
C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

author:YY Science and Technology Museum


The C919 large passenger aircraft manufactured by COMAC, as the first large passenger aircraft independently developed by China, has been attracting much attention. Recently, the aircraft encountered some difficulties in the process of applying for the European Airworthiness Certificate, and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) said that it could not complete the certification within the time required by COMAC due to a lack of knowledge of the C919.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

This incident has once again triggered people's thinking about the development path of China's aviation manufacturing industry. In fact, the issuance of airworthiness certificates is not purely a technical issue, but more involves complex factors such as international trade and geopolitics. China also has some leverage in the race for aerospace supremacy, such as the A220 certification for European airlines' sales prospects in China.

It can be said that the encounter of C919 applying for the European airworthiness certificate vividly shows that China's aviation industry is at a critical turning point. How to seek a more advantageous position in this international game, not only to break through technical problems, but also to be good at using diplomatic means, this is a major challenge for the future development of China's aviation manufacturing industry.

This article will deeply analyze the complex situation of China's aviation manufacturing industry participating in international competition from the perspectives of C919's application for European airworthiness certificate, China's bargaining chips and future coping strategies, and provide some valuable thoughts for related discussions.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

C919 Encounters with the application for a European Airworthiness Certificate

As we all know, the C919 large passenger aircraft is the first large passenger aircraft product developed by COMAC, marking a major breakthrough in China's aviation manufacturing industry to achieve independent research and development of large aircraft. After the successful first flight of the aircraft in 2017, an application for an airworthiness certificate was submitted to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

However, according to the latest news, the C919 encountered a number of difficulties in the process of applying for the European Airworthiness Certificate. EASA executives said that because they did not know much about the new aircraft and required a step-by-step learning process, they would not be able to complete the certification work required by COMAC by 2026.

EASA did not give a specific timeline for this. This has undoubtedly brought uncertainty to the global promotion of C919 and also caused some concerns from the outside world. After all, if the C919 is not able to obtain a European airworthiness certificate in the short term, it will face considerable obstacles to its international market expansion.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

Why did the C919 encounter such difficulties? At the end of the day, this is not a purely technical issue, but involves some more complex factors.

First of all, as a new entrant, COMAC still lacks sufficient voice and recognition in the global aviation manufacturing landscape. EASA's statement that it needs to "get familiar with it slowly" is largely due to concerns about the lack of sufficient understanding of the new model.

After all, in the highly regulated and rigorous field of the aviation industry, the certification of airworthiness of a new aircraft does not happen overnight. It is not only necessary to strictly review its technical indicators, but also to repeatedly verify the manufacturing process, material selection, flight performance and other links to ensure its safety and reliability. For an emerging company entering this market for the first time, there are undoubtedly major challenges.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

Secondly, as a highly international industry, the aviation manufacturing industry cannot be ignored by geopolitical factors. In the past, some countries have used airworthiness certification to exert political pressure in an attempt to curb the rise of competitors.

In this context, the C919 developed by COMAC is undoubtedly a "dark horse", and its success may have a certain impact on the existing aviation manufacturing pattern. EASA's cautious approach to the audit and certification process may also reflect some invisible geopolitical considerations.

Overall, the C919's application for the European airworthiness certificate has encountered obstacles, reflecting the weak position of China's aviation manufacturing industry in international competition. As an emerging player, Chinese companies need to overcome not only technical barriers but also complex political, diplomatic and other factors in order to gain international recognition. This is undoubtedly a difficult "international game".

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

A "trump card" in China's hands

Although the C919 has encountered difficulties in applying for a European airworthiness certificate, this does not mean that China has no leverage to take advantage of. In fact, China also has some "killer weapons" in its hands.

The most critical card is that Airbus's A220 aircraft have not yet obtained airworthiness certificates in China.

As we all know, the A220 is a new midsize airliner launched by Airbus after the acquisition of Bombardier in 2019, and it was immediately sought after by airlines around the world and has become Airbus's second largest sales model.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

Interestingly, the A220 has not been approved by the Civil Aviation Administration of China, although it has been certified as airworthiness in Europe and the United States. This means that this new model, which has attracted worldwide attention, cannot be sold in the Chinese market.

And this has just become a "trump card" in the hands of China.

Analysts point out that China may suspend certification of the A919 until it encounters difficulties in applying for a European airworthiness certificate. In other words, China can use this "bargaining chip" in its hands in exchange for some concessions from the European side on the issue of C919 certification.

This undoubtedly gives China a certain negotiating advantage. On the one hand, it can increase the "anxiety" of the European side, making them realize that if the C919 is not properly cared for, its own A220 aircraft will also have difficulty entering the Chinese market.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

On the other hand, it also opens up the possibility for China to conclude some kind of "deal" with Europe. For example, China can speed up the A220 certification in exchange for some concessions from EASA on the C919 airworthiness certificate. This kind of diplomatic method of "playing cards with cards" has undoubtedly won China a more favorable negotiating position.

It can be said that this is a kind of "trade-off" for China in this international game with the aviation manufacturing hegemon. It not only reflects China's important position in the aviation market, but also demonstrates China's diplomatic negotiating ability in this field.

For China, the issue of A220 certification is undoubtedly a very important "trump card". Making good use of this bargaining chip can not only create more favorable conditions for C919 to apply for the European airworthiness certificate, but also enhance China's negotiation power and voice in the global aviation manufacturing field.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

Future response strategy: take multiple measures to seek breakthroughs

To sum up, in this fierce international game around the hegemony of aviation manufacturing, China is not only facing challenges in terms of technology and cognition, but also has some diplomatic chips that can be played. So, how should China respond in the future in order to gain a more advantageous position in this competition?

First of all, we must further enhance the ability of independent innovation and solidly promote the research of key core technologies. Although the C919 encountered difficulties in applying for a European airworthiness certificate, this does not mean that the aircraft is technically fundamentally flawed. On the contrary, only through continuous innovation and improvement can C919 truly grow into an excellent product of international standard.

Therefore, China's aviation industry needs to further increase R&D investment, attract top global talents, and enhance its independent innovation strength in an all-round way. Only by continuously overcoming technical difficulties and accumulating more rich R&D experience can C919 and other new models in the future win the recognition of the international market. This is also the foundation for the long-term development of China's aviation manufacturing industry.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

At the same time, China also needs to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries, and take the initiative to deepen communication and mutual trust with international aviation regulators. On the one hand, it is important to fully understand the certification requirements and considerations of major regulators such as the European Aviation Agency, and proactively adapt to and meet their relevant standards. On the other hand, it is also necessary to take the initiative to invite regulatory authorities to participate in the process of testing and verification to enhance mutual understanding and trust.

Only through continuous dialogue and exchange can China's aviation manufacturing industry better integrate into the global industrial chain and win more voice on the international stage. This will not only help break through the certification problems of C919 and other projects, but also create favorable conditions for China to promote other new models in the future.

At the same time, China needs to be good at using its diplomatic leverage and adopt some more flexible tactics when necessary. For example, make full use of the "killer feature" of A220 certification, and exchange appropriate concessions for the cooperation of the European side on the issue of C919 airworthiness certificate.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

This kind of diplomatic means of "making cards by cards" can not only enhance China's initiative in negotiations, but also create a more favorable environment for the international development of China's aviation industry. Of course, this requires close cooperation between China's diplomatic departments and the aviation industry to give full play to the advantages of resources in all aspects.

In short, in this complex international game involving the hegemony of aviation manufacturing, China needs to take multiple measures and make all-round efforts. On the one hand, it is necessary to continuously enhance the ability of independent innovation and overcome technical difficulties; On the other hand, it is necessary to actively carry out exchanges and cooperation with international regulatory agencies to enhance mutual understanding. At the same time, it is also necessary to be good at using diplomatic means to create a more favorable environment for the development of the local aviation industry.

Only through such comprehensive measures can China's aviation manufacturing industry occupy a more favorable position in the future international competition and inject lasting impetus into high-quality development. This is not only about the rise and fall of China's aviation industry, but also about China's status and influence in the global industrial chain.

C919's application for a European airworthiness certificate was blocked, but China is holding a card from Europe in its hand!

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