
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

author:Tomato L


The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

In 2024, a series of horrific serial murders will occur in a remote town shrouded in wind and snow. These cases not only shatter the tranquility of the town, but also reveal a tragic story hidden behind the ordinary. Nanya, a genius girl, finally embarks on a path of revenge due to long-term domestic violence and abuse, and her actions shock everyone.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Event 1: The mystery of Nanya's father's death

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

On a snowy night, Nanya's father is found dead in the snow. He stiffened, his expression distorted, and it was evident that he had gone through an extreme struggle. After the police investigation, it was found that the cause of his death was not simple. According to neighbors' recollections, they heard a heated argument that night, followed by silence. Nanya, on the other hand, behaved unusually calmly about the matter, as if her father's death had nothing to do with her. However, as the investigation deepened, the police gradually uncovered some unusual clues.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Nanya's father was an alcoholic and often used violence against his family. His death seems to be retribution for this violence. But what is puzzling is, why is Nanya so calm? Does she know something? The police began to suspect that Nanya had something to do with her father's death. Upon further investigation, they discovered some of Nanya's unusual behavior prior to her father's death. These actions may seem inconsequential, but they combine to make for a perfect murder plan. Nanya's father eventually fell victim to this plan.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Event 2: The death of stepmother and stepbrother one after another

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Soon after Nanya's father's death, her stepmother Hu Xiu and stepbrother Hu Lifeng also passed away. These two incidents sent an even greater shock to the town. The cause of Hu Xiu's death was preliminarily determined to be a heart attack, while Hu Lifeng died in an accident. However, behind these two seemingly unrelated incidents, there are hidden secrets.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

The deaths of Hu Xiu and Hu Lifeng are undoubtedly a relief for Nanya. She has been abused by her stepmother and bullied by her stepbrother for a long time, and her heart is full of resentment and anger. In her opinion, the deaths of these two men were the best response to the suffering she had suffered. However, instead of feeling happy or satisfied, she fell deeper into loneliness and confusion. She began to think about her life and her future, realizing that she could not always be bound by the shadows of the past. She decides to let go of her hatred and resentment and start her life anew.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Event 3: Xu Yi's accidental car accident and fog

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

When the hustle and bustle of the town gradually subsided, Nanya's husband Xu Yi unexpectedly suffered a car accident. His death was preliminarily judged by the police to be an ordinary traffic accident, but Nanya's reaction aroused suspicion. Instead of being grief-stricken like the other wives, she seemed unusually calm, even indifferent.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

After an in-depth investigation, the police found that Xu Yi's car accident was not so simple. His car had no obvious brake marks at the time of the accident, and surveillance footage from the road where the accident occurred also showed that Xu Yi was driving at an unusually fast speed. These clues made the police suspect that Xu Yi's car accident may not have been an accident. And Nanya's reaction to this made the police feel that something was wrong. Not only did she not express any grief over her husband's death, but she left the town shortly after the incident and disappeared without a trace. All this made the police realize that Xu Yi's death may be related to Nanya.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Event 4: Chen Ling's tragedy and the town's reflection

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Shortly after Xu Yi's death, Chen Ling, who had an affair with him, also suffered misfortune. She was accused of being one of the murderers of Xu Yi and was spurned and blamed by the townspeople. Under tremendous pressure, Chen Ling chose the extreme way out of suicide.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Chen Ling's death has aroused widespread concern and reflection among the town's residents. They began to realize that their accusations and spurning might have become the last straw that crushed Chen Ling. They begin to reflect on whether their actions are too extreme and arbitrary. At the same time, they also began to re-examine the deaths of Nanya and Xu Yi, realizing that there may be more truth hidden behind these events.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

Editor's spicy comment

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

This serial murder case not only exposes the seriousness of domestic violence and abuse, but also shows us the complexity and tragedy of human nature. Nanya's transformation from victim to perpetrator makes us deeply regret. The tragedy of Xu Yi and Chen Ling makes us reflect on our own attitudes and behaviors in the face of similar incidents. This case reminds us to pay attention to the mental health of those around us, and to detect and stop domestic violence and abuse in a timely manner. At the same time, we must also learn to look at problems rationally and avoid irreparable damage to others due to impulsiveness and prejudice.

The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love
The original work of "Faint Fire": Nanya is too crazy! killed 5 people in a row, seduced the top student in the college entrance examination, and surrendered for love

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