
Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

author:Po chats about the topic

Hello readers and friends! I'm Po talking about the topic, and the topic I bring to you today is: After reading my views, everyone is welcome to actively discuss in the comment area.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

Monogamy has been practiced on the mainland for many years. As for whether it protects men or women, this is a difficult question to answer, let's take a look at the wonderful comments and shares of many netizens!

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

Makes sense, but overall there are fewer savvy women than men [covering face]

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.
Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

In the old society, even the aunt's wife had a dowry, but now there are only double dowries in some places [covering his face]

This is purely a love for other people's property, and it is robbed, and the aunt's wife is just a piece of cloth that pulls her pants and covers her face. No daughter can be the wife of that family, why, can't you "voluntarily" sacrifice your wife? I really don't have a wife, and it's not like boys can't sell PG

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

The rich woman took away most of the handsome guys, and it was difficult for the remaining girls to find a child partner and someone to raise children with.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

Under the condition of constant female resources, rich men can have more concubines, so do ordinary men have no chance of marrying a wife? Are you the rich man?

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

I don't think that there are a lot of poor men who can't find a wife now, and they can take concubines in ancient times, but many people are still so poor that they only marry one. What makes me most disgusting, obviously today's material civilization has developed so well, and there are still people who dream of returning to the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, the Wei and Jin Dynasties, or something, you are a young lady and a princess, and you are also the object of being poisoned by feudal society.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

The meaning of the existence of genes is to let their genes continue, females ensure that they give birth to their own cubs, males can't guarantee this, so most of the males in mammals are seeders, ruthless, you can't guarantee that the cubs are mine, then I won't take the responsibility of raising cubs. The pressure of fertility is simply on the female. Females feel too much pressure to have a marriage system, and females use this to ensure that the offspring are males, and males bear the responsibility of childbearing, which is the essence of marriage. Marriage reduces the fertility pressure of women, which is certainly beneficial to women.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

To be precise, monogamy is protecting this society from disintegration. Don't underestimate the strength of the Chinese, especially the poor in China. Singles are always a destabilizing factor in society, and the power generated by the newspaper group is immeasurable. China's more than 2,000 years of feudal rule, was it not because of the class solidification and the people's lack of livelihood caused by the uprising, and finally completed the change of dynasties? Do you know why our revolutionary ancestors, especially the soldiers on the battlefield of resistance against Japan, were so desperate? Because I can't live anymore! Parents, wives and children have been killed, and I have nothing to worry about when I bear the sea of blood and hatred alone, can I fight without my life? Although the current system and the formulation of the new system (women do not need a marriage certificate to register for childbirth) are already the beginning of the dismantling of monogamy, it is also a boiled frog in warm water for society. But it does not hinder the bloody nature of the people at the bottom of China, it is nothing more than a little late to find out. But the winning point is that the base is large enough! Don't talk about it, otherwise you won't know if you check the water meter one day! [tears laughs] [tears laughs]

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

Haha, it's obviously miserable, but I have to make another man more miserable or a woman even worse, everyone is thinking inertia, and they can't live if they don't do something.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

As you said, the top is better off than the bottom, and men live better than women, which is also a normal statement. There are also one or two in the ground floor, which are better than the upper ones. It is true that one or two of the women are better off than the men. But overall, that's what happened.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

The strong change the fate of others. The weak are changed by others. What kind of fate to choose. It's up to you to decide whether to change or resign to your fate. Take your pick.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

Please note that in ancient times, the mainland was not polygamous, but monogamous and polygamous concubines (prostitutes), the two are particularly different, the wife is relatively weak to the husband, but the two sides are generally still in the same grade, but the concubine (prostitute) is not. So, I prefer that even if monogamy is abolished, there will be no polygamy.

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

So now we good men will never exploit women with marriage [like]

Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

The purpose of monogamy is to maximize fertility and parenting! Because people's energy is limited, you can't use the monkey king as a fertility machine, and the nurturing energy is also limited.

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Is monogamy used to protect men or women? Protect the poor and ugly.

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