
New development, refusing to repay 340,000 dowry heroines were forced to start refunding in installments under pressure, but one gold jewelry was not returned


The heroine who refused to repay the 340,000 dowry was forced to start a refund in installments under pressure, but the gold jewelry was not returned#

Under disappointment and pressure, the heroine who refused to repay the 340,000 dowry began to refund in installments, but none of the gold jewelry was returned?

In this modern society, the issue of bride price has always been a matter of concern. Recently, a remarkable news has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that a brave heroine decided to refuse to return the 340,000 dowry she received before marriage, and was under tremendous pressure and besieged by public opinion. However, unexpectedly, although she started the process of refunding the money in instalments, one of the original gold jewellery has not been returned. What's going on here?

New development, refusing to repay 340,000 dowry heroines were forced to start refunding in installments under pressure, but one gold jewelry was not returned

As a traditional marriage custom, the bride price is supposed to symbolize the joy and beauty of the two families. However, this traditional practice has gradually evolved into a constraint on women's rights. In some cases, the bride price is so high that it is beyond the family's means. In this context, the heroine resolutely stood up and stated that she would no longer accept the bride price as a burden of marriage.

New development, refusing to repay 340,000 dowry heroines were forced to start refunding in installments under pressure, but one gold jewelry was not returned

In the face of many doubts and pressures, the heroine decided to return the bride price in installments. In this way, she hopes to maintain the harmony of her marriage and at the same time reduce the financial burden on the family. Surprisingly, however, while most of the bride price had been returned, one piece of gold jewellery had not yet been returned. This raises questions and concerns.

What's going on here? Could it be that the heroine deliberately left this gold ornament to show the other party's dishonesty? Or is it something else that was missing? These questions are unanswered and confusing.

New development, refusing to repay 340,000 dowry heroines were forced to start refunding in installments under pressure, but one gold jewelry was not returned

In any case, this incident has once again raised attention to the issue of bride price. Marriage should be based on equality and respect, not on the edge of money. We should pay attention to the rights and interests of women and respect the free choice of both husband and wife. The bride price should return to its original purpose, to be a symbol of friendship between two families, rather than a heavy financial burden.

At the same time, it also reminds us that we should strengthen the supervision and regulation of the bride price issue. The government needs to put in place measures to ensure that the bride price is no longer a tool for oppression of women, but a bond that maintains family harmony. We also need to call on the social media to pay attention to this issue and guide the public to update and rationalize their understanding of marriage and bride price.

After this story, we should think about the deeper family disputes and social issues behind the bride price issue. Marriage should not only be based on material things, but should also be the foundation of mutual respect and support. Only in this way can the happiness and fulfillment of the family be truly realized.

The above is the story of this brave heroine who refused to return the 340,000 dowry and began to refund in installments, but left a gold jewelry that was not returned. It not only gives us food for thought, but also reminds us to pay attention to equality and respect in marriage. Let's work together to build a better marriage and family environment!