
The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips

author:Simple sailboat


In the rapid change of global vision, China's semiconductor industry is at a crossroads. Despite its deep scientific and technological accumulation and human resources, the Boston Consulting Group's report gives a shocking prediction: by 2032, China will account for only 2% of the world's most advanced chip production capacity. This figure seems unbelievable – the world's largest market for electronic devices can only be negligible in its ability to produce semiconductor chips, the most important core component. Is this just a matter of scientific research capacity?

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips

One." Big doubts: the most advanced chip production capacity accounting for only 2% of the world - how can China break through? "

This prediction was like a wake-up call and sent a strong shock through China's semiconductor industry. Due to the lack of chip production capacity, it means that it cannot meet the huge market demand and will have to import to other countries, which will undoubtedly increase the operating costs and market risks of related companies. More importantly, if it cannot produce advanced chips independently, many of China's cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, 5G networks, quantum computing and other fields, will be struggling, affecting the future development of Changguan.

But China is not necessarily at a loss, and pessimism and panic are not the answer. To break through the bottleneck of advanced chip production capacity, what is needed is the organic combination of strategic vision, technological innovation and support policies. In recent years, the Chinese government has begun to vigorously support the semiconductor industry, and various technological innovations are gradually changing the status quo.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips

II. The Chip Manufacturing Strength Gap Between China and the U.S. – Does It Depend on National Policy? "

The microprocessor "runway race" between China and the United States – a contest over production capacity, technological progress and policy push – always seems to be in focus. Just like a race for the gold medal, small differences can lead to obvious differences between victory and defeat, and the gap in chip manufacturing strength is the key.

The United States, in this race, has the advantage of being a first-mover. Stimulating leading technology companies such as Apple, Intel, Microsoft, etc., to meet with the highest technology. It is also aimed at the fields that astronauts may set foot in in the future, and the United States has strategically traveled all over the fields of science and technology, hoping to achieve breakthroughs there. The rumored CHIPS Act, in which the United States revitalizes domestic chip production with an ambition of $39 billion, aims not only to solve the dependence on Asian supply chains in the short term, but also to plan for self-sufficiency and trend leadership in the long term.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips

In contrast, China, as a challenger, faces an arduous climb. But China is not unprepared, after all, this large country has a huge market for electronic equipment and deep scientific and technological research and development capabilities. To alleviate the shortcomings and give full play to the strengths, the Chinese government has listed the enhancement of the semiconductor industry as a key development area. However, there are many dissenting voices questioning, "Is it really possible for China to break through the heavy technological barriers and catch up with or surpass the United States?" "

Is all this really directed by national policy? In today's rapid development of science and technology, national policies do guide the development of the industry, and even affect the distribution of power in the international market. In fact, every step of the progress of science and technology depends on the hard work of scientific researchers, the painstaking research and development of the majority of employees of the enterprise, the fair judgment of market rules, and the continuous innovation of user needs. Science and technology, which is purely driven by national policies, may always remain in strategic documents.

The competition for chip manufacturing strength is by no means a life-and-death duel between the two countries. In the era of globalization, there is indeed competition, but tension and benignness. Every contender understands that confrontation doesn't last long.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips

Three. China's Challenges and Strategies: Is Self-Sufficiency Possible? "

There are many challenges and difficult steps, and the road for China's semiconductor industry to break through is not easy. Especially in today's increasingly fierce international competition and the context of rapid scientific and technological innovation, the pressure and difficulties faced by China can be imagined. But from another perspective, challenges may be the best driving force, and they are also the awakening of China's move towards self-sufficiency in the semiconductor industry.

If manufacturing is China's forte, then there is definitely a lot of hope here. China has the largest electronics manufacturing industry in the world, which is a fact that cannot be ignored. Is it possible for this country with manufacturing genes to find its own world in the field of semiconductors?

The answer is clearly promising, not only because China has made significant progress in semiconductor design, but also because technological breakthroughs in chip manufacturing and other areas have been reported repeatedly. It's just that the new competition has just begun, and the plot progression is tortuous but full of suspense. With a little attention, it is not difficult to find that with the encouragement and support of the government, China has begun to vigorously promote the independent research and development of semiconductors and increase investment.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips

After all, if China's semiconductor industry wants to really emerge in the world, it needs to defeat the United States, the world's biggest rival, and also needs to face some difficulties and challenges in technology research and development. If these challenges can be overcome, China's semiconductor industry may leap from a "follower" to a "leader".

As for the question, "Is self-sufficiency possible?" "Maybe it's too early to say. But one thing is certain, that is, the vision of China's semiconductor industry has been clear, that is: self-reliance, sail forward. There is not only the expectation of "the light of the people" here, but also the ambition of "the rebirth of China". Those skeptical eyes may surprise you when you face the hard work of the countrymen, but it is definitely worth it.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips

Four. China's Semiconductor Industry Development Path: Reshaping the Future of 'China Chips'"

If the brand is the soul of a company, then the "core" is a symbol of a country's scientific and technological strength. The growing technological gap has made China's "core" anxious. But this does not mean that everything has been lost, in fact, China can no longer sit still. After years of hard work, China has paved the stage for self-innovation, and this is not just a dream of one country, China's move will have a global impact.

A deep sense of crisis has made China determined to cultivate the semiconductor industry at home, and the action is already on the way. It has not only cultivated talents, but also invested a lot of R&D resources in building a related industrial ecology. This decision is not a hot-headed, casual action, but a well-thought-out strategic action, a "two-way attack" from the outside to the inside. And all this is not only changing China, but also reshaping the global semiconductor industry.

But there is another question, how can China demonstrate the strength of the semiconductor industry on the international stage? China needs a "Chinese core" in the true sense, a "core" that can always maintain a leading position in the global competitive environment. It's not easy, but it's not impossible. History has proven many times that the determination and efforts of the Chinese people can solve any difficult problem.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that by 2032, China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips


Although the development path of China's semiconductor industry is full of challenges, this does not mean that there is no hope ahead. Tackling challenges requires strategy, deliberation and, above all, action. Of course, the wheel of history cannot be reversed, but the road ahead can be opened up by the Chinese themselves. In the future, China's semiconductor industry will be built by China's independent "core" to build a unique voice. This is a revolution that belongs to China, and it is also an innovation that belongs to the world. How this scene will be interpreted, we will wait and see. And all the protagonists are working hard for the future "China Chip", let us look forward to it together and witness the arrival of this moment.

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