
Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

author:Top sea breeze l

In order to promote the construction of campus culture, enrich the literary and artistic life of the campus, fully demonstrate the good spiritual outlook of our students, and promote the high-quality and balanced development of students, and create a civilized, elegant, and progressive campus art atmosphere. On May 9, the junior high school of Kangping Middle School in Pinglu County held a "Singing Flying" chorus competition in the former compound.

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

01 Choir Competition

Before the start of the competition, Yang Zhujie, the principal of the junior high school, delivered a speech to the students, hoping that the students would show their talents and demeanor in the competition, and interpret the glory of the times with singing. She said that this competition is the result of the joint efforts of all students and teachers in the first and second years of junior high school, and the chorus is not only a good opportunity to enhance the sense of belonging to the team and increase the cohesion of the class, but also an opportunity to nourish the soul of students and strengthen students' aesthetic education.

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

This choir competition is participated by the first and second grade students of junior high school, in the form of "fixed songs + optional repertoire". During the competition, the students' singing voices were either passionate and high-pitched, or gentle and delicate. Each class has dreams and enthusiasm to perform on the stage; Each team has a different story and style, weaving their own chapters with musical notes.

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition
Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition
Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition
Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

The loud singing echoed in the school, and the passionate melody shook the hearts of all teachers and students. Neat and uniform clothing, uniform movements, and a decent little conductor. The students were fully engaged, full of passion, and sang loudly.

This competition shows the students' love for the collective, the pursuit of youthful ideals, and the blessing of the prosperity of the motherland. Their love is melted into the beautiful song, inspiring them to work hard, ignite the hope of youth, and go to a better future together.

02 Presentation of awards

The competition sets up Gold, Silver and Bronze awards. Scoring is on a 100-point scale, with intonation and rhythm (30%), voice and timbre (20%), emotional performance (20%), creativity and choreography (10%), and teamwork and overall coordination (20%). In addition, there are awards for best conductor and creative choreography. After fierce competition and intense selection, the winning results of this competition are as follows:

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

Gold Award: Class 133

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

Silver: Class 135

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

Bronze: Class of 136

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

Best Conductor Award: Li Yu

Pinglu County Kangping Middle School Junior High School Choir Competition

Best Creative Choreography: Class 134

The holding of this choir competition not only cultivated the students' artistic sentiments, enhanced the cohesion and collective sense of honor, but also enlivened the students' extracurricular art activities and created a good campus cultural and artistic atmosphere. Pinglu County Kangping Middle School will always adhere to the principle of cultivating people with virtue and promoting five educations at the same time, promote the growth and development of every life, and strive to promote the all-round development of students.

[Source: Pinglu County Kangping Middle School]