
I was patrolling the Armed Police Hospital and came across a female patient

author:Smoke Moon wrote

At night, I was dressed in the uniform of an armed police hospital and patrolled back and forth on the hospital's corridors. The hospital was silent, save for the occasional ticking of instruments. Suddenly, the figure of a female patient appeared in my sight.

Her name is Xiaofang, she is in her thirties, she is wearing a plain hospital gown, and her long black hair hangs casually on her shoulders. Her eyes were a little dazed, and she looked preoccupied. I walked over and asked with concern, "Xiaofang, it's so late, why haven't you rested?" ”

Xiao Fang raised her head and looked at me, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes: "Comrade Armed Police, I ...... I've been dreaming of a strange man lately, and he's ...... He seemed like he was going to do something bad to me. ”

I frowned, thinking to myself that this was no small matter. comforted her: "Don't be afraid, tell me, what does that person look like?" I'll check it for you. ”

Xiao Fang trembled and described the appearance of that man, and I was shocked that this was exactly the same as a wanted criminal who disappeared a month ago! I immediately became vigilant and comforted Xiaofang not to worry, I would protect her.

Over the next few days, I secretly investigated the matter. Xiaofang's hospital room became the focus of my attention. That night, I was on patrol when I suddenly heard a scream coming from Xiaofang's hospital room. I hurriedly rushed in, only to see Xiaofang pointing out the window in horror: "He...... Here he is again! ”

I looked in the direction of her finger and saw a dark figure quickly disappear into the night. I immediately chased after it, but the shadow vanished like a ghost.

Back in the ward, I comforted Xiaofang: "Don't be afraid, I will always be here to protect you." Xiao Fang nodded with tears in her eyes.

However, things turned out in a way that I didn't expect. That night, I was on patrol when I suddenly received an emergency call from the nurse's station saying that Xiaofang's ward was on fire! My heart tightened, and I rushed to Xiaofang's hospital room.

The fire had spread, and I rushed into the sea of fire without hesitation and found Xiao Fang who was unconscious. The moment I carried her out of the fire, I heard someone whispering in my ear: "Let her go, or you won't be able to escape." ”

I knew that the fire was not an accident, but that the wanted man tried to kill Xiao Fang in order to cover up his crime. I can't let him get his way, I'm going to bring this criminal to justice!

After some painstaking investigation, I finally found the hiding place of the wanted criminal. In a fierce battle, I managed to subdue him and rescue Xiao Fang.

In the hospital, Xiaofang looked at me gratefully: "Comrade Armed Police, thank you for saving me." I smiled and waved my hand: "This is what I should do, you can rest assured, everything will be fine." ”

Later, I found out that Xiaofang was a victim and that the wanted person had tried to assault her. Fortunately, I found out in time and avoided the tragedy.

This experience has made me more aware that as an armed policeman, it is our bounden duty to protect the lives and safety of the people. And Xiaofang, with our help, gradually stepped out of the shadows and started a new life.

As the days passed, Xiaofang's condition stabilized a lot. She began to try to communicate with other patients, and the smile gradually returned to her face. And I still stick to my post and protect the safety of the hospital.

One afternoon, the sun was shining through the window in Xiaofang's hospital room, and she was sitting on the edge of her bed, flipping through a magazine. I knocked lightly on the door and walked in.

"Xiaofang, how are you feeling today?" I asked.

She raised her head and smiled: "Comrade armed police, I'm much better." Thank you for your continued concern. ”

I smiled and sat down on the chair next to her bed, "This is what I should do." By the way, I heard that you have been helping other patients with psychological counseling recently, what a kind girl. ”

Xiao Fang's face flushed: "I'm just doing my best to help them, after all, I've been through that dark time before." ”

We were chatting like this, and suddenly, my walkie-talkie rang. There was a disturbance at the entrance of the hospital, and I needed to deal with it immediately. I smiled apologetically at Xiaofang and hurried away.

When I arrived at the entrance of the hospital, I saw a group of people gathered there, pointing and pointing. I squeezed into the crowd and spotted a familiar figure - the wanted man's brother! He takes a group of people with him in an attempt to avenge his brother.

I looked at him coldly, "What do you want to do?" This is a hospital, and you can't afford to come here! ”

He glared at me, gritted his teeth and said, "Armed policeman, you caused my brother to go to prison, and I will make you pay the price today!" ”

As he spoke, he swung his fist at me. I quickly dodged his attack and called for backup. A pitched battle is inevitable.

At this moment, Xiao Fang suddenly appeared in the crowd and shouted, "Stop! Don't hurt innocent people because of me! ”

The wanted man's younger brother was stunned, he looked at Xiao Fang, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. I took the opportunity to subdue him, and the other troublemakers surrendered one after another.

Afterwards, I looked at Xiaofang gratefully: "Thank you, you saved us all today." ”

Xiao Fang smiled: "Comrade Armed Police, this is what I should do." I don't want to see anyone hurt because of me anymore. ”

That night, the moonlight shone on the playground of the hospital, and I accompanied Xiaofang for a walk. She said with emotion: "After going through so much, I finally understand that life will always encounter difficulties, but as long as we face it bravely, we will always see the light of day." ”

I nodded: "Yes, Xiaofang, you are a brave girl. I am sure that your life will be better in the future. ”

We just walked in the moonlight, chatting about each other's dreams and futures. At that moment, I seemed to see the bright star in Xiao Fang's eyes, shining with the light of hope.

Time is like flowing water, and Xiaofang's days in the hospital are coming to an end. Her smile grew brighter and brighter, and her patients were infected by her optimism. And I'm still guarding here, guarding the peace of this side.

Early one morning, I opened the door of Xiaofang's hospital room and found her packing up. I asked suspiciously, "Xiaofang, are you about to be discharged from the hospital?" ”

She turned around and nodded: "Comrade Armed Police, yes." The doctor said I could go home and recuperate. ”

I felt an inexplicable emotion in my heart, both happy that she was able to recover her health, but also a little reluctant to let her go. I forced a smile and said, "That's great, congratulations." ”

Xiaofang walked up to me and said seriously: "Comrade Armed Police, thank you for taking care of me during this time. I will always remember you. ”

I gently patted her on the shoulder: "Xiaofang, you have to live a good life, remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must face them bravely." ”

She nodded heavily, a determined glint in her eyes.

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, I sent Xiaofang to the door with the medical staff. She looked back at us with reluctance in her eyes. I waved my hand and said loudly, "Xiaofang, have a good trip!" ”

She smiled and turned to walk over to her family, who were waiting for her. I watched her back and silently blessed in my heart.

The days were quiet again, and the ticking of instruments still echoed in the corridors of the hospital. When I was on patrol, I would unconsciously look at the ward where Xiaofang had been staying, where new patients had been admitted.

One day, a month later, I was sorting out documents in the duty room when I suddenly received a strange phone call. Xiao Fang's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Comrade armed police, it's me, Xiao Fang." I'm coming to the hospital tomorrow for a follow-up, can you pick me up? ”

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Of course you can, Xiaofang." I'll be waiting for you at the hospital gate tomorrow. ”

The next day, I arrived at the hospital gate early and saw Xiaofang getting out of a taxi from a distance. She looked very good-looking and was wearing a beautiful dress.

I stepped forward, smiled and said, "Xiaofang, you look very good." ”

She smiled: "Comrade armed police, I have been working hard to live, as you said, face it bravely." ”

We walked into the hospital side by side, and at that moment, I seemed to see the light on Xiaofang's body, which was the rebirth after going through the ordeal, and the hope after bravely facing life.

After the review, I sent Xiaofang home. On the way, she suddenly said: "Comrade armed police, do you know? I now work in a counseling center, helping people who have been hurt just as much as I once was. ”

I looked at her, and my heart was full of admiration: "Xiaofang, you are awesome." What a great thing it is that you use your experience to help others. ”

She smiled shyly: "I just want to contribute something to society and repay those who have helped me." ”

That night, I went back to my dorm room with a lot of emotion. Xiaofang's story taught me that the tenacity and bravery of life are priceless, and that everyone can be a light in the lives of others. And I will continue to guard here, providing warmth and strength to those in need.

As time went on, Xiaofang's work at the counseling center became more and more successful, and her story inspired many people to step out of the shadows and regain confidence in life. And I, in my position in the hospital, also ushered in new challenges.

One day, the hospital received a special patient, a young retired soldier who was suffering from the psychological trauma left by the war. When I learned the news, I couldn't help but think of Xiaofang. Perhaps, she can help this patient out of this predicament.

I found Xiaofang and told her about the patient. After she heard this, a trace of firmness flashed in her eyes: "Comrade Armed Police, I am willing to try." ”

A few days later, I took Xiaofang to the veteran's hospital room. He was lying on the bed, his eyes were empty, and his whole person seemed to have lost his life. Xiao Fang walked over and said softly, "Hello, I'm Xiao Fang, let's chat." ”

The retired soldier looked up, a hint of doubt flashing in his eyes. Xiao Fang sat on the edge of the bed and began to tell her story. Her words were gentle but firm, and the veteran could listen attentively.

Gradually, his eyes became attentive and began to communicate with Xiao Fang. I watched this scene with a lot of emotion in my heart. This is Xiaofang's strength, she uses her tenacious vitality to infect the people around her.

After a period of psychological counseling, the retired soldier's condition improved significantly. He began to take the initiative to communicate with other patients, and a smile appeared on his face that he had not seen in a long time. I watched him change, and my heart was full of relief.

Xiaofang's birthday is approaching, and I decided to surprise her. I brought in my colleagues from the hospital and prepared a small birthday party. When Xiao Fang walked into the ward, everyone cheered: "Happy birthday, Xiao Fang!" ”

She was stunned, then a smile of surprise appeared on her face. She looked at us with tears in her eyes: "Thank you, this is the most special birthday I have ever had. ”

That night, we lit candles on the lawn of the hospital and sang birthday songs for Xiaofang together. She closed her eyes and made a wish. At that moment, I seemed to see the light in her heart, illuminating her path forward.

Xiaofang's story has become a good story in the hospital, and she uses her own experience to encourage more people to face life bravely. And I, under her influence, have guarded this land more firmly.

The years are like a song, Xiaofang's days in the hospital have passed, but the memories she left us will always be remembered. I still stick to my post and protect the peace of the hospital. Whenever night falls, when the moonlight shines on the playground of the hospital, I always think of Xiaofang's smile, which is the eternal light in my heart.