
Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

author:Whatever you want

In the political arena, there are always some statements that can be like the thunder of a summer afternoon, which makes people startled and then laughed.

This time, former US President Donald Trump once again made waves on the surface of international relations with his characteristic "blunt" style.

This time, his target is not Twitter, nor the White House press room, but the drug lords of neighboring Mexico, and his plan sounds like a script straight out of an action movie - send an "assassination squad" to cross the border and smash the Yellow Dragon!

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

Just as the U.S. election was in full swing, Trump threw a "shock bomb" at a private gathering with Republican supporters.

This is no ordinary campaign promise, but an anti-narcotics plan that sounds more like the plot of a Hollywood blockbuster: he argues that if re-elected, the United States will send an assassination squad into Mexico to "decapitate" drug lords who are at large, in defiance of international law.

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

The remarks were revealed during a series of recent private talks, and the news immediately caused an uproar around the world, especially when Rolling Stone magazine further revealed that Trump had more radical ideas in the past, such as bombing drug lords' laboratories with missiles and cleverly "throwing the blame" off afterwards.

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" imagination not only blew up the Mexican media, but also directly angered Mexican President López.

López responded bluntly at a press conference, accusing it of being a quintessential American conservative propaganda ploy.

He also did not forget to mock Trump: "Do you know why Mexico doesn't have as many people as people in the United States who use drugs?" Because we adhere to traditional ideas, there are not so many broken families.

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

In the online world, Trump's remarks have become a "source of joy" for netizens.

On social media, all kinds of jokes and complaints have sprung up.

The "open-mouthedness" of the "comrades of the founding of the country" has once again become the focus.

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

Someone imitated the Mexican rhetoric and said, "We don't produce drugs, we're just nature's porters." ”

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

Some netizens bluntly said: "This guy is a capitalized 'playing cards that don't follow common sense', what can't the United States do, bottom line?" Inexistent. ”

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

In the midst of ridicule, there was no shortage of serious discussions.

Many people have begun to reflect on the fact that although Trump's remarks are outrageous, the US drug crisis, the tension between the United States and Mexico, and the border issue between international law and national sovereignty are all real challenges that cannot be ignored.

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

It has been pointed out that while Trump's proposal may seem extreme, it also forces people to think about what is the solution of international cooperation and innovation in the face of transnational crime.

Threatening to send an assassination squad to Mexico, Trump's "American-style anti-narcotics" remarks drew the anger of President Mexico

In this "big drama" that has attracted global attention, everyone is an audience and a participant.

Behind the laughter and controversy, there may be a more profound proposition: how to find a balance between respecting sovereignty and effectively solving problems in complex and ever-changing international relations, so that peace and cooperation can become the main theme, rather than the stage of impulse and confrontation.

After all, real life is not a movie, and solving problems requires more wisdom and communication, rather than a simple "one-hit kill".

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