
In 2025, I will be demobilized and go home, deliberately pretending to be poor, and my girlfriend will regret it when I return to the army

author:Smoke Moon wrote

In 2025, I ended my long military career and went home from demobilization. I was thinking in my heart that I wanted to surprise my girlfriend Xiaofang. She always thought that I was a poor soldier, and she never thought that my family actually had a lot of money. So, I deliberately pretended to be poor, wanting to see how she would react.

That day, I wore a shabby camouflage uniform and carried a tattered bag to Xiaofang's house. When she saw me, she was stunned: "You...... Why do you look like this? ”

I smiled wryly and said, "Demobilized, no job, no money, that's all." ”

Xiao Fang's expression became complicated, she hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then you live in my house first, you can't let you live on the streets." ”

I secretly rejoiced that Xiaofang was really a kind girl.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Xiaofang suddenly said to me: "I have a friend, her boyfriend is running a company, let's introduce you to a job." ”

My heart tightened, but I still pretended to be casual and said, "Okay, thank you." ”

And just like that, I went to that company. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Xiaofang's ex-boyfriend Boss Li's company.

When Boss Li saw me, he said in a weird way: "Yo, isn't this Xiaofang's new boyfriend?" How did it get mixed up like this? ”

I held back the anger in my heart and said calmly, "Life is forced to do nothing. ”

Boss Li sneered: "Tell you, Xiaofang and I are a natural pair, you are a poor ghost, die of this heart as soon as possible." ”

I glared at him and turned away.

In the evening, when I returned to Xiaofang's house, she saw that I was worried and asked me, "What's wrong with you?" Is Boss Li angry with you? ”

I shook my head, "It's nothing, I just think I'm too useless." ”

Xiaofang comforted me: "Don't talk about yourself like that, I believe you will get better." ”

I looked at her with mixed feelings.

A few days later, I received a notice from the army that I was going back on an important mission. I hesitated for a moment and said to Xiaofang, "I may have to go back to the army for a while." ”

Xiao Fang looked at me in surprise: "So fast? Then you ......"

I pretended to be relaxed and said, "It's okay, I'll be back when the mission is over." ”

Back in the army, I did my best to complete the task. At the end of the mission, I was named a meritorious person and was commended.

At this moment, Xiao Fang suddenly appeared in front of me. She looked at me and tears welled up in her eyes: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Turns out you've been lying to me all along. ”

I smiled and hugged her: "Yes, I deliberately pretended to be poor, just to see how you feel for me." Now, I know, you truly love me. ”

Xiao Fang burst into tears and laughed: "You villain, you can't lie to me in the future." ”

I nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I will treat you with sincerity in the future." ”

And just like that, we started a happy life again. And Boss Li has long disappeared from our world.

Life after demobilization was not all smooth sailing, and although Xiaofang and I became more and more affectionate, the pressure of life was always with us. My honor in the army cannot be directly converted into the capital of life, I need a stable job, a stage where I can display my talents.

One day, Xiaofang excitedly told me that she had a distant relative who ran a sizable farm in the south, and she happened to be short of a managerial talent, and she suggested that I try it. I hesitated, I had never been involved in agriculture before, and it was a completely new challenge for me. But looking at Xiaofang's expectant eyes, I nodded and decided to give it a try.

The weather in the south was humid and hot, and the work on the farm was far harder than I had imagined. I get up early every day and stay up late to learn about agriculture and manage the affairs of the farm. Xiaofang's relatives are very happy with me, but I myself often feel lost and tired.

One night, I sat alone in front of my farm hut, looking at the starry sky, and a feeling of homesickness swelled in my heart. At this time, Xiaofang's phone called.

"Hey, is that you? How is everything? Xiao Fang's voice was gentle and concerning.

I sighed: "It's okay, it's just a little homesick, I miss you." ”

Xiao Fang was silent for a while, and then said, "Actually, I miss you too." But you are pursuing your dreams and I support you. ”

I smiled wryly: "Dreams? I feel like I'm getting farther and farther away from my dream now. ”

Xiao Fang said firmly: "No, as long as you persevere, you will always see hope." Don't forget, you came out of the army, what difficulties haven't you seen? ”

Xiao Fang's words were like a shot in the arm, which made me regain my former self-confidence. I began to study hard and gradually adapted and mastered the management of the farm. It wasn't long before the farm became profitable under my stewardship, and I finally found my value.

One day, I received a letter with an invitation to attend an agricultural forum. I hesitated for a moment and decided to participate. At the forum, I met many peers, shared each other's experiences, and gained a lot of valuable advice.

Towards the end of the forum, a familiar figure appeared in my sight. It's Boss Li. He looked a little haggard, and when he saw me, he was stunned.

"Is that you?" There was surprise in his tone.

I smiled and nodded, "Yes, me." I am now a farmer. ”

Boss Li's eyes were complicated, and he shook his head: "I didn't expect you to be able to make achievements in this industry." I...... I have some envy for you. ”

I said sincerely, "Actually, everyone has their own path to follow. As long as you persevere, there will always be gains. ”

Boss Li was silent for a while, and then stretched out his hand: "It seems that I misjudged you before." Hopefully we can become friends in the future. ”

I shook his hand and felt emotional. What was once thought to be an insurmountable chasm has now faded with the passage of time.

Back at the farm, I told Xiaofang all this. She smiled and applauded me: "I knew you could do it." ”

I hugged her tightly: "Yes, with you by my side, I can do anything." "At that moment, I felt happiness and satisfaction like never before. Our future, like this fertile land, is full of infinite possibilities.

The days passed day by day in the busyness of the farm, and the relationship between me and Xiaofang also took root in this land. The business on the farm is getting more and more prosperous, and I am starting to plan for the future. I want to build the farm into a modern agricultural park that integrates leisure, sightseeing and agricultural experience, so that more people can understand and experience farming culture.

One day, Xiaofang came to the farm with a young girl, her name was Xiaoli, and she was her best friend. Xiaoli is a city girl who is full of curiosity about life on the farm.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here!" Xiaoli looked around excitedly.

Xiaofang smiled and said to me, "I brought Xiaoli to experience farm life, and she also wants to know about your agricultural project." ”

I nodded, showed them around the farm, and explained my plans in detail. Xiaoli listened very carefully and nodded her head in praise from time to time.

In the evening, we sat in the small yard of the farm, eating home-grown vegetables and chatting. Xiaoli suddenly asked me, "Why did you choose to do agriculture?" ”

I smiled and looked at Xiaofang: "Because of her, and because of here." I want to create value on this land and share this harvest with her. ”

Xiao Fang's eyes sparkled with happiness, and she gently shook my hand.

Just then, my phone rang. It's an unfamiliar number. I picked it up, and a familiar voice came from there: "Hey, it's me, Boss Li." ”

I was a little surprised: "Boss Li? Can I help you? ”

Boss Li's voice was a little low: "I heard that you are doing an agricultural project, and I want to invest." ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect Boss Li to make such a request. I hesitated for a moment, then said, "I need to think about the investment thing." I'm glad you're interested in this project, though. ”

After hanging up the phone, I said to Xiaofang and Xiaoli: "It seems that our project has been recognized by more people. ”

Xiaofang is proud of me: "You have done a good job, and I believe you will succeed." ”

Xiaoli also joined in: "I also believe in you, if you need help, just say it." ”

I looked at them gratefully: "With you here, I'm not afraid of anything." ”

In the following days, I began to discuss the details of investment with Boss Li. At the same time, I also carried out a series of renovation work on the farm, introducing new agricultural technology and equipment, and the farm has a new look.

In this process, Xiaofang and Xiaoli became my most effective assistants. Together, we planned events to attract tourists, and the popularity of the farm gradually increased.

Finally, on a sunny day, our agricultural park was officially opened. Looking at the endless stream of tourists, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Xiao Fang and Xiao Li stood beside me, the three of us looked at each other and smiled, at this moment, all the hard work was worth it.

I know that there is still a long way to go, and there may be more challenges. But as long as we work together and move forward hand in hand, nothing is impossible. This land has witnessed our love and dreams, and will continue to witness our perseverance and hard work along the way.

Over time, our agricultural park has gradually emerged in the surrounding area. There is an endless stream of tourists and rave reviews. The variety of agricultural experience activities we hold is also attracting more and more families and children. The farm has not only become a local tourist attraction, but also an important base for spreading agricultural knowledge and farming culture.

One day, I was in the office sorting out feedback from visitors when Fang pushed the door open and came in, her face glowing with excitement.

"Guess who's coming?" She winked mischievously.

I looked at her suspiciously, "Who?" ”

Xiao Fang smiled and said, "Boss Li! He just drove over and said he wanted to see our agricultural park for himself. ”

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It seems that he is very interested in our project." ”

I followed Xiaofang to the park and saw that Boss Li was carefully observing every detail, nodding and smiling from time to time. Seeing us, he came over.

"You're really doing a great job," he admired, "I never thought farming could be so fun and attract so many people." ”

I humbly said, "It's all a credit to everyone, we just provided a platform." ”

Boss Li looked at me and said, "I came this time, in addition to looking at the park, I also want to talk to you about investment." I want to join your team and grow this project together. ”

I was a little surprised, but quickly nodded: "Of course, you are welcome to join." I am sure that your business experience will be of great help to our campus. ”

Boss Li smiled: "Then we will make up our minds." ”

With the addition of Boss Li, our agricultural park has developed more rapidly. He brought many new ideas and resources to the table, and our activities were more colorful. Soon after, our park was named the "Best Agritourism Demonstration Site", attracting more tourists and investors.

During this period, Xiaofang and Xiaoli have always been by my side, supporting me and encouraging me. The relationship between the three of us is also getting closer and closer, just like family. When night fell, we would sit in the courtyard, watching the starry sky, sharing each other's thoughts and dreams.

I know that there is still a long way to go, and there may be more challenges. However, with them by my side, I have the confidence and courage to meet every challenge and realize every dream. Our story, like this land, is full of hope and possibility.