
In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

author:Traveler Claire 3C0

The great revolutionary leaders have gone through the vicissitudes of time and forged extraordinary friendships. In the midst of a turmoil, the differences between the two generals seemed to be irreconcilable. Mr. Peng's temper was as hot as usual, scolding his generals, and the atmosphere was tense. At this critical juncture, Ye Shuai came forward to say something, and Mr. Peng was silent and bowed his head in meditation. Who is this always stubborn general? What precious words did Ye Shuai say that could make the irritable Mr. Peng calm down instantly? What kind of story is hidden between the two?

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

1. Extraordinary friendship in the smoke of war

Time flies. The year 1955 was already an era of peace when the smoke of gunpowder had dispersed. But for Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui, the two front-line generals, how can the friendship between them tempered by blood and fire be erased in a peaceful era?

Dating back to more than 20 years ago, that bloody era. In 1928, by chance in Wuhan, Peng Shaohui, who was only 22 years old, joined the 5th Independent Division of the Hunan Army and became an ordinary soldier. The leader of this army was none other than Peng Dehuai, a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

As an ordinary soldier, the young Peng Shaohui came into contact with Marxist thought for the first time and was full of curiosity and yearning for this emerging theory. As a leader, Peng Dehuai naturally took a fancy to this enthusiastic young man. After coming and going, Peng Dehuai took the initiative to recommend Peng Shaohui to study in the camp school.

In the school presided over by Huang Gongluo, Peng Shaohui was very active and appreciated by his teachers, and soon joined the Communist Party of China. From then on, he firmly wrote in his diary: "I will follow the footsteps of the party all my life!" "

In 1929, in the guerrilla operations on the border of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, Peng Shaohui took the initiative to rush to the front line and was responsible for covering the retreat of the main force. This decision actually made him pay a heavy price for a broken arm. But it was in this cruel battle that Peng Shaohui used practical actions to interpret the revolutionary will of "I would rather lose an arm than lose someone".

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

The war continues, and the years go by. Since then, the two have formed a life-and-death friendship. The subsequent Jinggangshan struggle, the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression of the Perak Mountain Resistance Battle, and the construction of the anti-Japanese base area all witnessed the experience of friendship between the two. In the smoke of war, they interpreted the connotation of "Jinlan Friendship" with their actions.

Second, perseverance and determination can be sung and wept

In that turbulent era, Peng Shaohui and Peng Dehuai made indelible contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution with great personal courage and perseverance.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

Peng Shaohui's family was poor since he was a child, and he had to work in the fields since he was five or six years old, and even herded cattle for the landlord's family. Originally from Shaoshan, Hunan, he became a long-term worker at the age of 16 and experienced first-hand the exploitation of the working people at the bottom by the landlord class. It was this arduous life experience that made him eager to change the status quo and planted the seeds for joining the revolutionary cause later.

In 1926, Peng Shaohui had the privilege of becoming acquainted with Mao Zedong and learned for the first time the importance of Marxism and the peasant movement from the great man. Mao Zedong was his revolutionary enlightenment teacher, and it was Peng Dehuai, who was 10 years older than him, who really set him on the revolutionary road.

In 1927, the Kuomintang launched a "counter-revolutionary coup" to suppress the revolutionary forces. In response to the turmoil, Peng Shaohui joined the 100,000 peasant army and besieged Changsha. Although the struggle ended in failure, Peng Shaohui was determined to find Mao Zedong and fight for the revolution.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

In 1928, Peng Shaohui met Peng Dehuai, who was already the leader of the 5th Independent Division of the Hunan Army at that time. Peng Dehuai was extremely dissatisfied with the reactionary actions of the Kuomintang and set up a Communist Party branch in the army to spread Marxism. Peng Shaohui actively joined the study, and soon attracted Peng Dehuai's attention.

In the same year, Peng Shaohui followed Peng Dehuai to participate in the Pingjiang Uprising, showing heroism, killing several enemy soldiers by himself. This made the camp school presided over by Huang Gongluo attach great importance to him, not only promoted him as the class leader, but also introduced him to join the Communist Party of China. Since then, Peng Shaohui has unswervingly followed the revolutionary road.

In 1929, in the guerrilla war on the border of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, when the Kuomintang army was encircled and suppressed, Peng Shaohui took the initiative to ask Ying to cover the retreat of the large army. In the stubborn resistance, he was unfortunately shot and wounded, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted on commanding to the end. When he retreated, he found that his thighs were already a blur of flesh and blood.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

Huang Gongluo was shocked when he saw this and asked him to withdraw from treatment temporarily. But Peng Shaohui was stubbornly unwilling, fearing that he would miss the revolution. This decision cost him dearly - in order to survive, he had to amputate his left arm and became a "one-armed general" from then on.

It is often said that the more a person suffers, the more he can temper his tenacious will. Peng Shaohui, who has experienced the suffering of the people since he was a child, is precisely with his firm belief in ideals and indomitable tenacity and perseverance that he can see death as if he were at home in the cruel struggle, and this is precisely the quality that he has won Peng Dehuai's praise.

3. Touching old things under iron-blooded tenderness

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

In the revolutionary years, the smoke of war spread all over the land, but in the bloody and violent scenes, the warmth of human nature was still revealed. Between Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui, there is a shocking iron-blooded tenderness.

Although they have the same surname, Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui are not related by blood. However, it was Peng Dehuai's family-like love for Peng Shaohui that made the revolutionary friendship between the two deeper.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

In 1929, in the guerrilla warfare on the border of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, in order to cover the retreat of the main force, Peng Shaohui was unfortunately wounded and was forced to amputate his left arm. Peng Dehuai, who learned of the incident, immediately went to visit him in person and thoughtfully prepared a prosthetic leg for him. In front of the hospital bed, Peng Dehuai patted the back of Peng Shaohui's hand from time to time, shushing the cold and asking for warmth, as if he was as amiable as a loving father.

Before the old wound healed, Peng Shaohui couldn't wait to return to the fight. However, Peng Dehuai firmly objected, believing that his body had not fully recovered, and he would not be able to stop strenuous exercise in case of a recurrence of the wound. So, Peng Dehuai personally arranged for Peng Shaohui to stay in the rear to study and work.

For a long time after that, Peng Dehuai often missed this "one-armed man". Whenever someone returned from the front line, he always asked about Peng Shaohui's current situation as soon as possible. Knowing that Peng Shaohui's injuries had healed, he personally wrote to Peng Shaohui, telling him to take care of his body and do a good job of rehabilitation...... Looking at the handwriting, Peng Shaohui was full of emotion.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

In addition to his family-like concern for Peng Shaohui, Peng Dehuai's great attention to this young general stems more from their common ambition for national rejuvenation.

As the leader of the 5th Division of the Hunan Army, Peng Dehuai was a well-known supporter of the "Peasant Army Movement" within the party. He advocated the armed mobilization of the peasants in order to advance the revolutionary process. Peng Shaohui, who was exploited by the landlord class as early as in his mother's arms, experienced the suffering of ordinary working people since he was a child. Therefore, his understanding of the peasant movement is not scratching the surface.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

It is the two who share the same philosophy on this matter that makes them value each other. In addition, Peng Dehuai took a fancy to the young general's fearless revolutionary will and excellent combat ability, so he repeatedly recommended promising talents to the leadership.

After knowing each other for several years, the two went to the battlefield all the way together. From the Pingjiang Uprising, the Fourth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, to the final War of Liberation, they have experienced countless tests of life and death. Under the baptism of war, their dedication to revolutionary ideals and their cherishing of comradeship have become more and more sublimated into unforgettable life insights.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

It was in those years of tragic and ruthless battles that the two of them realized that they could shed their blood for their ideals. And when Peng Shaohui lost an arm to save the army, they really understood how precious the life of every revolutionary was. They deeply understand that to protect this friendship, it is necessary to share weal and woe, life and death along the way.

As a result, under the iron-blooded tenderness, the revolutionary friendship between the two became increasingly sublimated. The thick smell of gunpowder smoke has penetrated into every precious memory; The scorching heat wave of the war also imprinted the deep affection of comrades in my heart forever.

Fourth, the precious wisdom tempered in the demeanor of the general

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

After decades of battlefield training, Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui have already become the pillars of the country. In them, they not only embody the heroism and fearlessness of the earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, but also contain the wisdom and courage of the way to govern the army and the art of controlling the people.

As the supreme commander of the army, Peng Dehuai comprehended many valuable philosophies in the long-term practice of campaigns, which had a far-reaching impact on later military decision-making. For example, during the Battle of Pingxingguan, he personally commanded the arrangement of the position, and initiated the tactic of "activity and communication position", so that the army could be flexible and mobile, cooperate with the outside and respond externally, and finally achieve a complete victory.

In addition, in terms of military strategy, Peng Dehuai also reflected outstanding foresight. On one occasion, he discovered that the enemy leader's plan on paper was contrary to the strategy revealed by the prisoners in his department. After careful analysis and comparison, he made the right judgment - this is exactly the disguise tactic deliberately imposed by the enemy. In the end, with accurate prediction, he avoided being deceived and won a beautiful victory.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

Complementing Peng Dehuai's military wisdom is Peng Shaohui's extraordinary wisdom in operational command. For example, in the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression, in the face of the enemy's heavy outflanking, Peng Shaohui took the opportunity to respond and decided to break through the encirclement first, and then use camouflage to cover the withdrawal of the large army. This strategy not only resolved the crisis at that time, but also laid the foundation for the subsequent victory of Perak Mountain.

In addition to military capabilities, Peng Shaohui has also made great achievements in the construction of military discipline and military style. He advocated scrupulously observing revolutionary discipline and never tolerating violations of discipline. One year, the troops led by Peng Shaohui strictly enforced the rule that "if you beat the common people, you are not allowed to lead the way." Just because a soldier disguised as a passerby violated the ban, he was personally reprimanded and severely punished by Peng Shaohui.

As the first defense minister of the People's Republic of China, Peng Dehuai set a glorious example in the building of the post-war military system. He attaches great importance to the construction of the learning and training system, adheres to the combination of theory and practice, pays attention to the cultivation method of taking root in the grassroots and being grounded, and leaves valuable wisdom for future generations.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

It is often said that if you are wise, you are foolish. This sentence is used on Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui, which can be described as sincere. It is precisely these two veterans who have been baptized by war for a hundred years, and who have tempered the great wisdom of life in tenacious struggle, so that they can add a strong stroke to the military cause of New China.

Fifth, the heart knot and untie in the rough years

The difficult revolutionary years were destined to make Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui knot. However, the two finally resolved the feud with their actions and wrote a good story of comradeship.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

In 1955, a turmoil put the friendship between Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui in jeopardy.

That year, when Peng Dehuai, in his capacity as defense minister, inspected the troops stationed in Beijing, he was openly contradicted by a general. Mr. Peng was furious and scolded the general on the spot as a "counter-revolutionary militarist". The atmosphere was tense, and at this critical juncture, Peng Shaohui said something at the right time, which made the irritable Mr. Peng instantly silent.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

What precious words did Peng Shaohui say? The people present at the time did not say a word. But judging from the results, his words clearly played a role in resolving the contradictions.

Looking back on this old event after many years, it is not difficult to find a difficult journey contained in it.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

After the bloody struggle during the democratic revolution, Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui were once the closest comrades-in-arms. However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to the division of labor between different positions, the revolutionary path of the two gradually diverged.

Peng Dehuai was appointed Minister of National Defense, with full control of the military. Peng Shaohui served at the lower level and was reused for front-line operational command for a long time. This kind of misplaced difference in positions has led to little intersection between the two in private.

What's more, in that era of power struggles, even the closest comrades-in-arms will inevitably have estrangement and suspicion.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

On the surface, it seems to be calm, but in fact, the two have already bred mustard in their hearts. This hidden worry was completely detonated by Peng Dehuai's scolding of the general, and finally evolved into a saber rattling tension.

Although the relationship between Peng Shaohui and Peng Dehuai was tense for a while, they were revolutionary fellow travelers after all, and they walked hand in hand through the field of life and death. Therefore, at that critical juncture, Peng Shaohui naturally became the key figure in resolving the conflict.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

Many years later, someone interviewed Peng Shaohui and asked him what he said back then. Peng Shaohui just smiled and shook his head: "I just reminded Lao Peng at that time that now is not the time to use force, and we must resolve the conflict by peaceful means." "

It can be seen from these words that as Peng Dehuai's friend and comrade-in-arms for many years, Peng Shaohui obviously knows his temperament better than anyone else. He understood that only rational persuasion, not fierce words, would Peng Dehuai, an old friend, calm down.

Sure enough, Peng Shaohui's sincere words immediately made the furious Peng Dehuai lower his head. In this way, the discord between the two due to the power struggle was finally resolved in sincere understanding.

In 1955, Mr. Peng scolded a general, Ye Shuai persuaded him, and Mr. Peng bowed his head and was silent

Life is impermanent, and twists and turns are inevitable. But as long as they are like Peng Dehuai and Peng Shaohui, who interpret the preciousness of comradeship and friendship with their actions, any knot will eventually be untied in trust.