
Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

author:Lily of the valley tells a story


In the traditional Chinese concept, the family is a very important concept, and the relationship between the elders and the younger generations in the family is highly valued. In such family values, the grand-grandchild relationship has always been very close, and in the grand-grandchild relationship, the grandchild and grandson play a very important role. However, although grandchildren and grandchildren are descendants of their grandparents, their status and connection are different. So, in such a family relationship, is it the grandson who is more important, or the grandson who is more special? Next, let's take a closer look at the differences between grandchildren and grandchildren in family relationships.

1. The status and connection of grandchildren and grandchildren are different

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

In the traditional Chinese concept, grandchildren and grandchildren are very important family members, they represent the continuity and hope of the family, and in the family, the elders also love them very much. However, both in terms of status and connection with grandparents, grandchildren and grandchildren are very different.

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

First of all, in terms of status, grandchildren are direct descendants, and the blood connection between them and their grandparents is very direct, so in the family, grandchildren tend to receive more attention and attention, and the elders will also be more inclined to care and take care of them.

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Grandchildren, on the other hand, are great-grandchildren, and the blood relationship between them and their grandparents is indirect, so in the family, grandchildren may be relatively far away, and the elders will not care about and care about the life and growth of grandchildren as much as they do with grandchildren.

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Secondly, in terms of the connection with the grandparents, due to the different direct blood relations, the connection between grandchildren and grandparents is closer than that of grandchildren, and the elders are more willing to listen to the ideas of grandchildren and give them more guidance and help.

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

The connection between grandchildren and grandparents is relatively distant, and the influence of their upbringing and acceptance may be more, not only from the family, but also from various external factors, so the grandchildren may be more independent and have their own ideas.

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people
Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Second, grandchildren may be more likely to be overlooked and ignored

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

In the family, especially after having children, many families will attach great importance to grandchildren and grandchildren, and their life and growth will also become a topic of great concern for the family. However, due to the different status and connections between grandchildren and grandchildren, it is very likely that grandchildren will be more likely to be overlooked and ignored than grandchildren in real life.

First of all, since the blood relationship of grandchildren is indirect, their status in the family may be relatively low, and the elders will not care about and care about their grandchildren as much as they do for grandchildren, so in some major family gatherings or activities, grandchildren are likely to be excluded or even forgotten.

Secondly, in some education and care in the family, the elders will also be more inclined to grandchildren, they may feel that the relationship between grandchildren and grandparents is not so deep, so grandchildren may not need so much care and care, so grandchildren are more likely to be neglected.

And once the grandson feels neglected and neglected in the family for a long time, his mental health may be affected to a certain extent, and even his family relationship will have doubts and contradictions, which is very detrimental to their growth.

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

3. Grandchildren are more likely to be influenced by different cultures and values

While grandchildren may be more likely to be overlooked and overlooked, at the same time, they may be more likely to be influenced by different cultures and values, which may be a great inspiration and help for their growth and outlook on life.

First of all, because grandchildren are relatively distant from their grandparents, they are not only exposed to the traditional culture and ideas of the family in their daily lives, but may also be influenced by more external factors, such as various information from school, society and friends.

Under the influence of such diversity, grandchildren may have a broader vision and a more open mind, they will be more willing to accept and try different things, and they will be more daring to pursue their dreams, which is very important in the development of today's society.

Secondly, in the process of family education and growth, grandchildren may also become "little advisors" to the family, and their suggestions and ideas may bring some new inspiration to the family, and will also allow the family to have a deeper understanding of the thoughts and needs of young people today.

So, while grandchildren may be marginalized in the family, their independence and open-mindedness are invaluable, and they are the qualities that a new generation needs in today's society.

Are grandchildren really different from grandchildren? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Conclusion: In the traditional concept of family, both grandchildren and grandchildren play a very special and important role, and their appearance brings endless joy and hope to the family. And in today's fast-paced society, we should also pay more attention to the equality and care of grandchildren and grandchildren, and should not have prejudices and preferences for them because of their different status and connections.

Whether it is a grandson or a grandson, they are all unique and have their own shining excellent characteristics, we should give them enough space and understanding, so that they can thrive in a healthy and happy family atmosphere, and I believe that in the near future, whether it is a grandson or a grandson, they will become the pride and support of the family and make due contributions to the development of society.