
The basic configuration of a happy man

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man
The basic configuration of a happy man

In the countryside, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a farmer named Li Ming. He owned a fertile field, worked hard every day, and lived a simple but fulfilling life. However, what makes the villagers envious is not only Li Ming's harvest in sight, but also his unique sense of happiness. They often say: "Li Ming, you are simply the basic configuration of a happy man." ”

One morning, the sun shone on the fields, and the golden waves of wheat swayed in the wind. Li Mingzheng was standing on the edge of the field, looking at the golden ears of wheat, with a satisfied smile on his face. At this time, Lao Zhang from the village came over and quipped: "Li Ming, your smile is almost catching up with the sun, what is the happy event?" ”

Li Ming smiled and didn't answer directly, but pointed to the wheat field in front of him: "Lao Zhang, you see how well this wheat grows, this year will definitely be another bumper harvest year." You say, can I be upset? ”

Lao Zhang nodded, and then looked at the warm cottage behind Li Ming, as well as the lush vegetable garden in front of the house: "You are really enviable these days." Having a field and land, a house and a garden, and a virtuous daughter-in-law and a pair of lovely children, isn't this the basic configuration of a happy man? ”

After Li Ming heard this, he laughed: "Lao Zhang, you are right. I think that the basic configuration of a happy man is not only these material things, but more importantly, mentality and attitude. ”

Lao Zhang asked curiously, "Oh? So tell me, what is this mentality and attitude? ”

Li Ming put down the hoe in his hand, sat on the ridge, and began to tell the story.

"First of all, I think a happy man should have a positive and optimistic attitude. No matter what difficulties and setbacks you encounter, you must keep a calm mind and believe that you can overcome them. Just like this crop, sometimes we will encounter problems such as drought and insect infestation, but as long as we do not give up and are not discouraged, we will always find a solution. ”

Secondly, a happy man must know how to cherish and be grateful. Everything we have is hard-won. Cherish the company of your family, the help of your friends, and the gifts of nature. At the same time, we should also be grateful to the society and the country for providing us with such a good living environment and policy support. ”

"Finally, a happy man must have a sense of responsibility and responsibility. As a man, we have to take on the responsibilities of our family and society. We should not only take good care of our families and run our families, but also care about national affairs and actively participate in social welfare undertakings. ”

After hearing this, Lao Zhang nodded frequently: "You're right." This mentality and attitude is indeed the basic configuration of a happy man. Looks like I'm going to have to learn from you, an old man. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and continued to chat. Soon, Li Ming's daughter-in-law came to the field with her two children. Seeing their happy family, Lao Zhang couldn't help but sigh: "Li Ming, you are really a happy man in our village." ”

Li Ming responded with a smile: "Lao Zhang, you are also an old-timer in our village. You are hardworking, simple, and helpful, and you are also a great source of happiness in our village. ”

At that moment, a breeze blew, and waves of wheat rolled in the field, as if applauding their conversation. Li Ming stood up, picked up his hoe and continued to plow. He knows that only by constantly working hard and constantly striving can he make his life better and happier.

In the days that followed, Li Ming continued to work hard and take care of his family every day. He uses his practical actions to interpret the basic configuration of a happy man - a positive and optimistic attitude, cherishing gratitude, a sense of responsibility and responsibility. His life, though simple and ordinary, was full of happiness and contentment.

After seeing Li Ming's living conditions, the villagers sighed one after another: "It seems that we also have to learn from Li Ming." Happiness is not something to be created and fought for. So everyone took action to improve their quality of life and well-being.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it's autumn. Li Ming's wheat field ushered in a bumper harvest again. He stood on the edge of the field, looking at the golden ears of wheat all over the ground, and his heart was full of joy and pride. He knows that this is the fruit of his hard work and a symbol of his happy life.

In the evening, Li Ming's family sat around the dining table and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. They talked about this year's harvest and plans for the future. The children were playing in laughter and laughter, and the family was happy. At this time, a warm current surged in Li Ming's heart, and he felt that he was the happiest man in the world.

In this way, Li Ming created his own happy life with his own hands on the fields in the countryside. He uses his actions to interpret the basic configuration of a happy man - a positive and optimistic attitude, cherishing the feelings of gratitude, a sense of responsibility and responsibility. His story has also been told in the village as a good story, inspiring more people to pursue their own happy life.