
The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

It's horrible!

A 9-year-old girl had unbearable pain in her abdomen, and after going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor actually took out the hair clumps from her stomach?

In the wonderful journey of children's growth, some small movements may seem a little "strange" in the eyes of adults.

But for children, it's a way for them to explore the world and express their emotions.

Among them, eating fingers, biting nails, eating hair and other behaviors are particularly common, however, these seemingly harmless small habits may actually bury many hidden dangers in children's physical and mental health.

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it!

On a silent night, Li Ming and Wang Fang were shattered by a sudden scream.

To their horror, they discover that the source of the sound is none other than their 9-year-old daughter, Xiaoli.

Xiaoli bent over in pain, her hands on her stomach, her face was as pale as paper, and beads of sweat the size of beans kept sliding down her forehead.

"Mom and Dad, my stomach hurts!" Xiaoli's voice was trembling and faint, as if it would disappear into the darkness at any moment.

Li Ming and Wang Fang's hearts tightened, and they immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

Wang Fang hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed the 120 emergency number, while Li Ming hugged Xiaoli tightly, trying to bring her a little comfort with his body temperature.

After anxious waiting, the ambulance finally arrived.

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it

Paramedics quickly lifted Xiaoli onto a stretcher and took her to a nearby hospital.

Li Ming and Wang Fang followed, their hearts full of uneasiness and doubt.

After a series of detailed examinations and laboratory tests, the doctor finally gave the diagnosis: Xiaoli had a lot of hair in her stomach, which may have accumulated due to her long-term swallowing of the hair fragments that she had fallen.

The hair fragments intertwined in the stomach, forming a huge mass that caused Lily to suffer severe abdominal pain and indigestion.

Hearing the news, Li Ming and Wang Fang couldn't believe their ears.

They couldn't figure out why Xiaoli ate so much hair.

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it

Later, they recalled that Xiaoli had indeed touched her head and bitten her nails several times in the past few months, and she always complained that her stomach was uncomfortable.

However, the couple didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just some minor problems with Xiaoli.

However, now they regret it.

If they had been more attentive and had discovered Xiaoli's abnormal behavior earlier, maybe they wouldn't have let things get to this point.

They feel guilty and blame for themselves, and they don't know how to deal with their daughter's pain and future treatment.

What are the negative effects of children's strange fetishes on children?

1. Eat your fingers:

Small hands, as an important tool for children to perceive the world, have naturally become the "regulars" of their mouths.

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it

Finger eating, especially in infancy and early childhood, is an act that almost every child has.

However, if the habit persists into preschool or school age, then the problem arises.

2. Nail biting:

This habit may make your child's nails rough and even bleed.

To make matters worse, nail beds are a breeding ground for bacteria, and long-term nail biting may increase the risk of infections, such as paronychia.

In addition, if your child likes to suck on dirt on his fingers while biting his nails, then the probability of them suffering from gastrointestinal diseases will also be greatly increased.

3. Eat your hair:

Eating hair may seem strange to many parents.

However, for those children who have this habit, it is a "temptation" that they cannot resist.

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it

Although this behavior is less common, it can cause children to ingest too much hair fragments.

Long-term accumulation can lead to the formation of hairballs in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to serious problems such as gastrointestinal obstruction.

Not only can this cause severe abdominal pain, but it may also need to be resolved with surgery.

So, how can we correct these quirks in our children?

First, we need to get to the bottom of the reasons behind these behaviors.

Is it out of curiosity, anxiety, insecurity, or imitating others?

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it

Only by finding the root cause can we solve the problem in a targeted manner.

For example, for children who bite their nails due to anxiety, we can teach them some simple deep breathing and relaxation techniques to help them relieve tension.

Children are naturally good at imitation, so as parents, our behaviour has a profound impact on them.

We need to lead by example and not set a similar bad example in front of our children.

At the same time, we should also actively participate in the child's correction process.

For example, you can play hand activity games with your child to keep their hands busy and reduce the chance of eating fingers.

The 9-year-old girl suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and when she checked it, her stomach was densely packed with it! Parents regretted it


In short, it takes a certain amount of effort and patience to help children break bad habits such as eating fingers and biting nails.

It's also important to remember that every child is a unique individual, and they may face a variety of problems as they grow up.

As parents, we need to accept and understand them with an open mind, and give them the firmest support and the warmest embrace when they need it.

Does your child have a habit of eating fingers? Feel free to discuss in the comment section!