, resulting in an increase in serum aminotransferase levels. In other words, elevated aminotransferases are actually a sign of liver damage.

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

But I also told Mr. Zhang that to judge liver health, transaminases alone are not comprehensive. We also need to comprehensively analyze other liver function indicators, such as albumin, bilirubin, coagulation function, etc.

At the same time, the degree of elevated aminotransferases is also important. In general, ALT or AST is more than 5 times the upper limit of normal before hepatitis is considered. Although Mr. Zhang's aminotransferases are high, they do not meet the criteria for hepatitis.

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. But he still wondered: "Since it's not hepatitis, why are my aminotransferases elevated?"

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

I told him that there are many causes of elevated aminotransferases, in addition to viral hepatitis, it can also be drug-induced liver injury, alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, etc. In addition, metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes may also lead to elevated aminotransferases.

I inquired in detail about Mr. Zhang's lifestyle habits and past medical history, and found that he had been drinking alcohol for a long time and was mildly obese. All of these factors can cause damage to the liver, leading to elevated aminotransferases.

I told Mr. Zhang that in order to thoroughly investigate the cause, he would need to do further liver ultrasound and virological tests. At the same time, I also advised him to adjust his lifestyle and stop drinking alcohol to lose weight, which is good for liver health.

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

Mr. Zhang followed my advice and conducted a series of tests. The results showed that his liver was ultrasound normal and all hepatitis viruses were negative. This suggests that his elevated aminotransferases are more likely to be caused by alcohol consumption and obesity.

Under my guidance, Mr. Zhang began to stop drinking, control his diet, and increase exercise. A month later, his aminotransferases had dropped significantly, close to the normal range.

I was heartily relieved to see the smile on Mr. Zhang's face blooming again. Through his example, I once again realized that aminotransferases, as an important indicator of liver health, have actually brought us a lot of inspiration.

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

First, aminotransferases are elevated, which is an important signal that there is a problem with the liver. But we can't simply equate it with hepatitis.

To judge liver health, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze various indicators and comprehensively evaluate the status of liver function. The diagnosis of hepatitis is considered only when ALT or AST exceeds 5 times normal and is accompanied by corresponding clinical manifestations.

Second, there are a variety of causes of elevated aminotransferases. In addition to hepatitis, lifestyle, metabolic diseases, etc., can cause damage to the liver, resulting in elevated aminotransferases. Therefore, when we are faced with elevated aminotransferases, we need to make a comprehensive assessment, find out the cause, and intervene for the cause.

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

Finally, the elevated aminotransferases also remind us to pay more attention to liver health. As the "general tube" of the human body, the liver is always responsible for detoxification, metabolism, synthesis and so on. Protecting the liver is inseparable from good living habits. Quitting alcohol, eating a balanced diet, and exercising moderately are all effective ways to protect liver health.

At this point in the story, I believe you have a more comprehensive understanding of transaminases.

In fact, patients like Mr. Zhang, who are confused and worried about elevated aminotransferases, are not uncommon in my medical career. As a doctor, I hope that through this story, more people can understand the "health code" behind aminotransferases.

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

I call on everyone to pay more attention to liver health. Regular physical examinations and attention to liver function indicators such as aminotransferases are important ways to detect liver problems early.

At the same time, we should also develop good living habits, stay away from alcohol, eat a balanced diet, and exercise moderately, so that the liver is always under the protection of health.

This story is not only the story of Mr. Zhang, but also the epitome of countless people. I hope that through this story, everyone can truly understand the "language" of transaminases and take care of their liver health in a responsible manner.

What should I do if I find out that my aminotransferases are high? How high is hepatitis? Teach you to look at two numerical preliminary judgments

Let us join hands to protect this magical "chemical factory"! Take care of the liver in a scientific way and care for the future with a healthy lifestyle.

I firmly believe that as long as we move forward hand in hand, we will make "aminotransferases" no longer a problem, so that everyone can have a healthy and happy life! As a hepatologist, I will always work side by side with you and use my professionalism and passion to escort more liver health.

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)