
Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

author:Pomegranate microread

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Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

In 2003, the glory of Deyun Club was born! At that time, Guo Degang was full of ambition to lead a group of energetic apprentices, who shouldered the sacred mission of inheriting and prospering the art of cross talk.

However, what is unexpected is that this team, which was once in the spotlight and had high hopes, fell into the dilemma of master-apprentice opposition in just a few years, and the future and fate were reversed in an instant.

The starting point of the story is fixed in 2007, when He Yunwei, the proudest disciple of Deyun Club, was exposed to a scandal of marital infidelity. This news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, which deeply pierced Mr. Guo Degang's heart.

He did his best, using all his resources and influence, to try to save this apprentice who was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, and prevent him from sinking under the pressure of public opinion.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

However, He Yunwei's sincere feelings for his mentor did not seem to be reciprocated, but in exchange for his resentment. He openly blamed his wife, claiming that their marriage was irretrievable, and decided to divorce.

Seeing the situation escalating, Mr. Kwok had no choice but to order Ho Yunwei to suspend all performances, hoping to calm the situation and reduce the negative impact.

However, this move seems to add fuel to the fire of He Yunwei's resentment. Only two years later, in 2010, Cao Yunjin created a dispute at Guo Degang's birthday party, causing his wife Wang Hui to kneel in public, which completely ignited the fuse for Deyun Club to break with this disciple.

Since then, Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei have had a fierce confrontation on the battlefield of public opinion, suspicious and accusing each other, and the atmosphere is tense to the extreme. At the same time, He Yunwei, instigated by his partner Li Jing, resolutely decided to follow Cao Yunjin and leave Deyun Club.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

In just one week, more than ten disciples followed suit, setting off a wave of escaping from their masters.

This "big war" of the division between master and apprentice undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Deyun Club. Watching his most proud disciples leave one after another, Mr. Guo Degang's heart was filled with endless pain.

And those defectors who defected to He Yunwei and Cao Yunjin's camp put Deyun Club in an unprecedented crisis.

Since leaving Deyun Club, He Yunwei and Cao Yunjin have each made a name for themselves outside. He Yunwei quickly invested in major variety shows, showing extraordinary talent, and no one else was in the limelight.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

Cao Yunjin shined with the "Tingyunxuan" he founded, and his career flourished in full swing! During this period, the two actors seem to have completely gotten rid of the identity label of apprentices, and they scolded their former mentor Guo Degang fiercely and without emotion.

Among them, Cao Yunjin is the most public, he publicly published thousands of words of "Six Questions about Guo Degang" on the online platform, each text is full of doubts and accusations, intending to push the teacher into the abyss of morality.

In the face of the malicious attacks and heavy blows of his disciples, Mr. Guo Degang was disheartened, and his heart was undoubtedly suffering greatly. However, all this was seen by the majority of netizens, who changed their positions one after another, expressed sympathy for this giant in the cross talk industry, and unanimously condemned He Yunwei and Cao Yunjin as "unfilial descendants" and "bad people".

This dispute between master and apprentice immediately became the focus of public attention, and a war of words between the two sides on the Internet was about to break out. This gave Deyun Club, which was originally in a predicament, a precious respite.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

Fortunately, Deyun Club successfully reversed the unfavorable situation in the field of public opinion and quickly ushered in a good opportunity for revival. At this critical moment, the new generation of main actor Yue Yunpeng stood out, he held his head high and was full of vitality on the stage, especially the classic line of "My God", which instantly spread all over the streets and alleys, leading a new trend.

In addition, Yue Yunpeng's outstanding performance also inspired the rapid growth of Zhang Yunlei, Meng Hetang, Baked Cakes, and Luan Yunping within Deyun Club, and their popularity soared. For a time, Deyun Club was like a bright pearl, shining in the center of the cross talk stage again.

Once again, the eyes of the audience were on the team.

However, life is always full of contradictions. Just as Deyun Club was famous, the personal moral problems of many members were gradually exposed, and the haze was shrouded. The first to be hit was "pigtail" Zhang Yunlei, who lost his words during a performance, which triggered strong condemnation from public opinion and was severely criticized by the authorities, and had to stall in the performance activities.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

Subsequently, Jin Helan and Wu Hechen, who also belong to the "crane generation", also fell into divorce lawsuits, fundraising scandals and derailment storms one after another, and their notoriety caused Deyun Club, the most popular cross talk group once upon a time, to fall into an unprecedented crisis of confidence.

Shouldering the important task of promoting the art of cross talk, Deyun Club was famous at that time, and won the enthusiastic support of the general public with its unique performance form. However, who would have expected that as the dawn of commercial success approached, they would gradually fall into the quagmire of "commercialization" and "entertainment", and gradually deviate from the essence of cross talk art.

Looking back on the past, Yue Yunpeng, Zhang Yunlei, Qin Xiaoxian and other rookies in the cross talk industry, their names were as dazzling as bright stars. However, with the sharp surge in popularity, they gradually set foot in the film and television music industry, and some people are even like Qin Xiaoxian, showing a new image of "driving Maserati to and from work" and "rich second generation".

On stage, they are heroic and fearless heroes; However, in life, they indulge in a life of drunkenness and bohemianism. These cross talk actors of Deyun Club no longer seem to be satisfied with simple stage performances, they are eager to show their talents on a broader entertainment stage and win thousands of attention.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

Once, they wore robes and horse coats on important occasions, and their gestures revealed the noble temperament of cross talk artists. Today, however, such scenes are becoming increasingly rare. Instead, it is fashionable and casual dressing, as well as exaggerated characteristic performances in variety shows, whose sole purpose is to attract more young audiences.

The joking name "Deyun Men's Group" may be a vivid portrayal of this "entertainment" trend. In the eyes of avid fans, they are undoubtedly popular idols and are wildly sought after. However, in the eyes of colleagues in the cross talk industry, the pace of Deyun Club is gradually drifting away and has moved away from the track of traditional art.

If Deyun Club was founded at the beginning to give new vitality to the traditional art of cross talk, then now it seems that they have deviated from their original intention. Can they stick to the bottom line in the face of the temptation of commercial interests? Can Deyun Club find a balance between innovation and inheritance? This is undoubtedly a long and difficult road to self-innovation.

In fact, as early as around 2019, the behavior of Deyun Club members caused widespread controversy and questioning. That year, Zhang Jiunan, a disciple of Deyun Club, was exposed by his ex-wife about a shocking history of domestic violence.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

According to Zhang's ex-wife, during their six-year marriage, Zhang Jiunan inflicted domestic violence on her more than 20 times, so much so that she had to report the case to the police as many as 13 times.

Astound! Zhang Jiunan, the former cross talk actor of Deyun Club, openly despised his wife in marriage, and also maintained improper relationships with many women, and the exposure of this ugly behavior caused an uproar among everyone.

For such a heroic and mighty cross talk superstar who dares to challenge authority on the stage, who would have thought that there would be such an unbearable truth hidden behind him? It's really laughable!

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg of the Deyun Club scandal, and the next development is even more surprising. Qin Xiaoxian was included in the list of "old lai", and the image of the rich second generation who was once popular all over the country as "driving Maserati to work" collapsed instantly; Yue Yunpeng, the "first brother" who is loved by the audience, entered Beijing from Tianjin during the epidemic, but failed to comply with the 7-day home quarantine obligation stipulated at that time, blatantly violating the epidemic prevention regulations, which caused strong dissatisfaction and severe condemnation from all walks of life.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

What's even more funny is that the behavior of some Deyun Club members can be described as extremely bad. For example, Chen Xiaohua, Wang Jiulong and others drank and defecated in public places, which caused a serious blow to the reputation of Deyun Club; As the founder of Deyun Society, Mr. Guo Degang rarely expressed his opinions in the face of the bad behavior of these disciples, as if he acquiesced in their misdeeds.

Faced with the questioning of the members' unethical behavior, Deyun Club seems to have fallen into a predicament, whether it is in stage performance or daily life, it cannot meet the audience's expectations.

The huge contrast between the heroic and mighty heroes in the play, but the extremely vicious hooliganism outside the play, is really ridiculous.

The misconduct of the members of Deyun Club and the misconduct of Deyun Club artists have made the outside world criticize and question this former "top of cross talk". Some people directly pointed out that the root of all these problems lies in the excessive permissiveness and protection of the apprentices by Mr. Guo Degang, the founder of Deyun Club.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

Although his disciples have repeatedly made mistakes and even done things that hurt nature and reason, he still blindly defends them, even turning a blind eye to those who have become "scourges", and it is no wonder that it will lead to more and more chaos.

Some people also questioned it, saying that Deyun Club had already been deeply integrated into the torrent of the entertainment industry unconsciously, and the true spirit of cross talk art seemed to have been completely forgotten.

Today's Deyun Club has fully realized commercial operation, and the actors are busy running around the performance venues like horses, keen to create all kinds of gimmicks to win the laughter of the audience, indulging in the short-term glory and vanity brought by variety shows and film and television dramas, which has completely deviated from the original intention of art.

However, more strident critics even directly pointed out the core problem that Deyun Club is currently facing - that is, the internal members seriously lack basic ethics, and the whole team is permeated with a strong atmosphere of "idol" and "entertainment industry", and there is no trace of the demeanor that artists should have.

Although I don't want to admit it, Deyun Club's "backlash" has finally arrived

In response to this phenomenon, another point of view is that the birth of Deyun Club was originally intended to innovate the traditional art of cross talk, so that this art form that has gone through vicissitudes can conform to the development trend of the times and be reborn.

However, today's Deyun Club has gone too extreme on the road of innovation, completely ignoring the basic respect for art, and instead falling into the quagmire of superficial and vulgar entertainment.