
1-4! Wang Yidi was defeated by 15-year-old Zhang Benmeihe! Her father, Zhang Benyu, was excited on the sidelines

author:Kashi durian
1-4! Wang Yidi was defeated by 15-year-old Zhang Benmeihe! Her father, Zhang Benyu, was excited on the sidelines

Shocked the table tennis world! Chinese star Wang Yidi was swept by a 15-year-old girl

Table tennis has always been regarded as China's "national sport", and in this legendary arena, Chinese players have repeatedly achieved glory and are invincible on the world stage. Just last week, a rising star suddenly rose to break the curse of age and swept China's top seed. This new star is a 15-year-old girl from Japan, Miwa Zhangmoto, who has shown the world the strength of the new generation of Japanese table tennis with her outstanding performance.

1-4! Wang Yidi was defeated by 15-year-old Zhang Benmeihe! Her father, Zhang Benyu, was excited on the sidelines

The race passed

At the beginning, Wang Yidi fell behind, and Zhang Benmei took the lead

At the beginning of the game, Zhang Benmeihe showed amazing strength. Her serve was sharp and powerful, and her spin was varied, which made Wang Yidi fall into passivity as soon as she started. Zhang Benmeihe took advantage of his young physical strength and was comfortable on the court, quickly pulling the score to 11-10 and taking the lead. Although Wang Yidi is experienced, he has been defeated under Zhang Benmeihe's offensive.

Wang Yidi fought back tenaciously and equalized

1-4! Wang Yidi was defeated by 15-year-old Zhang Benmeihe! Her father, Zhang Benyu, was excited on the sidelines

After falling behind by one game, Wang Yidi finally played the spirit of twelve points. She played steadily, gradually regained her form, and won 11-6 in the game. At this time, the atmosphere on the scene was suddenly tense, the two players came and went, and the battle situation on the field changed rapidly.

Zhang Benyu is not chaotic in the face of danger and has good guidance

At the critical moment when Zhang Benmei was leading 9-8, her father Zhang Benyu called a timeout. As a former Chinese table tennis player, Zhang Benyu knows table tennis tactics well. He calmly instructed his daughter to adjust her condition and stay focused. Sure enough, after returning from the pause, Zhang Benmeihe scored two points in a row and won the round 11-9, with a big score overtake.

1-4! Wang Yidi was defeated by 15-year-old Zhang Benmeihe! Her father, Zhang Benyu, was excited on the sidelines

The tiebreaker was thrilling, with Zhang Benmei and the Jedi fighting back

The two sides fought to the decisive game, and the atmosphere on the field reached a white heat. The two fell into a stalemate, and the score was tied at 14 at one point. At this critical moment, Zhang played a beautiful backhand to rewrite the score to 15-14. Next, she withstood the pressure and finally won the last point 16-14 in the final game, and swept Wang Yidi 4-1 to win the victory.

After the game

Wang Yidi lost to Japan in a row, and the Olympic qualification was affected

1-4! Wang Yidi was defeated by 15-year-old Zhang Benmeihe! Her father, Zhang Benyu, was excited on the sidelines

For Wang Yidi, this defeat is undoubtedly a heavy blow. This is the second time she has lost to a Japanese player, and what is even more sad is that she has lost to Japan's four main players in a row. According to the Olympic selection rules, Wang Yidi will be deducted 3,000 valuable points, and her Olympic dream will also be overshadowed.

Zhang Benyu is inspiring and leading the new generation of Japanese table tennis

After the game, Zhang Benyu excitedly applauded on the sidelines to celebrate. As the father and coach of Miwa Zhangmoto, he is extremely proud of his daughter's outstanding performance. Not only that, Zhang Benyu is the leader of the new generation of Japanese table tennis, and his guiding ideas and coaching philosophy will inject new vitality into Japanese table tennis.

1-4! Wang Yidi was defeated by 15-year-old Zhang Benmeihe! Her father, Zhang Benyu, was excited on the sidelines

Zhang Benmeihe shines and hits the world safely

The victory was a huge milestone for 15-year-old Miwa Zhangmoto. With her outstanding performance, she showed the world the strength of the new generation of Japanese table tennis. As a world ranked player, Zhang Benmei and the future will undoubtedly become one of the most powerful players to impact the world. Her ability to defeat China's top seed at such a young age speaks volumes about how amazing her talent and potential can be.

This game can be called a thunderbolt in the table tennis world, young versus experience, talent encounters stubborn diseases, and the prelude to the replacement of the old and the new has begun. Miwa Zhang used his outstanding performance to inject new hope into Japanese table tennis; And Wang Yidi's defeat will also prompt the Chinese team to re-examine itself and find a new way out. In any case, this match will become an important milestone in the history of table tennis, witnessing the moment of the change of the old and the new in table tennis.

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