
In 2010, he got married in the army, and forgetting the bride price made her haunted!

author:Capital Observation Jun

In 2010, I got married in the army. The object is Xiaomei, a fellow villager, who is gentle and virtuous, and is a good woman. But on the day of the wedding, I made a mistake and forgot to give the bride price. This matter has been pressing on my heart for ten years, and it has always haunted her.

On that day, the sun was shining, and the playground of the troops was decorated with joy. Xiaomei and I held hands and walked into the palace of marriage with the blessings of our comrades-in-arms. But when the ring was exchanged, Xiaomei suddenly cried. I thought she was moved, but who knew that she said, "Why did you forget the bride price?" ”

I was stunned, yes, how could I forget such an important thing? I hurriedly explained: "I'm sorry, Xiaomei, I've been so busy these days, I really forgot." I promise, I'll make it up to you when I go back. ”

Xiaomei wiped her tears and smiled reluctantly. But I knew she must be uncomfortable. On the day of marriage, the significance of the bride price is far greater than money, it is the man's respect for the woman's family, and it is also the importance of Xiaomei.

After we got married, our lives were quite happy. I work hard, and Xiaomei is diligent and thrifty. But every time she mentions the bride price, Xiaomei always wants to stop talking. I know she's always had a pimple in her heart.

One day, when I came home from work, I saw Xiaomei sitting on the sofa with a sad face. I asked her what was wrong, and she sighed: "Today my mother called and said that some people in the village laughed at me and said that I didn't have a bride price for getting married, and that I must be a money-losing goods that no one wants." ”

I was trembling with anger, but what could I do? I comforted Xiaomei: "Don't listen to their nonsense, you are my most precious person." The bride price is just a formality, and our feelings are the most important. ”

Xiaomei listened to my words and smiled reluctantly. But I know that this incident has always made her feel uncomfortable.

As the days passed, our children were born. In order to give my children a better living environment, I decided to quit my job and start a business. Xiaomei supported me, she said, "As long as you work hard, I believe you will succeed." ”

The process of starting a business was extremely difficult, but I gritted my teeth and persevered. Finally, in 2019, my company became profitable. The first thing I did was to make up the bride price for Xiaomei.

That day, I took a thick red envelope and said to Xiaomei: "This is the bride price we owe you, and we will make it up to you now." Xiaomei's eyes widened and she looked at me in disbelief: "You really did it." ”

I smiled and nodded, "Yes, I said that our relationship is the most important thing. This bride price is just a formality, but I hope it will make you feel comfortable. ”

Xiaomei took the red envelope and tears welled up in her eyes. She hugged me tightly: "I love you, husband. ”

Since then, Mei's smile has increased. I knew that the knot in her heart had finally been unraveled. And our relationship is getting deeper and deeper.

This is my story, a story about bride price and love. It tells us that contradictions and difficulties in life always come one after another, but as long as we understand each other and support each other, there will always be a happy ending.

The days passed quietly like flowing water, and Xiaomei's smile became the warmest sunshine in my life. The late bride price was like a key that opened the last door between us. Our love is stronger and our lives are better.

One day, Xiaomei suddenly proposed to take my parents to live in the city. She said: "Now that our living conditions are better, we should let the elderly enjoy happiness." I looked at her and felt a warm current in my heart. This woman is always thinking about others.

I agreed to her offer, and soon after, we took our parents to the city. The family sat around the dining table, eating the food made by Xiaomei herself, and enjoyed themselves. Our parents looked at us with relief in their eyes.

However, life is always full of surprises. While we were enjoying this happiness, my company was in trouble due to a sudden financial crisis. During that time, I couldn't sleep all night long, and my hair turned a lot grayer.

Xiaomei saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart. One night, she gently shook my hand and said, "Husband, no matter what happens, I will be there for you." We're all in this together, we're going through this together. ”

I looked at her determined eyes, and a surge of strength welled up in my heart. Yes, as long as we are together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

In the days that followed, we worked together to find a way to save the company. Xiaomei quit her job and did her best to help me. "It's our common cause, and I can't stay out of it," she said. ”

After hard work, the company finally gradually got out of the predicament. That day, I hugged Xiaomei tightly, tears moistened my eyes: "Thank you, Xiaomei, it was you who gave me strength." ”

Xiaomei smiled and wiped away my tears: "Fool, we are husband and wife, and we should share weal and sorrow together." ”

After the crisis, our lives are back on track. My parents stayed in the city and enjoyed their families. And we have also gained a deeper understanding of what true love is in this turmoil.

One day, Xiaomei proposed to go to the playground of the army where we got married. We walked hand in hand, walking on the familiar playground, reminiscing about the bits and pieces of the year.

Xiaomei suddenly stopped, looked at me and said, "Do you remember when you forgot the bride price?" At that time, I was really sad and felt that you didn't value me. But now, I understand that you mean it to me. ”

I held her hand tightly: "Xiaomei, I know that incident made you sad. But I swear, I'll make it up for the rest of my life. ”

Xiaomei smiled, her smile was as bright as the sun: "You have made up for it, and you have done a good job." Our love has stood the test of time. ”

I looked at her with gratitude. This woman has been with me through ups and downs and has never given up. And I will spend the rest of my life to care for her and love her.

This is our story, a story of love, family, and career. It tells us that there will always be twists and turns in life, but as long as we support each other, we can overcome all difficulties and write our own beautiful chapter.

As the days passed, our lives gradually entered peace. The company's business is stable, the parents are healthy, the children have grown up, and Xiaomei's smile is brighter. I thought that was all there was to life, until that day.

That day, when I came home from work, Xiaomei was rarely not busy in the kitchen, but sat on the sofa in the living room, holding a piece of paper in her hand, and her expression was a little dignified. My heart tightened, I walked over and sat down next to her, and asked softly, "What's wrong, Xiaomei?" ”

She looked up at me with hesitation and determination in her eyes: "I got a job, in the field, and it was a very meaningful project. ”

I was stunned, not knowing what to say for a moment. Xiaomei continued: "I know it's a big change for you and for our family, but I really want to try it. ”

I shook her hand and tried to calm the turmoil in my heart: "You mean, you're leaving home and going to work in the field?" ”

Xiaomei nodded: "Yes, I want to realize my own value, not just as a wife and a mother." ”

I was silent for a long time, and my heart was inextricably linked. I understand that Xiaomei is a woman with dreams, and over the years, she has given too much for her family. Now that she has a quest of her own, how can I selfishly stop her?

"Go ahead, Xiaomei." I finally spoke, "I will support you, you can rest assured that I am at home." ”

A hint of surprise flashed in Xiaomei's eyes, followed by deep gratitude: "Thank you, husband." ”

In this way, Xiaomei started her new job. Every weekend, I would take my children to see her, and the family would be together in a different place. Xiaomei's work is getting better and better, and her smile is more confident.

One day, Xiaomei called me, and her voice was full of excitement: "Husband, our project has been successful, and I am going home!" ”

The joy in my heart bloomed like fireworks: "Great, Xiaomei, my child and I are waiting for you at home." ”

On the day Xiaomei came home, I cooked and cooked a table of dishes. Parents, children, and our family sat around and shared the joy of Xiaomei. After the meal, Xiaomei took me to the balcony, looked at the starry sky, and said, "Thank you, husband, it was you who made me understand what true happiness is." ”

I smiled and hugged her tightly into my arms: "Xiaomei, you are my greatest pride." ”

That night, we talked for a long time, about dreams, about family, about love. I have learned that true love is to support each other and make each other a better version of themselves.

This is our life, full of challenges and hopes. Every step we take hand in hand is the most solid cornerstone of our love. There is still a long way to go, but I know that as long as we hold hands, we can face it together.

As time went by, Xiaomei's work became smoother and smoother, and she became a leader in the industry. And my development in the company is also thriving, and we have become a model couple in the eyes of others. However, life is always full of unexpected changes.

One day, I received a phone call with the news that my father was seriously ill. My heart tightened, and I hurried home and told Xiaomei the news. She immediately put down her work and accompanied me back to my hometown.

My father's condition was worse than we thought, and the doctor advised us to be mentally prepared. Mei held my hand tightly, her eyes full of worry. I know she's feeling bad too, but she's always there for me and gives me strength.

During that time, we took turns taking care of my father in the hospital, and Xiaomei even learned how to change and feed her father. I was deeply touched by her strength and carefulness. Sometimes, looking at her tired appearance, I will say distressedly: "Xiaomei, you have worked hard." ”

She always smiled and shook her head: "It's not hard, as long as I can help you, I'm satisfied." ”

The deterioration of my father's condition made us feel pressured, but Xiaomei never gave up. She used her actions to tell me that no matter what life throws us, we have to face it together. In my father's last days, we stayed with him, told him stories of the past, and sang his favorite songs. My father left this world peacefully, leaving us with endless thoughts.

At my father's funeral, Mei held my hand tightly and gave me strength. I know that from now on, I will cherish the people around me more and cherish every day I spend with Xiaomei.

Time healed our wounds, and we began to replan our lives. Xiaomei's career is booming, and she has become a senior executive of the company. And I, too, have grown in my work and become the head of the department. We run this home together and have walked through one difficulty after another hand in hand.

One day, I came home from work and saw Xiaomei waiting for me in the living room. She smiled and handed me a box and said, "Husband, this is a gift for our wedding anniversary." ”

I opened the box and inside was a delicate ring. Xiaomei said: "You forgot the bride price back then, and now I use this ring to make up for it." It represents the ups and downs we have gone through, and it also symbolizes that our love will never change. ”

I hugged Xiaomei tightly, and my heart was full of gratitude. This woman has accompanied me through the ups and downs of life, and she has never given up. I understand that true love is that no matter what life throws us, we can work together and support each other.

This is our life, full of challenges and hopes. Every step we take hand in hand is the most solid cornerstone of our love. There is still a long way to go, but I know that as long as we hold hands, we can face it together.