
Mitchell scored 30 points in six consecutive G1 games, matching Kobe Jordan

author:Xiao Ming is so cool

120-95, the Boston Celtics beat the Cleveland Cavaliers at home, and although the result was a big surprise, it was Donovan Mitchell's performance that was remarkable, once again using his fiery touch to slash 33 points in the first game of the playoffs. This is reminiscent of the fact that the man has scored more than 30 points in Game 1 of the first round of the playoffs for six years in a row, which is really amazing for his consistency and strength!

Mitchell scored 30 points in six consecutive G1 games, matching Kobe Jordan

Imagine what it would be like to score 30+ points in a high-pressure playoff opener every time you have been on the same page as basketball myths like Jordan and Kobe Bryant for six years in a row. Mitchell's operation is undoubtedly engraved on the fireplace along with the superstars in basketball history.

Mitchell scored 30 points in six consecutive G1 games, matching Kobe Jordan

In this game, Mitchell's performance was a textbook for flowing. He's not just shooting and scoring, he's also about breaking, passing, rebounding, everything. He moves like the brightest star in the night sky during the race, and he can be seen shining whenever he looks up. Every move he makes is like saying to his opponent: "Look, this is the style of a top star!" "And he's not just shining on the offensive end, he's also keeping a close eye on the opposition when he defends, not giving them any easy chance to score.

Mitchell scored 30 points in six consecutive G1 games, matching Kobe Jordan

In this game, the overall performance of the Celtic team was also very good. They formed an iron bucket formation on the defensive end, and almost every Cavaliers offense was effectively contained. On the offensive end, they tore through the Cavaliers' defense with quick passes and accurate perimeter shots. Although the game ended in the Cavaliers' loss, we can't deny that Mitchell's performance was indeed a highlight of the game.

Mitchell scored 30 points in six consecutive G1 games, matching Kobe Jordan

For Mitchell, each season of the playoffs is more than just a game, it's an opportunity to prove himself to the world. Judging by his continuous performances, he is not only satisfied with the status quo, but every appearance is a new challenge. His game is full of passion and eagerness, and this inside-out power allows him to always burst out with amazing energy on the Circle.

In the coming games, the Cavaliers will need to adjust their tactics better, especially how to maintain their offensive momentum when Mitchell is not on the court, which will be the next question they need to ponder. For Mitchell, every appearance is not only a challenge for the opponent, but also an opportunity for self-transcendence. His goal is clear, and that is to make his name, along with the names of basketball legends, be remembered by the world.

On the basketball stage, Mitchell has proven his worth and strength with his performance. Undoubtedly, he is a banner of modern basketball, and he is a rare treasure for the team and for the whole sport. We look forward to seeing more exciting performances from him in the future, just like this time, on the stage of the playoffs, he once again used his strength to declare to the world that basketball belongs to those who dare to stand up at critical moments.

So, if you're still wondering if Donovan Mitchell will be able to continue his legendary journey, tonight's performance is enough to provide the answer. He was not only a scorer, but also a leader and fighter on the court. Whether it is his outstanding ball skills or his indomitable fighting spirit, we have seen the birth of a real basketball superstar. And all we have to do is keep an eye on him and enjoy every good game he brings.

Judging from Mitchell's consecutive performances, we can foresee that he will have more breakthroughs and achievements in his future basketball career. Everyone who likes basketball should not miss his game, because in him, we see infinite possibilities and hopes.

So, let's wait and see how this "scoring machine" on the basketball court will continue to write his own legend on the court in the future. Both opponents and teammates on the same team should learn from Mitchell that no matter what the odds face, if you continue to work hard and maintain confidence, you will eventually be able to push boundaries and reach new heights.

Basketball is not just a game, it is a way of life, a passion, and a passion. Mitchell used his performance to show us that with faith and determination, there is nothing that cannot be done on the basketball court. Every time he plays, it is the best proof of this belief and a demonstration of his infinite love for the sport of basketball.

Therefore, whether as fans or ordinary spectators, we should applaud Mitchell's persistence and hard work. His story not only inspired the dreams of countless basketball teenagers, but also made each of us see that as long as we don't give up, it is possible to create miracles.

In the extraordinary journey of basketball, Mitchell has left a strong mark in the history of basketball in his own way. In the future, we have reason to believe that he will bring more amazing performances, continue to move forward on this road, continue to surpass himself, and challenge the limits.