
The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming, two good news, two news, early understanding and early planning!

author:Zero seven eight

Today is May 10th, and there are 31 days left before the Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming, two good news, two news, early understanding and early planning!

The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival full of cultural connotations, is coming, accompanied by the aroma of zongzi and the laughter of dragon boat racing. However, in addition to the festive cheer, there is some news that deserves our attention.

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming, two good news, two news, early understanding and early planning!

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is one of the traditional festivals in China. This festival not only carries rich historical and cultural connotations, but also is a time for families to reunite and share joy. As the Dragon Boat Festival holiday approaches, various activities and news are also coming. Today, I would like to bring you two good news and two bad news, hoping to help you better plan your vacation.

Two pieces of good news

Good news 1: The Dragon Boat Festival is a three-day holiday

According to the national statutory holiday arrangement, this year's Dragon Boat Festival will usher in a three-day long holiday!

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming, two good news, two news, early understanding and early planning!

From June 8 to 10, you can enjoy family time together, or choose to go out and soak up the festive spirit. The three-day holiday gives us enough time to taste the charm of traditional culture and pursue the long-lost relaxation and comfort.

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is relatively short, the size of the flow of people may be small, and the traffic pressure during the Dragon Boat Festival may be relatively small

Good news 2: There is no need to take a holiday during the Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming, two good news, two news, early understanding and early planning!

According to the national statutory holiday arrangement, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday in 2024 will be on June 10, and it will be closed on weekends (June 8 and 9) for a total of 3 days. This means that you don't need to make up for your workday with compensatory time off, and you can enjoy a full vacation.

Some netizens said: It was the Dragon Boat Festival, and I was born on Monday, so I don't need to take a holiday

Let's take a look at two more pieces of bad news

Bad news 1: Highway "no discount"

I'm sorry to tell you that during the Dragon Boat Festival, it is high

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming, two good news, two news, early understanding and early planning!

Speed highways don't open the net to us - tolls still have to be collected.

Although the "Implementation Plan for Exemption of Tolls for Small Passenger Cars on Major Holidays" covers a number of festivals, the Dragon Boat Festival is not among them.

For those who are planning to travel by car or return home, this means that the cost of your trip will increase slightly. But don't worry, as long as you plan your itinerary in advance and choose the right route, maybe the highway fee is just a small matter!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Remember to budget for possible tolls while enjoying your vacation!

Bad news 2: During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, it was actually "rubbed" for a day

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is coming, two good news, two news, early understanding and early planning!

I originally thought that the Dragon Boat Festival would have a three-day "long holiday", but I didn't expect it to be a real rest on June 10. The 8th and 9th were supposed to be weekends, and everyone was used to it. Therefore, this Dragon Boat Festival holiday actually only gave us one more day to relax.

However, despite the short time, don't let this little mourning affect your enthusiasm for the Dragon Boat Festival. Make the most of this day to reunite with your family, enjoy delicious rice dumplings, and feel the festive atmosphere!